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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



man, that shit is wack. too bad you cant be the one to just say fuk it and stamp all them papers approved..

ive been on the other end....9 mo waiting period while the tumor just posted up in my dome and grew to the size of a walnut.

then the insurance co..jacked my monthly to 2g's a month.

i spent about 2.5 mil....i guess they wanted it back somehow.


i cussed at many people in your position, but apologized there after because i realize it was their job.


type up resume...get online...do something good for your heart and mind.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear xxl,


fuck. i'm just glad i don't collect from real people. i WOULD NOT do that. just insurance companies. i was doing fine just working with physical therapy bills (so fucking confusing if you aren't detail oriented) for workman's comp. and motor vehicle which is awesome cause someone's always responsible. but now i got a whole hospital in medford, or with a VA drug rehab right down the street. talk about stressful shit..... and if the VA denies shit i have to bill homeless vets $$$. and the fucked part is i work for a non-profit catholic hospital chain so it feels so wrong when we spend so much time "focusing on our mission" . we do good things and i have some of the best benefits in town, so i'm trying to move within and train or something. we are on a hiring freeze that is soon to cease. we'll see..... whoa, sorry for the ramble.


hope you are healthy now though. i've never had that shit in my world. couldn't imagine.


- muddles


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear people who watch "The Bachelor" with sympathy and sincere concern,


You are a waste of this planet's glorious oxygen and should be dragged out of your house right now, by demons from the darkest pits of hell, and impaled on fly swatter stakes. I caught the beginning and end of this show tonight, and if there is anyone out there who finds any personal hope by watching this show, I hope they get raped over and over again with the intensity of the most sever hate crimes.



Fuck you!


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear t14k,


i watch house too.... why? at least you haven't watched 'i didn't know i was pregnant' more than 1 time, or at least i hope so. i actually was taking some bong hits and turned this show on, which i've seen several times mind you, the other day and then it went to a commercial and i was all thinking i would stick around to see what happens..... hopefully it was the bong hits.


because you know what, she has a baby and it surprises the fuck out of her! just as the title proclaims.


- puddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear blood,


i only watch that show when Joel Mchale makes fun of it on The Soup...


FUCK! Did i just admit to watching The Soup?


God damn it no homo



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Judge,


Be cool tomorrow please.

I don't say that shit often.

There is a lot I need to take care of right now though.


Dear YOU,


I ain't mean for it to end like that.

You knew it was coming though.

No hard feelings...

but we can't be cool either.

To The Fast Life Baby.




P.S. - humility is not nearly as rewarding as some would lead you the believe.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear caliG,


Happy 2010 to you too!

Haven't seen you in here in a while, how ya been?


-sey sey sey


Dear 2010,


So far so good, stay this way, or even better.

I've been in a really good mood since and things

have been going the way I would like it to.

You are appreciated.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear deer,

i tried to swerve around you, but your stupid ass didnt move and youre probably laying in a ditch somewhere with crushed bones. if it makes you feel any better, i turned around and hunted in the brush, trying to find you, to put you out of your misery. sorry homie. you didnt fuck up my pickup, so theres no hard feelings on my end. i hope its a two way street.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear _______,

i finally had a pretty solid day without any sort of substance abuse, AWESOME!

woke up late lounged around made food for the fam when they got home from work/school then cleaned up mt studio which i had been putting off, chilled with my buddies, ate at some randomass diner and then drove around till 330, its good to remember a night once in a while


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Sasha,




i know we don't know each other too well but ive known your husband for a long time.

i remember that one time i kept him from stripping naked at the library whIle he was on peyote.

based on that story alone i think you should hook me up with one of your uber hot russian cousins.

in exchange i am willing to further your english speaking skills by teaching you jive talk.








sincerely Elis P. Montaigne.











and call your sister in russia and tell her I'd paint 8 walls for some of that ass

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 2010.

so far you kinda suck.


dear ex girlfriend, key word in that sentance is ex, 2010 hunny, you're in the past so quit fucking asking me to hang out i got other girls i gotta wheel. you missed out.

deal with it.


new years resolution in full effect oner.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear SM


when the fuck we gone chill GURRRRLLL!!!!??




Dear 2010


Im hoping this year will bring me some more freedoms. i need a job a car a liscense. I hope my hommie in rehab does well and gets out soon, i hope i do well on the classes that i have chosen to take and i hope summer will be fun.



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