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Dear 12oz,


This 8 months of probation can kiss my ass. Time to load up a bowl. (expect the white boy dreads anytime now...)




Dear razorramon


my friend booker just got put on probation again for the same thing. he just got off house arrest like 3 months ago and now hes on it again. lolz



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dear piece of shit my brother calls 'wife",


I was planning/hoping on going to your funeral sometime soon (preferrably not a working day, because I would hate to miss money, just to see you on your last day) but after being on life support this week, you became 'responsive' last night.


This is your 5th time trying, so you think you would have suicide down to a science by now.

Take notes from the other members in or family, they did it right the first time.

Until then, im gonna try to find "suicide for dummies". So dont try slitting your wrist, drinking the bleach, or overdosing anymore-you're doing it wrong.


We get it, you want some attention, but it's not about you as long as you have those kids.

Should have let me have them a long time ago, I damn sure would have provided a better life for them.


Why did the hospital waste their 'life support' on someone who wants to die.


just go already,

The one who is sick over the fact that your kids have to live this life.

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FUUUUUUCK YOU. all i want to do today is relax, smoke bowls, watch football, and do homework now i gotta clean up your (now dried and crusty) vomit? FUCK YOU. i bet it was the awkward ex-convict chick who said NOT ONE WORD to anyone.

fuckin buzz killington bitch.

and hey honey- chew your food more. youre disgusting.




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dear black neighbors,


only one of you through down in that fight i watched yall have outside even though it was atleast 10 deep, and watched 9 of your punk asses trying to avoid handling your shit like men. and when the cops showed up everyone kept their mouthes shut. at least i can respect that.


dear white neighbors,


stop snitchin. i saw you giving the cops details. go fuck yourselves.



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Dear smxl,


I'm sorry to hear that you, your brother and the whole family have to dear with someone like that.She's obviously suffering from munchausen syndrome.I hope she's going to get help, and as well as intervention for your brother and the kids.





you're real sweet to see hope in this situation, but------------>


dear smxxl

sometimes its easier to just stop caring...although the kids do make it harder to do that.



-------------> this seems to be the more logical thing right now.


I figure, no one is looking out for my kid, the way I look out for their kids.

If they dont give a fuck, why should I..?


Dear V,


If you are female and desperate, and can't find someone to hate fuck you, you either have standards that are too high or a wooden leg and Ed Asner's face.




Dear Earl.

It must be the Ed Asner face, because most of us know I have no standards.


hate sex sounded nice, but I think im just gonna hang it up for a while.

Sex free in 2011.


get in where ya fit in boys.




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dear big ass woman of reno





just beacuse i am a bigger person does not make make my a bbw lover toy. i dont hate but when u are pusing my wieght you need to step off my toes that shit hurts.. and bbw dose not make make u pretty or even close to being my type......

i am not hating but damn can a big boy meet something he likes ....... grrrrrr



pissed off souls

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