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everyday life tips and tricks


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the police will find something illegal about your activity no matter what you are doing. talking on the phone outside could turn into a disturbing the peace citation. granted, it wont stick but they will still make you pay.


be afraid of police, when they taser you and the COPS cameraman is in your face when the cop asks you why you ran, say its cus every time the police get within 10 feet of me i catch a charge.


fuck the police.



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trick: pinch the bottom of the banana at the little black thing for another way to peel it.

tip: use different soap for your face then ur nuts. even tho u might wash ur face before ur nuts, the next day u basically washed ur nuts before ur face.


eating nanners backwards is gay, plus there's that black shit always in the last (your first) bite.

i use antibacterial soap AND a wash cloth, which doesnt even matter if everyone else in my tub doesnt. but you're probably washing your face with your room mates nuts.

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the police will find something illegal about your activity no matter what you are doing. talking on the phone outside could turn into a disturbing the peace citation. granted, it wont stick but they will still make you pay.


be afraid of police, when they taser you and the COPS cameraman is in your face when the cop asks you why you ran, say its cus every time the police get within 10 feet of me i catch a charge.


fuck the police.





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they havn't read anyone those shits for years on cops


until very recently, if they didn't read you your rights the case could be thrown out immediately.

Now, you have to inform them that you are aware of your rights and will be reserving your right to remain silent, or carry one of those cards that explains to the police that you won't be speaking and your lawyer is on the way.

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Allways take a pair of thongs when you know you

are going to be using a foreign shower. When you

go to take a shower wear dem shits!


Dont fuck with married bitches!


Dont take life to seriously.


Be thankful for what you have.


Money is not the route of all evil, Greed and selfishness is.

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when you get arrested you no longer have to be read your miranda warnings. Look up the details of this, you'll be amazed/discouraged/enraged/enlightened.


I've been arrested more times than I care to admit in the last 7 years, and was never once read my Miranda Rights. I mentioned that to my lawyer once and he laughed, same way he did when i told him the cops beat my ass.


"Unless there's a priest, a nun, and two video cameras there there's not really anything to do"

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miranda rights narrowed...




i get what you're sayin for sure, when the police tell a judge something, he immediately believes it, truth or not. But to change the laws is a whole new level of tyranny against the american people. We are no longer allowed to exercise our rights to their full degree.

Sorry for bringing this discussion here... should be in crossfire.

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