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Tipping in the US


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your suppose to tip 10% to 15%


I didn't read beyond this but ten percent is lowball as hell and will cause shit to be talked about you the moment you leave.


I doubt that bothers most of you unless you've worked in a job where you rely on tips...once you do you tend to be a little more generous.


Some of my colored compatriots straight up insist that menu prices are purposefully adjusted to include tips. Forget about it if it's delivery; that 50 cent delivery fee is deemed a tip every time.

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Are you guys really tipping cute girls more simply because they're a cute girl? If you're gonna tip anyone more, tip an ugly guy more. He never get's tips, every stupid girl goes home with $500 bucks a night in tips cause every stupid guy is tipping them more for batting their eyelashes.


I know there's a "doing it right" thread, but if there was a "doing it wrong" thread, tipping a girl more just cause she's cute would be at the top of the list.


Being born attractive is not a talent, it's not earned, it doesn't take any hard work, and should not be praised.


To a waitress, you're just another sucker who left her a $20 dollar tip on a $50 dollar bill, that bitch is laughing at you, she's not thinking "wow, this dude's a baller, next time her comes in here I'm gonna give him my number". She's thinking "let me go flirt with that asshole again, maybe he'll leave me $30 bucks this time".


I'm pretty disappoint at the Oontz right now.






I'm more inclined to say about a dollar or two per round of drinks.

If I order a round of beers for 5 people, I'm not giving a bartender $5 for twisting off the caps of the beers.

I usually just run a tab and give them a waiter tip rate anyway.


dollar PER drink. always. this honky. who sounds like the average hoodrat now?

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Aa a foreigner going to the US I never know how much to tip. I found an article through google that said just double the tax is this about right?


Can people also give a few words on their personal tipping habbits? Thanks.


any buster who tips by percent is a buster.


i tip by next greatest whole bill amount after double tax... yes its complicated but it ensures proper service. especially at bars.



someone also told me recently that TIPS stands for To Insure Proper Service


i corrected them and said it was ensure. but thats not the point here.


tip your waiters and bartenders. if not you're a ... well wonk saggin

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i read a few of the first comments then got annoyed,


where are yall getting such shitty service at? i RARELY get bad service. i dont know if i just smell like money, or if it's the fact that i only really eat at restaurants that serve good food and hire good staff, but either way, its seldom a problem for me. yall need to step your game up.



use griteeth's method. figure out 10% then double it. super easy. don't leave less than 20% unless someone is flat out rude to you or doesnt check on you at all. if they're a little slow because its busy, cut em some slack. their hourly wage in the US is liek $2.50. if you dont tip them, they didnt make anything. put yourself in their position.




dude my boy complained about the service at TACO CABANA! wtf they don't even hire waiter/eressess


but complaining about service in ear shot of the person handling your food, that's fucking stupid. what's worse is when your homey starts running his mouth at the drive thru window... YOU KNOW THEY HEAR THAT SHIT! dick sandwiches all day


this is why i eat alone in parking lots.

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^hahaha, instructional guidance for mathematically retarded.



If they can not figure out 20%, they need to do something more then worry about how much to tip.



You need one of those fancy tip calculators




"The service was slow. And God forbid they should refill the water. How does 12.4% sound?"

"Well, your tip is four dollars and thirty-six point six six six six cents."

"We'll round down."

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If you have to tip your friends, or expect your friends to tip you. . . then they're not really your friends, they're just mere acquaintances.


If I helped one of my boys and he tried to give me money I'd slap it out if his hand. You hook your boys up cause they're your boys, not cause you're expecting something in return.


back to this.....


when you work in a bar you are often on camera and it's your job to make money for the house, not give away the bar. Yeah, they allow you to hook up a certain amount of drinks, but once you've gone past that limit you are taking a risk. If you don't give a shit about the job then fine, they'll fire you for too many free drinks.


....so maybe your friends would respect the risk you're taking with your job and throw some tips for a night of free drinking. or not.

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How do you bartenders feel about people like me who order two beers at a time just so that I only have to tip a dollar for every 2 beers?


And is that common, or am I on some other shit?


I don't care about that at all, it happens all the time. I work with people(females mostly) who get upset about that shit and yell at you. not my style.


