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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear incredibly stupid homey,

sunday night was a blast. chicks walking around wearing next to nothing, all drunk and shit. drinks were cheap and the dj was playing good music for a change. they even nixed the cover charge. i could see you were aggressively drunk from the moment i came in with that chick. why in the fuck did you proceed to pull out a knife and try to stab the bouncers? now youre in jail on weapons charges, and spouting off at the mouth on how no one "backed you up". we're not in highschool any more, player, and i aint tryna catch no charge cause you cant handle your liquor.


all i can do is shake my head and hope you use this as a lesson.




ps: how'd you get that shank in in the first place? those bouncers were anything but evasive.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SSN,


Cali seems to have that curse. Like when he was last down here and Canters was closed. A place that is open 24/7 365 I believe. Haha..




Dear ?,


Just might be time to throw the towel in.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear California weather,


I love the Cali sun, but damn what's up with rain during spring break. Stop the rain already and let the Cali sun back out. I still enjoy the California weather tho.





Dear teenage girls,


Is it just me or are you girls getting dumber and more annoying. I mean it's all good for horny teenage boys trying to get some but I find it annoying when you write "LyKe tHiiZ"


Best Regards,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mildly attractive emo girl,

why bother texting me asking me to meet up? i very explicitly told you it was a one night thing. and i was mad drunk when i told you that. you still fucked me and now im the asshole? im sure theres a song by "the used" that'll help you get through whatever it is youre feeling.


stickin wit the hiphop hoes and the graffiti groupies from now on.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ssn,


yeah, we had a good convo. over lunch....sorry about the cupcake place....that place has awesome cupcakes too!...who woulda thought that theyd be closed on sundays and mondays :(


but then again....who woulda thought all the soul food places would be closed on mondays too!...red velvet cupcakes next time your in town!




dear IOU,


i know right!...they are open 24/7/365...but at least the little jewish kid that worked there hooked us up with some free rugelachs....from my estimation, that was about $5 worth...ive been trying to find a bakery in sac that sells some of those as good as the one in l.a.

...no luck.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


I just might have to make a trip there, get some and then send some.. If that's possible, but with S&H these days it would be easier for you to come down or me go up. Hahah.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear woman,


you have a facebook account now.....how you gonna have 89 friends the same day you create it?!

and that fan shit is on some creeper status, but you say i'm being paranoid and lame cause i only have 20 friends on a year old account.



sincerely elis 999.



p.s. fuck yea i'm paranoid.







p.s.s. thanks for taking my brass knuckles away and telling the bartender to keep the throwing darts away from me when you found out i had been drinking a shitload of absinthe from my flask at the bar... after the br0's had the chick bartender next the whole fucking electric wizard dopethrone albumon the online jukebox just so they could get amped playing beerpong to lady gaga and bad club rap on saturday

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Oontz.


I got finals coming up, and needless to say I'm pretty worried about some of them. Kinda wish I didn't just spend my first year at university partying and drinking and smoking too much weed. It will be very interesting to see what happens. Kepp your fingers crossed for me guys.



Dear summer job.

If you could find me, and you are not a pain in the ass to do and enjoyable, and earn a bit more than minimum wage, I would be rather pleased.



Dear Girl.

Its almost summer, you get to go home, let your ex fuck with your head some more, and forget about me and what a great guy I am for 4 months. Probably for the best.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,

your song was depressing.

i hope we can somehow see each other

before you come up to sf.


much to catch up on!!! boy do i have stories for you!

<3 ssn


dear cali,

i'll be driving thru on monday so no cupcakes again!

<3 ssn


dear giants,

2 days til i get to see you.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear back hair,


please stop growing! Summer is almost here. I wouldnt mind you if you were regular hair but, many females have said you do in fact resemble pubic hair.... and honestly i have to agree...

So in simple words... Either straighten your shit out, or GTFO!!



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