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GnomeToys last won the day on August 1 2018

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338 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods

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  1. RIght on. I only have the mail-in options here and the E6 kits looked crazy expensive until I found out you can re-use each bath until they quit working, just tack another 30s bath time on. So, prolly ordering one of those once I clear out some other projects.
  2. Now I wanna watch some Mike Tyson Mysteries. Edit: Notice how Mike Tyson instantly cut through the political memes? Tyson for president 2020
  3. You'll most likely not die in your sleep. The manner in which the shit fucks with your nervous system is one of the most excruciatingly painful things in existence according to everything I've ever read. If you need to use etch for whatever reason, go grab one of the Sodium / Ammonium Fluoride based ones instead. They're not as fast-acting, but we didn't even use etch to do actual glass etching in the shop I worked at. That's why sandblasters exist. Seriously. If you don't want to take my word for it, compare and contrast USC's guide for working with HF: https://ehs.usc.edu/files/SOP-Hydrofluoric-Acid.pdf Etc... washing it off will not help you, you need to smear yourself with more chemicals and get to a hospital, put a sign up saying you're working with HF specifically, and make sure somebody knows what you're handling so they can get your ass to the hospital when your nervous system shuts down. ...with their guide on working with shit that spontaneously explodes / catches fire: https://ehs.usc.edu/files/SOP-Reactive-Explosive.pdf They go on with heavy gloves suitable for chemical, use your judgement on whether a spill is too large to clean up yourself, etc. They don't repeatedly warn you about how much it will hurt if your hand is blown off by some messed up spontaneously explosive mixture, because they reserve that warning for HF. That's the end of my public service announcement for the day. ?
  4. I know, right? It's almost as if they're equally good at fucking shit up in similar but differently marketed ways for the most part...
  5. ProTip: I was just doing a regular un-fucking of group policy settings (Cortana came back, but bitch is gone again) in windows 10 when I noticed some blurb under the Windows update for business settings about "Note: If the allow telemetry policy is set to '0' these settings will have no effect." So of course I remember to check that too and telemetry had flipped itself back on in regular settings at some point, so it got globally locked out in group policy as well (set to 0), but I wondered about that message. It turns out if you kill telemetry entirely like that, MS also stops force-downloading any sort of update whatsoever... I've been using Windows since 3.1 so I don't mind checking up on security updates -- aka shit I care about -- and skipping the new version with revolutionary technology that can measure the tensile strength of my cock if I lay it across the keyboard (at the expense of no longer being able to use any of the vowel keys). This is like an early christmas present for me. ? ? Next up, try to figure out what bastard Adobe software keeps leaving Node.js running and set up something to auto-kill that...
  6. GnomeToys


    Figures. I really wish they'd stop doing that. I'll just wait and see if I can find a cheap PS4. If I can cheap enough it might be worthwhile for this and Kingdom Hearts III. I used to play the hell out of original DOOM and still would if I could find somebody to play deathmatch games with so any graphics downgrade from high-end GPU -> console or current gen -> previous gen doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore. Pictured: Sora fighting alongside Johnny Depp's Mick Jagger impersonation:
  7. GnomeToys


    Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'm really hoping for a PC port after the PS4 release since it's gotten so much easier to do PC <-> PS <-> XBOX ports with this generation of consoles and there's more video hardware to abuse on the PC side. The Final Fantasy XV Windows version is amazing even if it's about 140GB of download for the game + the free higher res texture pack they released.
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