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Great Moments in 12oz History

El Jefe Uno

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9 minutes ago, misteraven said:

What is this?

I did a search on the thread and no luck, but basically @+war+ started this thread where people who were up late at night would visit, and go about everyone's night.  Not only that, we were doing projects (whether it was Drawball, TinyChat, Trolling, Music, Art, Food) and bonding with each other.  The list you see up there were the active members that were loyal to the thread almost every day of the week. As far as the "art" part, I think we came up with it, throwing ideas and such.

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I can dig through some more archives, but in the early days we didn't host photos cause it was so freakin expensive and the extra bandwidth killed us. Might have more, but again, I definitely have about 30% more than whats visnibl eon this forum. You can dig through the old archived forum at http://forum-old.12ozprophet.com/ and see what you can find.


Hoping after all these years on of you fuckin guys is a computer genius and can help reassemble the missing data from the archive files.

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3 hours ago, SMdoubleXL said:

When crocodile tears’ girl signed on. 

Wasn’t there some type of connection with the whole “Harlem Shake” deal and DAO?  I could be completely making shit up tho. 


But seriously. Best moments were meeting every single oontzer that I have ever met.  

Croc Tears’ girl was just very annoying and played herself off the forum.


DAO claimed he broke a 40 bottle over Philly rapper Jayson Musson’s head during a fight and Musson did the Harlem Shake dance at DAO. Musson’s verse about the fight was sampled illegally for the Harlem Shake version that was internet famous at the time.




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