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  • 3 weeks later...

Make sure your child support arrears are paid in full..if you're thinking about renewing or getting a passport. I tell you cuz i like you..i didnt tell my kid's dad, cuz i dont like him..and that shit will corner you. Upon application you have 30 days to PAY IN FULL ALL ARREARS. for renewal and 1st time application. If it is a renewal, you can only put off the 30 days twice, before you have to apply all over again. (but still have to pay all arrears).

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If you ever find yourself having unprotected receptive anal sex with a drunken squaddie in a train toilet after making eye contact with him in the carriage mere moments before, don't let the semen trickle out of your arse, down your leg & onto your shoe coz apparently it's quite bad for leather.

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  • 2 weeks later...

be nice to the ugly girl, she has hot friends that you dont know about

be friends with girls that way you dont look like a dog

be polite; dont act hard; if you want to be wise make yourself a fool

dont dress like a thug; dont talk like one either, dont follow a crowd

girls like alpha males so be the alpha male with a subtlety not outward

be nice to cops; follow all rules that way if you are doing something wrong you got

more liniency............most important of all.........dont settle for less

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