The thing I don't understand about this "do your job right" harping from MZ is that myself and my co workers ARE doing our job right, and it's after serving people efficiently and accepting their verbal praise that there is occasionally a lack of proper tipping etiquette. It only really happens on occasion, and those people are remembered. I've never witnessed the tampering of someone's food in a restaurant I've worked in, even if it is a repeat bad tipper. The entire staff just gets kinda bummed when that person comes in again. Perhaps that person's water gets refilled a bit slower, their drinks will be extra weak, etc. Nobody is going around spitting in food yelling at you for a tip before you've even ordered your entrees, we are working extra hard to earn that tip at the end of what should be an enjoyable dining experience.


In case it was misunderstood the first time, servers in restaurants do not get paid living wage in the states. The tips are practically all they are getting. An auto mechanic, on the other hand, has some sort of agreeable hourly wage or a contract, to tip them on top of a good job is just a show of appreciation that is not expected.

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I work for a well known British celebrity chef as a waiter in one of his restaurants.


Americans tip very well as do Canadian however Asians, Australians, Welsh, and some Europeans do not tip.


I don't give a fuck whether its not in your culture to tip I am paid the minimum wage the restaurant are legally allowed to pay me and I pay out money at the end of my shift to pay for my tables.


10% is meant to be the standard tip in the UK but so many people just dont want to leave anything. Some proper diners who appreciate good service will always tip if you look after them but other people just dont understand and are tight.


I stayed for two hours after my shift to finish looking after a table of people who were drinking champagne and talking about their yachts who then left me a 4% tip. Furious.


Seriously if you are eating out and you have a waiter or bartender who looks after you remember they dont have to kiss your ass and help you out they are doing it because they are meant to be rewarded for it. We dont work for our wage we work for the tips.

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. . . again, do your fucking job and do it right every time.


If you're car broke down and you needed it to get to work, but you feel on hard times and were broke you'd expect the mechanic to do a half assed repair cause you didn't have extra money for a tip?


Fuck outta here.


Real men do their jobs the right way every time, while creeps wait for a handout.


You're talking about how tipping show class, doing your fucking job the right way regardless of a tip shows class. . . letting a tip dictate your job performance shows a real lack of class.



Try to wipe away the umad and eye boogars and read the entire post you quoted, I'm dropping science a broke/cheap turd like you could defiantly use.

If you read the post in a non umad state you'd start to get why people who understand how the world works and use that to their advantage rise up.

I guess that's why crabs like yourself, who don't understand simple social realities like tipping, will never rise up, you're stay on some butt hurt no tipping piss drinking shit..

Literally erasing most of my post, taking what I said out of context, waiting for a response craving mercers attention ass nigga.

You'll only rise up to the level of next mans sack, proven here by you clearly being on my pee pee.

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Also if service charge is not included LEAVE A TIP.


Also if service is added check with your waiter to see if he/she gets it. If not then ask for it to be removed from the bill and leave them cash. You are not legally obliged to leave service.


Also tip cash where possible because card tips often disappear into the owners pocket.

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Also if service charge is not included LEAVE A TIP.


Also if service is added check with your waiter to see if he/she gets it. If not then ask for it to be removed from the bill and leave them cash. You are not legally obliged to leave service.


Also tip cash where possible because card tips often disappear into the owners pocket.


In New York and most places, it is common policy to add a gratuity of 20% to a party of 6 or more people. My staff usually does this when there is a table of Euros or yuppies, etc.


If we know the people or they are regulars, we never add the gratuity because those people have a record of tipping that amount anyway, it would be a bit insulting to include it on their bill.


2 nights ago a waiter at my restaurant made the judgment call not to add the auto gratuity on a bill for a party of 8 people, all yuppies, who drank a multitude of proper cocktails and ran up a check of about $200. No tip. He explained to them when dropping the check that gratuity is not included. As they left he politely asked with a smile if the service was okay tonight, and the customer smiled, shook his hand said everything was terrific. They took about 2 hours of this dude's time on the busy floor, were extremely needy and then left nothing after all of their compliments and smiles. Obviously the guy did his job right as he does every time.


Are we gonna piss in those yuppies' drinks next time? No. Will they get the kind of excellent service they got 2 nights ago? No. Will they get an automatic gratuity of 20% added to their bill? Yes. I wish it could be 40%, but I'm a reasonable guy.

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