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The Skateboard Thread


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Forsit WAS the announcer at the last contest I saw, he had on Varnet sunglasses a beer gut and sideburns.

He was making up names for all the moves he didn't know, which was around 90% of the tricks.

There is no such thing as a blunt guts to fakie cab switch melon baller over the lunch box.

Never the less he counted the obstacles hit accurately at the end of each run and was 100% spot on.

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get slapped you punk bitch. triple's already out for your young ass, i'm the most of your concern... but fuck you. anyone with info on this wannabee gets props as well...



ask about me, youngster....


step your game up before you open your mouth faggot.


You're a frail 19 year old who got ran out of your own city, drinks rubbing alcohol on tinychat to get attention,

and fell in love with the 12oz pass-around chick.


Just sayin.

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so I am an "arrogant punk bitch" because I don't think the Tribute video is the best? Hahaha. We'll meet up and see how many times you'll say punk bitch. Not once with your teeth busted through your lip.


Watch out now, he'll come to within driving distance of you, challenge you to a fight, then flat out refuse to meet up with you.

Then turn around and accuse YOU of bitching out. :biglaugh:

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people hating on Tony Hawk is fucking funny, he has done so much for skateboarding so everyone gotta be all hipster and start disliking him.


I remember him nailing the 900 at xgames for the first time that was dope, I dont even like vert that much but you gotta have respect for someone that has helped progress skating so much.


As for Rodney Mullin that dude is fucking amazing, would rather watch him skate over the vast majority of others.


Oh I forgot it is cool to hate people that are successful - ignore my post

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And as for Tony Hawk, do you people calling him wack also hate on Rodney Mullen?


Cause both of them look stiff as a board style wise, but both of them are legends for a reason.

Personally I could give a fuck about vert or Tony Hawk, but just saying though.


Haters gonna hate.


Nobody is hating on either of these guys.

But watching a robot skateboard isn't very entertaining.


Look at Danny Way, he's almost as technically sound as Hawk was but he has tonnnnnnnnnnes more style and is funner to watch skateboard.

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The same people who talk shit on him are the same ones who would be like 'nah dawg, i can't drop in on a 13 foot vert ramp, but bring me to a 4 set, and I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND WITH MY KICKFLIPS'


PSSSSHHHHFT! lol. naw dawg. i can't even flipkick like that. it'd prolly be switch if anything.

but on da strengf. tony hawk ain't all that bad. i just thought what ol forsit said was funny.

he is hella corny though. and did the 900 like over a decade ago and people still yell

"heyyy man do the 900 br0!" out of they're car windows. it s fucking gay. end of story.

i respect the dude for the obvious reasons because i'm not 5 and remember he was

pretty rad before that 900 bs. but still. and rodney mullen may lack in overall "style" but

his trick bag, minus the darkslide(ugghhh) make up for allll that shit. lets all just go back to backside 180's off curbs. kthnxbai.

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The same people who talk shit on him are the same ones who would be like 'nah dawg, i can't drop in on a 13 foot vert ramp, but bring me to a 4 set, and I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND WITH MY KICKFLIPS'


Argument is irrelevant.

By your logic, disliking any personal style with elite level ability means that you must be able to one up them.

That's nonsense.

Dude is a flat out boring robot to watch on a skateboard.

That's how I feel.

No, I can't do a 900, br4h.



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