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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear RQ


petty comments are soooo last week

keep up or grow up

u mad that no one commented on your really uber harsh diss in the thread that got closed? boohoo.




ps- OCD hygienic, just bad luck. shit happens.

pps- thanks for the props B)B)B)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 'shaun'


way to bitch out and not own up to throwing that plate or whatever it was at that party. im pretty sure it was you. if i had known that you were actually k____ i would have beaten the shit out of you without any hesitation. also, b_____ is fucking me, not you. she has been fucking me for about 5 months, you creep her out.


oh and when we all we went out to the car we weren't running, we were getting knives and bats. where were YOU at?


see you soon :)


-rap letter name

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Guest NeverBeenBetter

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear friend of mine who has been in jail,


im glad you're out but can you try and be more consistent about contact with me. just because you told me 5 hours ago to come out doesn't mean im going to bart out to sf with the HOPES you'll actually get ahold of me.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear b____ and e________


i know you both came over to get me to have a 3some but idk if im coool with fucking one of my bestfriends girlfriend. besides i like c______ and she has a restraining order against your female friend.


drama city


-swindle casanova

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear F.C,


Since I've been avoiding you for being inconsiderate,

you beg to hang out again because you're bored right now.

I still consider you as my friend and always will, no matter

how much shit we go through. It just doesn't make me want

to hang out with you when you're being one sided. I guess

I shouldn't expect you to be there for me when I need you, even

if I always am for you. Whatever. I can't hold grudges forever.


-M_(first name) seyer

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Taco Vendor,


What part of "1 chorizo tostada" did you not understand? I mean you made me repeat it four times. I even tried to say it in Spanish "Uno Tostada Chorizo."


So why did I get a cold chicken tostada?


Open your fucking ears jackass!




PS: You're a mouth breather.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Beer,


I am over you tonight... Although, I will be attending brunch tomorrow with your good friend champagne. Please don't stay mad at me considering I shall see you shortly after. Until we meet again... Cheers!


Forever faithful - '88

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Hollywood,


Fuck you were messed up tonight. I'm glad that dude who got hit with the folding street sign wasn't dead, even though he looked like it for a good few minutes. Shit was bonkers.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear gentle-man,


Thank you:

For the birthday efforts.

Basketball bbq-I forgot how amazing it is

to play.

Cooking and paying- Even though the food looked

alil weird and we bought everything an hour before

I still think it was awesome.

Fashionably late- We are lame for showing up

late to our own shindig and early to everyone elses crap.

Lame is our new black.

Mexican feast- Tamales,pasole,homemade salsa/chips and (of course) the

best enchiladas this side of the north. It was dealio and I was

glad you ate with me and my family.

Something old- The first bible I read was my great grandmother's.

She had newspaper clippings stuck randomly and had my families

history written down in the back. In my intermediate and extended

family there is always something to say about her:


A: I remember when she use to take care of us in the summer.

She'd be cooking and needed something from the store. She would

give us her Social security check-I think it was 3 something- and she

says-she says to Jr 'Here hito take your sisters to the bank and cash my check.

Go buy me some eggs so's I can finish supper. Bring back the change mi hito'.

That's the kinda heart my grandmother had. She trusted her family. Trusted

8 yr old kids to hold onto 300 dollars and bring it back. Back in those days that

was a lot of money.


B: Aunt sissy, I like that you are not ashamed of your birthmark.

C: I use to be. I would hide it when I was younger and cry because

all the kids would call me names. My grandma would ask me why was

I ashamed of something god gave me. She'd say 'mi hita dont hate

it. It's the mark of the moon. You're our moon child.' She always called it

that-the mark of the moon.


D: Nobody went hungry when my mom was alive banana. She would cook

these big dinners when we were growing up. She was the best cook in Del norte.

She'd fix up a plate and give it to my dad 'Mos go give some of this food

to the trampes down the street.' Eeee and on holidays she always

made sure she fed the drunks. She always said

everyone should have a holiday dinner.


E: My mother always told me to love people like I would want to be loved.

That's why I tell Jess to be careful with the life he chooses. I would ask

my mom if it was bad the way I was and she would tell me no one

can tell me how to live my life. She'd tell me to love people and to be

true to myself.


D: We had this little cousin Jimmie and EEEE was he rough.

We'd be sitting at the table talking about the latest trouble he'd

gotten himself into. My mom would say 'Who are you talking about-Not my Jimmie.

You must have the wrong Jimmie. My Jimmie would never do something like that.'

We'd say to her we'd say 'Mom Jimmies not that good of a kid.'

'No' She'd say ' Not my Jimmie.’

You could never say anything bad about her grandchildren, she loved them

all from the least of them to the greatest. She loved them all the same.


I feel really blessed to be sharing the same ring as her.

Thank you for feeding into my nostalgia.

More over:

But in the evening Uriah went out to sleep on

his mat among his master's servants; he did not go home.

<3 B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear man next door. i realise you enjoy the football, i however do certainly not need any fuckin' commentary of something i'm not watching... why must you also phone your friend to discuss the game you are clearly both watching? while it's still on


please do not make me swear at you anymore...


rolf haggis

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear jehovas witnesses a few days ago and the little kid this morning,


going door to door to promote religion or sell shit for a fundraiser is cool and all, but ringing the doorbell at like 9am in the fucking morning is not cool at all.


both times i was trying to sleep in, and both times i couldnt fall back asleep.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Girl I've been stuck on for a year,


you said you didn't want a relationship and I get that,

you had to know having sex with me would send me mix signals

we were both drunk last night and shit got out of hand

now your ignoring me and it's really pissing me off

i don't care if your one of my best friends i'm pretty done with this.


sincerely, RR

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear pilot Frixion erasable ballpoint pens,


You make sketchign at work such a brreeze. I'm stoked I discovered you are erasabale.

No more starting a sketch and then abandoning it due to pen mistakes.


really happy and am churning out sketches all day erry day.




dear people that I owe sketches too,

this probabaly wont change anything!


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bouncer at the bar i was at last night,

could you please be a little more thorough when checking girls ids? because when the most attractive girl in there is sixteen with a fake id, i should be able to trust your judgement, not mine, especially after 12+ drinks.




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