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dear snow...


please fuckin' bucket doon like fuck the night...


i canna be fucked wi that fuckin' arsehole's kitchen an there's nae danger i'm draggin' all sorts o fuckin' tools up and doon that whoore o' a cul de sack...


plus i bet my old man's charged fuck all for doin' the job because he knows said cunty balls from the pub...


therfore... i shall have no interest in making a good job. as it will probably work oot worse for me than a fuckin' Mc Donalds wage for the week...


i should be on danger money... 2 foot o snow half pished in the morning is nae joke...


hurry up then...




raging rolf haggis

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Dear American Youth,


Please don't bring back the 90's rave culture.




You unoriginal flaky puff mall culture cumstains of life, please don't bring this shit back. It was dying, it was almost dead. Let it die. It's bad enough hipsters brought back The Family Ties/Rick Ocasek look and members only jackets (again), but do we really need the annoying gutter trash dayglo look of the raver to return?


And if I find out you're all bringing back

, I swear I'll start my fantasy serial killer league.


With all the music that history has giving us, you guys have to start bringing this culture back? Why can't you reinvent something that wasn't brought out back and shot in the head so recently. Why can't you reinvent the Northern Soul movement or even the 60's psychedelics. Why only go back to 1995 and bring back the raver? With the internet at your fingers, you can find so many other influences in the past 50 years, why that one?



The world doesn't need a neon juggalo.


Please stop,


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dear earl,


my mom once told me that you'll know you're old when the shit that was fashionable when you were a teenager comes back into fashion. when i saw beyotches in jelly shoes, legwarmers and headbands, i knew that time had come for me.

that time will come for a great many now-adults when rave comes back full force (and i can see it's on it's way already)








dear soulkillers,


life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.



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dear snow...


thanks. i'm pretty fucked today, and my teeth are sore as fuck!


dear dad's mate...


i dunno why you bought such shite after us spending a good hour with you discussing quality differences between german stuff and everything else. you are certainly not short of a bob or two, but perhaps your wife wears the troosers after all...


as we said we can't build a rolls royce oot a fuckin' robin reliant... ya knob.


it's gonna look the fuckin' gonads for a while but after six months or so. it'll look pish.



p.s i'm no pickin' up yir fuckin' worktops either...


rolf having to deal with shite haggis

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dear NOES,



lets see..

my blood pressure, my irratablity level and my temper-

definitely not my ability to tolerate dumb shit.

ya know, I keep it simple.


How bout you?

tell me something good.




Dear dear _________ thread readers,

I hope you all have a nice day.



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