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Should there be laws banning lab grown meat?

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An email hit my inbox that is a pretty interesting topic. Hopefully not as contentious a subject as straight politics, but I can kind of see both sides of the debate, though my general position is that people should be free to do anything they want to do, so long as it doesn't encroach on others. I assume at the very least, we need to insure that things are entirely transparent.


Anyhow, what say you?


Should Florida ban lab grown meat? 🧪 

Where does the free market end? 


This month the Florida house approved a bill banning the sale or possession of lab grown meat. 

Last week I was surprised listening to the 4 members of popular business/tech-billionaire podcast “All In” calling this ban irrational. They typically represent a broad spectrum of views politically, but they were unanimously against this ban, calling it regulatory capture by Florida’s $1B ranching industry and an attack on free markets. 


Otherwise smart people fail to see that a laissez-faire approach to food tech permanently displaces defenseless staple foods via convenience and cost cutting, ultimately putting them in a high-end niche and making them forever inaccessible to large parts of the country.


The crowding out of staple foods like quality bread and butter by ultra-processed food is a key contributor to America’s unique chronic disease and obesity crises.



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From my own reduce the government's intervention perspective, no. Current consumer protection laws that force disclosure of ingredients/contents, and safety standards are more than enough. Also, I'd imagine this fake meat could be a life saver considering the health risks associated with having a plant based only diet since technically it doesn't require harming any animals.


From my own personal perspective this stuff tastes like shit and the texture of it is even worse than the taste. I tried an "impossible burger" again, as recently as 2 years ago and could barely finish my first bite. 

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Definitely should not be banned.


I could understand an argument if it were proven extremely unhealthy, but, i could also go buy an excessively unhealthy amount of booze legally, and crash my car into a school bus. 


PS: lab grown “cultured” meat is different than plant-based alternatives like Impossible products. 


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People should be able to have access to either. Until lab grown meat is proven to have some kind of debilitating side effects, it should be fair game. The environmental shit storm that is cattle ranching, not having to deal with shit like mad cow disease anymore, vegan ethics, people will still choose to eat the real deal. I think the people that would be interested in lab meat already aren't the ranchers customer anyway.

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2 hours ago, Mercer said:

I guess I haven't tried it yet.


I'm not sure most people have yet. I wanna say prohibitive cost and scalability are the two main factors holding it back. But it looks like Florida is worried about some one overcoming those barriers soon. 


Impossible whoppers are indeed trash 😂

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Define lab.  Crops are labs, open air labs enclosed in an atmosphere.  I am sure lab grown meat or lab grown anything has its uses, specially for space travel.  However, I don't think I will be willing to intentionally try it as it just doesn't sound good.  As far as banning it, there are plenty things in foods that should definitely be banned before the LG Meats.


Although, I do believe in understanding and challeginging sciense and its cool know as humans we can accomplish things such as LB Meat, but somethings should just be left alone and lab grown meat is one of them.  Not saying ban it, just saying some inventions should be any more than that.


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 Would be concerned that once it gets scaled up companies will force this on the poorer end of town and use it as a way to make real meat more boutique and expensive.

like supermarkets will bulk out meat like ground beef  but keep charging you for full meat products.

This would be a big concern in Australia

Currently in Australia meat producers are getting really low prices for meat from the super markets ( we have a duopoly that controls ~88% of the market) like beef is $4.00 a kilo when it's alive but $10.00 per half kilo when it's mince. I get the costs of butchery, transportation distribution etc. add to the price but they dont push it up 500% profiteering does that.

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2 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

as a lifelong vegetarian i'm not really even into the idea of lab grown meat. this is only like the second time i've gotten wind of such a thing.


i'm comfortable with the vegetarian options i eat already, so that trendy stuff doesn't really even sound tempting.

You have been a vegetarian your entire life?

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4 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

I kinda just want less laws in general to be honest 


getting a traffic ticket for window tint by a cop driving a car with even darker window tint really makes a man ponder 

Whilst I am a former window tinter Myself and can tint My van with limo tint to get maximum obscurity from those looking in, I find the laws regarding this and it's duplicitous stance in regards to law enforcement using 5% film a bit ridiculous.


While I hate driving cars with fully blacked out windows at night, I still think 15% film sbould be legal as opposed to the 25%.


In Oz illegal window tint is a fine and you get a yellow sticker default notice put on your windscreen requiring you to go over the pits for a full vehicle inspection whicb costs $100. So it isn't worth the risk I could take to put more film on My door glass.


As for lab grown meat, I also want this defined explicitly before I form a perspective on it, especially since I view humans as cattle being harvested by the system.

