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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. RIght on. I only have the mail-in options here and the E6 kits looked crazy expensive until I found out you can re-use each bath until they quit working, just tack another 30s bath time on. So, prolly ordering one of those once I clear out some other projects.
  2. I always liked the impermanence of shit. I was never running around creating masterpieces but I didn't care when shit got buffed / painted over and it became a little game to see how visible shit could get and still stay up for a long time. If you're going to go through this kind of crazy channel to keep your shit up you might as well get in with a historical preservation society and get a plaque and make it a landmark before anybody gets a chance to paint over it.
  3. One thing I learned when I lived on the gulf coast years back was that the rest of the country was way more worried about gulf coast hurricanes than anybody who lived there.
  4. I'll try to start a room on their server later tonight and post a link here. I need to make sure the room won't go down when I log out though, my connection is pretty bad most of the time. This one is really easy. Just download & install and click a link to a server from the browser and it will open in that; they use drawpile:// links for their servers. I didn't have to do any other setup except picking a username, and those are just per-room I think. The program is pretty standard as far as drawing options go. Their public server's room listing is @ http://pub.drawpile.net/
  5. Now I wanna watch some Mike Tyson Mysteries. Edit: Notice how Mike Tyson instantly cut through the political memes? Tyson for president 2020
  6. You'll most likely not die in your sleep. The manner in which the shit fucks with your nervous system is one of the most excruciatingly painful things in existence according to everything I've ever read. If you need to use etch for whatever reason, go grab one of the Sodium / Ammonium Fluoride based ones instead. They're not as fast-acting, but we didn't even use etch to do actual glass etching in the shop I worked at. That's why sandblasters exist. Seriously. If you don't want to take my word for it, compare and contrast USC's guide for working with HF: https://ehs.usc.edu/files/SOP-Hydrofluoric-Acid.pdf Etc... washing it off will not help you, you need to smear yourself with more chemicals and get to a hospital, put a sign up saying you're working with HF specifically, and make sure somebody knows what you're handling so they can get your ass to the hospital when your nervous system shuts down. ...with their guide on working with shit that spontaneously explodes / catches fire: https://ehs.usc.edu/files/SOP-Reactive-Explosive.pdf They go on with heavy gloves suitable for chemical, use your judgement on whether a spill is too large to clean up yourself, etc. They don't repeatedly warn you about how much it will hurt if your hand is blown off by some messed up spontaneously explosive mixture, because they reserve that warning for HF. That's the end of my public service announcement for the day. ?
  7. GnomeToys

    Madden shooting

    This: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/09/madden-nfl-19-shooting-victim-sues-ea-claiming-negligence/ So, umm... REALLY? Does anyone here have any kind of clue exactly what kind of permit there is to have people eating pizza and playing videogames in a pizza place ? I mean the shit that happened was awful, but the company / bar weren't exactly holding an MMA tournament.
  8. Nah, that's how you oontz at work... "What are you looking at?" "Nothing, I'm running some figures..." *tap tap*
  9. I know, right? It's almost as if they're equally good at fucking shit up in similar but differently marketed ways for the most part...
  10. Seems vaguely right. I guess it didn't hit the area I lived in right away or everybody there was too laid back to care. I'm betting on the laid back part now that I'm remembering more about my high school, but that's also another discussion. ? ?
  11. ProTip: I was just doing a regular un-fucking of group policy settings (Cortana came back, but bitch is gone again) in windows 10 when I noticed some blurb under the Windows update for business settings about "Note: If the allow telemetry policy is set to '0' these settings will have no effect." So of course I remember to check that too and telemetry had flipped itself back on in regular settings at some point, so it got globally locked out in group policy as well (set to 0), but I wondered about that message. It turns out if you kill telemetry entirely like that, MS also stops force-downloading any sort of update whatsoever... I've been using Windows since 3.1 so I don't mind checking up on security updates -- aka shit I care about -- and skipping the new version with revolutionary technology that can measure the tensile strength of my cock if I lay it across the keyboard (at the expense of no longer being able to use any of the vowel keys). This is like an early christmas present for me. ? ? Next up, try to figure out what bastard Adobe software keeps leaving Node.js running and set up something to auto-kill that...
  12. GnomeToys


    Figures. I really wish they'd stop doing that. I'll just wait and see if I can find a cheap PS4. If I can cheap enough it might be worthwhile for this and Kingdom Hearts III. I used to play the hell out of original DOOM and still would if I could find somebody to play deathmatch games with so any graphics downgrade from high-end GPU -> console or current gen -> previous gen doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore. Pictured: Sora fighting alongside Johnny Depp's Mick Jagger impersonation:
  13. GnomeToys


    Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'm really hoping for a PC port after the PS4 release since it's gotten so much easier to do PC <-> PS <-> XBOX ports with this generation of consoles and there's more video hardware to abuse on the PC side. The Final Fantasy XV Windows version is amazing even if it's about 140GB of download for the game + the free higher res texture pack they released.
  14. I'm still trying to figure out when the hell standing during the anthem became compulsory in the first place. They didn't even make us do that in grade school, although most people did out of habit. I don't remember our high school even having anyone sing it, although you could go out for a flag-raising ceremony where they did in the morning if you felt like it. According to various news sites / info I can find this wasn't even a thing in the NFL until 2009 and an attempt at making it a law was struck down as unconstitutional multiple times. I'm in the boat of still being amazed anyone is making a big deal about this, so I can't answer your question. Instead, I'll leave this quote from Night Watch by the late Terry Pratchett here:
  15. Stock photography, since I can just pull random shit from normal photography. Not much money in it. Some years it's been enough to buy new camera gear and sometimes it was almost nothing, but I get to recycle well-composed but bland pictures into money somehow
  16. I think one of my friends bought one of these last year, he was asking me about setting up CAM shit for it. Not my area, but I've messed with it. I really don't see the point in legislating this at all. A lower isn't a very complicated part to reverse engineer, and any type of major organized crime anyone is worried about would have bought commonly available CNC machines a long time ago when they were out of the reach of an average person but cost nothing from the perspective of a crime syndicate. It's also a fundamental lack of knowledge about how gun crimes are solved if the shooter didn't just shoot themselves afterwards... if I understand things correctly, basic level shit is all done based on unique rifling grooves; upper receivers are already hot-swappable, so who cares. Next method is scratches / denting pattern on shell casing; again, we've got upper receiver and bolt carrier group. Then there's DNA & fingerprint pickup from spent casings & gun. Having a gun with a registered lower purchased by the actual shooter left on scene might be some kind of dream scenario for police who get to go home early that day, but usually in that case the shooter is there too. If the last registered transfer was a year ago the gun could have gone through five other owners since then. A serial number doesn't tell them anything. I thought I'd read about some initiative to start doing very slight additions of other metals to the lead based on sales area so they could track region of purchase for ammo more easily. California is trying to force micro-stamping on firing pins that imprints the serial number onto the casing but I don't think that's in effect yet either. This is more or less the same thing with guns that include the fun switch feature. Yeah, it's not very hard to buy one. Pass a quick background and pay the tax stamp. You have to have a good amount of money already though... I just checked and a pre-ban Colt M16A2 is $30,000. Post samples are only about $5k. No difference except year of manufacture. And now for something completely different, here's a guy wearing Nitrile gloves explaining exactly what you need to do with a DD AR lower to convert it to select fire while telling you at the same time that you shouldn't do it, but this is how. ? ?
  17. GnomeToys

    Madden shooting

    Most of my friends thought I was just "eccentric" before I had a psychotic break and went into 2.5 years of terrifying hallucinations (subjectively the first two weeks were upwards of several thousand years, but I'm going based on the societal norm of time here) so I'd take that part with a grain of salt. That said, I wouldn't blame mental illness on this. This guy doesn't sound psychotic from the described events. If he'd gone in and started yelling at all of the fucking neon pink rabbits to stop molesting his crisper drawer I'd buy that as a reason. There's a certain level of meditation on something like this that doesn't mesh as being compatible with the level of mental illness that would be required to not have control over it. Definitely on the graffiti. Hell, 90% of my hobbies are shit most people who don't know me would consider completely batshit insane at first glance but they're really just very strange / fringe hobbies. As far as the insanity / not guilty thing, it can't be used very often. From what I can find personality disorders aren't usually accepted as a defense, and almost certainly wouldn't apply in this case since most of the likely candidates for things this guy might have had fall under the excluded disorders: http://www.psi.uba.ar/academica/carrerasdegrado/psicologia/sitios_catedras/practicas_profesionales/820_clinica_tr_personalidad_psicosis/material/dsm.pdf Also, from wikipedia: That last part about the psych institute for at least 60 days with "at least yearly" evaluations is the reason I wouldn't do the insanity thing, aside from it hardly ever applying in the first place. It means a potentially lifetime stay in a mental facility, instead of a jail stay which they at least have some hope in being released from and where they may get better treatment. Personally I'd go the exact opposite route and confess to some random unsolved treasonous act / unsolved mass murder and attempt to get execution rather than either. A smooth OD on pentobarbital sounds very attractive compared to being force-fed drugs that slowly cause parkinson's disease over a period of many years. I wouldn't be in that situation to begin with though, so it's kind of moot. Keep in mind that the first listed criteria in the DSM-5 is: This line is effectively there because otherwise it's impossible to lay out guidelines for diagnosis from a scientific standpoint without making every religious person insane by definition otherwise.
  18. Yeah it's a very bizarre thing to think about. One of my weirdest experiences involved "dreaming" in large dosages ? and I wound up being able to see in the 6th dimension. Just picture an array of 4th dimensional time-space lines that all contain independent versions of the 3D universe we live in and the entire history of it, and a bunch of bored... "entities"... sitting around and messing with the parameters of them for fun. It was sort of like Schroedinger's cats playing with an infinite number of strings. They handed me one and told me I could mess with it, but every possible modification led to it turning into something worse than it already was so I stopped around the time I was trying to remake the world wars into something else. After a while that retreated back into being able to see 4th dimensional strands and play with them in normal 3D space which was a lot less confusing.
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