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12oz Original
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diggity last won the day on May 27 2018

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710 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. I'm over in Knoxville, you ever fuck with a BBQ place over that way called Haywood Smokehouse?
  2. shits wild. My parents havent had power since thursday. power company says they doubt it will be back on before this thursday. They have acouple of generators but the line to buy gas is 2+ hours long. They are in south east georgia. Up in Asheville, NC it seems really bad there too. at my house ive got some limbs down but nothing else worth noting.
  3. diggity

    Sean Combs

    Imagine banging a dude for money and then spending it on that shirt.
  4. Was swamped all day. Just sat down to watch tv and realized I never got myself on. Order place. This has gotta be my favorite so far. Went with the grey.
  5. this is a fantastic show. hope they dont fuck up season 2.
  6. @misteravenim mostly in channel zero meme threads. sometimes ill tip toe over to politics and what are people reading threads
  7. @abrasivesaintI'm thinking its probably a territory thing as to why I dont see them around. That said, I dont see any Hells Angels or any other major OMG.
  8. ran into a pagan over the weekend at a Starbucks. Wasn’t what I expected at all. Old dude. Probably 60s. Gear was pretty clean and his bike was more modern than expected. at first I thought he was a weekend warrior until I saw the patches. I’ve always kept my eyes on the jackets/back patches of bikers but I think that’s the only pagan I’ve ever come across.
  9. no need. by that time someone will have developed an AI to make the piece and use one of those mural printers. Is pickle ball in the olympics? it seems a natural fit.
  10. "...you don't know rachael's story" I guess I do now but the olympics are about results at the highest level and It seems like she just embarassed the whole "sport" I dont really know how this can be in the olympics anymore than Skateboarding but it feels way more awkward to watch and not really the place to whip out some "avant garde" interpretation of things. I dont know shit about Breaking outside of it being in graff videos here and there but i'd be surprised if they bring it back. they should start every event with random people from the countries competing, doing the events. Pull demographics from each country and take people of the average height/weight of the region. I'd do 400 Meter hurdles in 5.55 minutes and knock over 11 of the 10 hurdles.
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