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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm 21 days sober.


70 left.


FUCK house arrest.


damn are they testing you for alcohol or some shit? thats pretty whack, but then again being drunk and locked in your house can lead to bad things. like running off into the night. just stay put man ITS BETTTER THAN JAIL.


ive been chillin lately, drinking jamaican rum and playing nba live. no crazy hypes for me, gotta stay low key.

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im pissed off. im stayin at my moms house for the week, i killed all the beers in the fridge. ive got a fat sack of purples but no papers anywhere. im tempted to take shit back to 99 and make a beer can pipe and go smoke on the neighbors doorsteps. man i really take my own place for granted, smoking bowls on your couch and binge drinking vico/rums. my mom started giving me the static after 2 beers, acting like i was an alco or some shit. got ddammit mom killin my buzz so mcuh for visiting the fams.

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  • 1 year later...

Damn, this thread needed a bump badly. Am I the only one still drinking heavily or something? Haha


Anyways, last night I went out with a couple of people, had a few beverages, got normally drunk, and went to sleep around 4 or 5 AM. I drank a bunch of water, slept like 9 hours, and should of woke up perfectly fine.


Instead it's 5 hours later and I still feel like I was hit by a fucking truck. My whole body hurts, my head is pounding, I can't shake the cotton mouth feeling, and I'm still queasy. I talked to one of the girls I was with, who is also a very heavy drinker, and she's going through the same. We also both agree we didn't drink anywhere near enough to feel like this


Basically, I'm convinced I was roofied or some shit haha

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I randomly befriended some dude (N/H) who just moved from California into my apt complex whilst smoking a cigarette. We ended up killing off my 1.75 of jagermeister and his 12 pack of bud light, then smoking a fat ass blunt. I woke up with the worst hangover since my 21st Bday, the only cure was some leftover vodka I had in the freezer.

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I went out on the town for the first night in a while, came home at around 5am and woke up 4 hours later. Got half tanked, but damn am I dropping some bombs today, they are enough to make me go green lol. But you probably aren't the only one going hard, I know myself, I just don't have the time to go out and get fucktarded as much as I used to.


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  • 9 months later...

There needs to be a team alpo class reunion. see who's still killing it, who's dead, who went to rehab, and who just doesn't give a fuck. i've lurked this shit for a minute and am personally still drinking just as heavy as ever. at this moment, and where's boogie hands these days? i want a missing persons report


nikolai vodka and green kool aid isn't as horrible as it sounds.

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good for you. i hate the term "i quit" it is a setup for failure. i stopped works for me. i stopped smoking crack. i didn't quit. it's been over 12 years. i stopped doing meth. i didn't quit. it's been over 8 years. i didn't quit smoking weed, i stopped. it's been over 3 years. every time i "quit" something, i obcess. it's not that i won't, i just don't. still loves me some drinking though.

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mmmm....stella. i killed the cheap vodka and moved on to the mickey's. day before payday drunk. tomorrow i'm going to get on the leinenkugel's sunset wheat. i love that shit when i'm fronting like i got money. it's not all that expensive but $8 a six pack, is spendy to me.

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