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How do you wake up in the morning


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Get woken up by my son or the alarm depends which is first (obviously).


If I am workign then I generally have about 10 minutes to get out the house so quick wash Coffee and cigarette, If I haev weed then I will roll one for the walk to work, or if I have a few minutes smoke it at home with my coffee.


If it is the weekend, wake up early with my son, watch cartoons and lie on the sofa chilling, make coffee, either cigarette or a smoke in the back garden (don't smoke around my son).


I hate mornings generally but as I get older I realise that afternoons and evenings are pretty much just as shit as mornings.

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the time depends on what time i need to get in to work, sometimes 7.30 sometimes midday.

generally, it will have been a late night at work previously - 3 cheers for places of work open from 9am till midnight! - so ill be groggy and in a mood cursing my boss and customers...


then its cigarette (and sometimes when its really cold, i wont evem get out of bed for it), make cup of tea, shit, shower, drink tea (drinkable temperature by now) get dressed, brush teath and out the door trying to remember where i parked.


on days off ill generally wake up at half 7 by my internal body clock which is maddeningly annoying. then ill either go back to bed or be awake and extremely pissed off. then its the same routine.

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I usually work at two. More times than not I wake up an hour

or two before I have to get to work. Hop in shower, turn on

flat Iron, put on moisturizer, pick out clothes, perfume or

body oil, head back to bathroom and put on sunscreen/primer

face stuffs, do eye makeup, straighten hair, brush teeth, put

on foundation then blush, decide I don’t like what I am wearing

and change, go back to mirror and do the same thing over again

until I either run out of time or decide it’s not worth compromising

my morning cigarette. Get coffee. Smoke cigarette while listening to Ipod.

Sometimes (or rarely) I have enough time to sit on the couch and watch

Numbers/Judge Karen/Las Vegas. I don’t really like either of those shows

but do enjoy sitting. If there isn’t any time after Ipod-cigarette affair I drive

straight to work smoking another cigarette.


If I work earlier/wake up late usually everything is

rushed and I do the above routine half assed or not at all.

Smoke my cigarette in the car. Get to work and get a shift

exchange then make breakfast/ cup of coffee and head

to the back of the site for private ciggy time.

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i work graveyard so i barely sleep, ever. I live off coffee. Mostly shitty 711 coffee but it does its job. So days i work, i wake up, run into shower. Rush that. 10 min for make up, 15 min for hair, 10 min to get dressed take dog out then leave. The weekends sometimes it can take me up to 4 hours to be fully ready to walk outside. Im just lazy and have ADHD so getting ready to start my day can be a task if other things are in my eyesight of interest

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wake up before alarm goes off.

then it goes off.

i take dog outside.

get my uniform ready for work.

let dog in feed him

then i jump in the shower.

hop on 12oz and facebook like they are my news paper.

then put dog in room and head to my 1 and half drive to work down town.


all this goes on in about 1hour and a half

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I usually work at two. More times than not I wake up an hour

or two before I have to get to work. Hop in shower, turn on

flat Iron, put on moisturizer, pick out clothes, perfume or

body oil, head back to bathroom and put on sunscreen/primer

face stuffs, do eye makeup, straighten hair, brush teeth, put

on foundation then blush, decide I don’t like what I am wearing

and change, go back to mirror and do the same thing over again

until I either run out of time or decide it’s not worth compromising

my morning cigarette. Get coffee. Smoke cigarette while listening to Ipod.

Sometimes (or rarely) I have enough time to sit on the couch and watch

Numbers/Judge Karen/Las Vegas. I don’t really like either of those shows

but do enjoy sitting. If there isn’t any time after Ipod-cigarette affair I drive

straight to work smoking another cigarette.


If I work earlier/wake up late usually everything is

rushed and I do the above routine half assed or not at all.

Smoke my cigarette in the car. Get to work and get a shift

exchange then make breakfast/ cup of coffee and head

to the back of the site for private ciggy time.


i see u get urself very lubed up in the morning..lol nice. i hate girls who are lazy and dont care about how they look. im not sayin u have to put on make up and shit every day but dont rock jogging pant and p.j.s everyday

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^^^ i agree. I ONLY go outside looking my best, not that sweat pant aint sexy as fuck sometimes when u see it on a girl but why go outside when u aint really ready to show yaself to the world?? lol, im fuckin tired.


Thanks bfishd, im planning on quitting this lame casino life i live as soon as more "im qualified for" jobs open up in cali. Its hard as fuck to get any type of job out here so im stuck with this, hopfully for not another 2 years tho.

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