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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear beer,


you made tuesday night even more fun. saw my best friends i haven't seen in years,who are practically my brothers. i drank about 8 or 9 cans of you. spilt some of you on the floor. than proceeded to stumble my way to the couch at 5am. you gave me a headache. you were cheap. but you made a for memorable experience.


thank you,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear oontz,


i miss you. lifes been a little crucial lately and havent had much time to oontz.

i have a new gf who doesnt quite understand graffiti let alone a graffiti forum.

but anyways i need to get back on the oontz again. i feel like a part of my life is missing.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear suki,

Why are you banned?

(I know you can't answer that right now, maybe when you're unbanned :lol:)


-sey sey



How you been homeskrills?! Long time no talk.

How's shark territory treatin ya? Update me haha




Dear asshole who stepped on my heel,

Thanks a lot for fucking cutting my achilles area.

It's not my fault that the person who was walking in front of me was

walking slow and at the same time was surrounded by a body of

students. You could have tried walking slower. What the fuck

were you doing anyways walking really close behind me? Were

you trying to booty bang me with clothes on or what?

Embarrassed and bloody heel,

sey mutha fuckin zilla

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ex Sun employee new Oracle hire,

Please don't bother asking me questions about your new number if you're going to repeatedly interrupt me with things like, "I guess I don't care if you just don't know" and shaking your head.

Listen to my words bitch, and you will find that I do in fact KNOW the answers to your questions. Its my fucking job.

Fuck you, and your ''personal line" questions.

Oh dear god, he's coming back.....


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Apple,


Why are you fucking up China with your ridiculous Foxconn policies? Who gives a fuck about the iPad and how sooperdooper secret it will be? I guarantee within a few hours of its release some 12 year old kid will be able to take it apart, rebuild it, and show all of youtube how it works. And Android kills the iPhone anyday. So stop suing every damned company that "allegedly" has stolen your bullshit patents. I am a big fan of your laptops however.... :o :confused: :confused:



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Money,


FUCK!!! Last thing I needed right now. Seriously.. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!




Dear 12oz,


Free SSN!!!





Dear IOU,


Stop failing at life so hard dumb fuck.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz,


Will there be a new influx of members to provide lulz and good flicks and generally offer a good channel 0 experience? Are you bussing people in from out of town to post on the message boards? When will we meet these new members for the new Channel 0? Will they be as funny or cool as the ones you removed? Will they enjoy their pizza without the assistant of man hands? Will their pugs have big eyes and wear little woolen sweaters? Do they know where to get the best PHO from..?


Concerned 12oz patron,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear last 24 hours


you have again, been awesome. going to a show, kickin it with my favorite people, many many drinks, today i got paid, went shopping got cute tops/coats, got the sticky finger discount on 20 cans and 2 respirators, got $300 from my grandma just cuz, and came home to eat delicious potato salad and a bomb turkey sandwich.


life, way to kick ass.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear alcohol,


thanks for last night man, i especially liked the part where you encouraged me to do a backflip of a second story balcony into a huge pile of sand.


that didn't work out bad in anyway.




not-tangoing-for-at-least-a-few-weeks 24

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ex Sun employee new Oracle hire,

Please don't bother asking me questions about your new number if you're going to repeatedly interrupt me with things like, "I guess I don't care if you just don't know" and shaking your head.

Listen to my words bitch, and you will find that I do in fact KNOW the answers to your questions. Its my fucking job.

Fuck you, and your ''personal line" questions.

Oh dear god, he's coming back.....



dear trop,


it wasnt me i swear.


still waiting for my oracle email account and ibis access.

being a contractor sucks.


glad to see your rocking the oontz at work.

btw shoes off = less work cosign oner.



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