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55 minutes ago, Mauler5150 said:

In Oz illegal window tint is a fine and you get a yellow sticker default notice put on your windscreen requiring you to go over the pits for a full vehicle inspection whicb costs $100. So it isn't worth the risk I could take to put more film on My door glass.


 @Mauler5150when I moved to SA I had to get Car inspected for rego.

wouldnt you know it the tint the dealer put on as a "bonus" didn't take into account the slight tint on the window already and I almost got defected.


the prick at regency park ( adelaide inspection centre) had the sticker out ready to go and I had to beg the fucking jobsworth not to do it. It was 40 degrees on the other side of town and I had my three year old son with me.


that was a cunt of a day.

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Siding here with the you do you squad - farmers and beef industry are huge lobbyists I am sure. Find out who is funding the effort to ban and its sure to be the opp. Stifling one business or idea to protect another is a good way to oppress development. Fuckery. 


@MercerI think impossible burger is technically still plant based - agree though the shit was bootsy. Some of these I would try (skeptically)




Edited by fat ralphy
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Pros of lab grown meat:

Zero medication during meat's "life"

Zero suffering of meat

Zero death of meat 

Massively reduced death of incidental life in agriculture (rodents, snakes, turtles, etc that live in corn fields)

(Theoretically massive) reduced greenhouse gas emissions from meat's life

Less space used for raising meat

Less agriculture used to feed meat

Less toxic run off into our waterways from overflowing meat's shit ponds

Hugely positive environmental impact 


Cons of lab grown meat:

A lot of people out of old jobs (new jobs available with new industry)

Eww, science experiment

Loss of "way of life" (ranchers, cowboys, etc)





Unknowns of lab grown meat:



Side effects ( this is an absolute lolz argument coming from people who eat a McDonald's burger that contains beef from six continents, soy additives, and who the fuck knows what else and then wash it down with a coca cola. Stfu.)




This shit is wildly expensive at the moment, and it's highly unlikely anyone here has tried it unless they work in that industry.  I'm for it. 


I already pay a premium for happy animals when I buy meat, I will absolutely be on board to buy this stuff when it reaches market.


Free market advocates that lobby are  inherently amusing.

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7 hours ago, Fist 666 said:




I watched a video where they fed some group of kids hamburger and lab hamburger to see if they could tell the difference. They all preferred lab burgers.


I really wanna try this shit for real. Cuz kids be stupid n shit most of the time. I'm not taking their word for it.

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3 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


I watched a video where they fed some group of kids hamburger and lab hamburger to see if they could tell the difference. They all preferred lab burgers.


I really wanna try this shit for real. Cuz kids be stupid n shit most of the time. I'm not taking their word for it.


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I listened to a podcast about ultra processed food last year

I really enjoyed it and have updated my thinking on food since listening to it. The second season is not about food and held no interest for me but the guy put out a book called Ultra Processed People which I found interesting enough




I do not trust the food industry and I do not trust our regulatory bodies to do anything other the bidding of industry.

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There's no getting around how gross it is. It's literally cells being grown in a lab and then 3D printed into something resembling what is otherwise found in nature. 


All the GMO shit is already pretty fucked IMO. Obviously rooted in shit like splicing one fruit plant with another to create a hybrid. Then they got creative and take genetics from shit like sea creatures to add in characteristics like cold hardiness. Then that slips into shit like adding in chemicals that then create a reaction when sprayed with a catalyst. Now they're on a whole other level by manipulating shit at a molecular level to create food from scratch.


Few people stop to question whether this is actually needed for food security, versus methodologies like sustainable agriculture, permaculture or simply reassessing the supply / distribution chains and seeking to streamline consumption vs waste in a more natural (and obvious) way. Guaranteed if you pull back the curtain not his new 'industry', it's all big Pharma behind it. Same reason they go well out of their way - at the expense of your health - to come up with synthesized compounds that can be patented in the name of 'health', versus potentially better solutions in nature (which cannot be patented), same shit applies to food. They're literally building a new class of big Pharma consumers and double dipping by feeding them shit that they can then follow up with equally fucked up 'solutions' for once you're sick.


Call it conspiracy, but it's pretty much on the surface. Take a look at a map of dialysis clinics and then compare it to a map of McDonald's franchises and then look at the investment groups that are often bankrolling both.


Totally fucked, but I can still respect that maybe people should be left to make their own decisions rather than allow government to intervene. Problem though, which is similar to regulating social media, is we're now in an era where you're forced to use certain services in order to navigate the modern world. That is only become more obvious and more solidified as time goes on. It's definitely a tangled web in that government is pretty much who orchestrated that framework and though I'm first in line to state that they are the problem and not the solution, but likewise... What happens when the modern world is engineered in such a way that it becomes all but impossible to opt out of all that bullshit?

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