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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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10 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Sorry but that's just not true.


If you tell your population that things aren't going to be too bad, but then they are, literally a couple of weeks later, you've just undermined every other message you try and send. You can't over-promise and under-deliver, that's a losing strategy. You have to be truthful (you don't have to be 100% open, though), you have to offer a plan, you have to be positive and you have to inspire with leadership and sense of purpose.


The problem with this administration is the same as the CCP has in China - they completely botched the initial response to the outbreak and now it's out of control and they are continuing to botch it with bullshit.

Except it is true. We have been lied to the for 100 years, over and over and over. The Government has been doing that to calm the masses forever.  The Government literally  over-promises and under-delivers on everything. Not sure you live in America, that or you're completely oblivious to how the USG works. Might just be trolling me tho.


I don't think you can even compare our response to China's, by this time in China they were already using military to quarantine, they were already locking people in houses, arresting people, and using trucks and people to spray disinfection all over the cities. I think you might want to dwell into some more research 🤷


This is America, if we enact Martial Law or complete lock down what do you think is going to happen? Lol, Like I said think big picture. We can't control this outbreak nor the people. And if the Government tries we will have a far more worrisome mess to worry about.



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Well, here ends week one of COVID 19 unemployment for me, my income is cut by more than 2/3. 


Cancelled travel plans to Detroit, Philadelphia, Detroit again and may end up cancelling or rescheduling a trip to Ottawa for a  funereal.  May end up cancelling flying family out here from the west coast, already cancelled trips from the Canadians. Got hundreds of dollars back from the venues etc that cancelled and the deposits back from travel accommodations, that will help offset the immediate financial hit a little.


My keeping a schedule has been a big help so far this is what I got; up no earlier than 5 and no later than 6, showered, shaved and dressed by 8. Beyond that I try to walk five to ten miles before dinner, tackle some tasks beyond typical like sharpening knives or doing some deep cleaning and have all my chores and stuff done before dinner also. 


For walks my latest kick is to look up architectural or historical self guided tours and use those as a starting point.


I am going to try to add some study time instead of just reading, a perennial struggle for me.


For the light reading I have burned through about half of the Raymond Chandler novels, re-reads on em but I always get a kick out his writing.


I have thought about breaking into some PC gaming but have had issues with time management on that shit in the past.


I am guaranteening myself from mixing it up with you guys on politics.









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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:



@Fist 666- the better way I think it should be shown is number of infections vs. population density.  The diameter of the dot should be proportional to a percentage of total infected population vs. total population.  You pick a min dot size and a max dot size and you leave the max dot size to represent the largest in the list and the min to represent the smallest.  As the graph gets "blurred" with too many max dot sizes, you reduce all dot size so there is no overlap. 

What (I think) they've done with that graph, aside from it's poor color scheme, is made a "large dot" = 100 infections.  So that means that Denver and Rhode Island may have a the same amount of infections, but it looks like all of Rhode Island is zombies already.  If they represented the data across the USA using the method I outlined above then it would show (very likely) a small dot on Rhode island... or a few small dots.



So I can't find the source, but I'm willing to bet your description is exactly what has been done. My guess is it's a screen shot from an interactive map that could be zoomed in on.


The problem with that approach is that if you scale your points logarithmically, at this scale your 0-9 points are too small to see, but aren't negligible information. Hence the blur, the other option is to increase the size of the map which becomes unusable in a different way. That is why I assume it was interactive with zooming options. 


Here is a cleaner representation of seemingly the same information with less focus on exact location. 



( source https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52056586)


I'm not arguing anything other than the fact that there are trade offs on how you lay out data graphically. Humans love infographs; they make complicated things seem simple--hence shitty media using them too further stoke flames of panic...



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Christ almighty. 

it doesn’t matter if the points were infection or death, the graph shows that it’s widespread, not clustered and is in cities and rural regions. 

@misteraven I note you ignored my earlier post about faith in expertise and over-estimating your own capability. I also yearn for the discussion where you don’t claim MSM on everything that’s bad in the world. 

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7 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

it doesn’t matter if the points were infection or death, the graph shows that it’s widespread, not clustered and is in cities and rural regions. 

Of course it does. According to that graphic we're all neck deep in plague. That my freakin point.


And yes, MSM is the actual vehicle when we refer to bandwagon.


Wasn't ignoring your post, just didnt see it. Sort of ignoring it now though cause I dont have time at the moment to pick through a bunch of pages.

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44 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Christ almighty. 

it doesn’t matter if the points were infection or death, the graph shows that it’s widespread, not clustered and is in cities and rural regions. 

@misteraven I note you ignored my earlier post about faith in expertise and over-estimating your own capability. I also yearn for the discussion where you don’t claim MSM on everything that’s bad in the world. 

@misteravenalready basically said what I was going to reply with.  The way the data is shown definitely lends itself to an "oh shit we're fucked" or an "oh we're going to work this out and be ok soon" sort of sentiment.  We already know it's widespread, but what people aren't good at doing is understanding how data should be shown.  The downfall in the John Hopkins map is that it doesn't take into account the fact that once a dot is large enough it becomes an overlapping dot with another one.  They should be detecting overlap and scaling the entire herd of dot sizes down to keep any overlap from happening while keeping the data accurately proportional.  I 100% believe this is possible without losing the ability to show that some places are heavily effected.


I was just pointing out that it looks like NY and Florida have to be cast into the sea now..... and I don't think that's the case.

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