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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear facemeltAAARGH,


Just curious if you were up by 55th around 4:30pm. You probably weren't, but if so, did you see the homeless black lady yelling at everyone about trying to steal her stuff? She kept yelling, and I kid you not, "I KNOW YOU'RE LOOKING AT MY STUFF, YOU STOP LOOKING AT MY STUFF, I KNOW YOU'RE GONNA TAKE IT AND PUT IT ON B.E.T!"


If you missed it, sorry. That shit had me dying!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Miriam,


leave meeeee the fucck alloooonnne. Stop texting me. Stop playing these fuuuckin mind gaames! FFFFUUUU!! GTFO of California. You drive me crazy you crazy girl with no life. Stop everything you are doing. Don't send me any more pictures of you, I have a good woman and I don't plan on fuckin it up with you!

Vete a la verga.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear earl broclo ESQ,


Hahahahaha, no I wasn't, but one of my boys called me and told me to 'listen to the whore in the background that is spazzing out br0' ... I didn't know what she was saying, but she sounded pretty uMad. Im envious that you noticed that in person.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mr boatshoes


agreed on aic and the lack om layne. rip. guod line from nutshell.

keep you head up sir.shit gets better. like almighty said talk even some dont hear you.

someone will listen, even a stranger...


souls of the damned

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear coworkers,

you guys ALL fucking suck some big fucking dicks.

you guys are seriously fucking retarded and can't sell for shit.

not an ounce of self motivation, intelligence, common sense,

or determination in your fucking pea brain or body.

fuck off each and every one of you. go make some sales

you fucking fucktards.

<3 ssn

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  • 4 weeks later...

dear life,


hey lets do a photo recap of the last few months.




the sister cockblocked then got called out.


so we made photo shops with her legs






my friends daughter got me back into playing with playdoh




Milwaukee sucked but on the plus side i have a new found love

35238_138486362842187_100000424721139_283663_1617979_n.jpg if only they sold it in gallons



and fuck these things





sincerely elis von sixer the 1/2

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Dear ___


my roomate doesn't understand man code. Granted he grew up in china, but he's been here about 15 yrs. More than enough time to acclimate. Told him I was gonna holler at his female friend(ONLY friends) dude tells me to go for it and it's cool, throws salt in my game and she stops coming around. My ex asked him to fix her computer, he says ok then he invites her over without even giving me a heads up. Then tries to play Cupid and get us back together. Afterwards he has no idea why I am not grateful he is doing this shit. When I asked 'what if I had (insert name of one of the girls I'm seeing now) over?' I coukd tell the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. Dudeeeee gtfoutta here with this shit. I need to find a new place.

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dear oontz,


so, i'm gettin married saturday, and one of my cats just jumped out of my arms and broke it's fucking leg. we took it to the animal e-clinic, and he apparently broke his femur, which requires surgery to repair. Putting him down is not an option, so all in all, this is gonna cost like 1500, and i don't even have a fucking car. Finances suck fucking ass. And this shit is already stressful enough. Still goin on our honeymoon though for sure... just have to board this gimp cat for a week now.



this is why i can't have nice things.... god dammit.



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dear red,


congrats on getting married saturday...sorry to hear about your cat. :(





dear tux,


why the "fuck".....too young to be a dad??




dear IOU,


is that really all?




dear college diploma,


i finally got you the other day and put you in a nice little frame...im so happy :) :)



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