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EON 352

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rehabilitation has to come from within.

the same way you cant force someone into treatment during an intervention. you have to want to go. if youre really worried about getting straight, you'll just clean yourself up and be done with it. if not, you're going to have to hit some form of a rock bottom (in your opinion) to realize you need to seek treatment.

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rehabilitation has to come from within.

the same way you cant force someone into treatment during an intervention. you have to want to go. if youre really worried about getting straight, you'll just clean yourself up and be done with it. if not, you're going to have to hit some form of a rock bottom (in your opinion) to realize you need to seek treatment.


well as of this morning i stopped do any drugs, including cigarettes. its not something i want, but i know its the only way that im going to reach some point where i can have stability in my life. right now im in a real make or break situation financially. im also dealing with a possession charge, a resisting without violence, and criminal mischief for getting popped. and just throw a $150 traffic ticket on top of it. my family is done helping me financially and i only have their support. but thats probably the main thing getting me through all this. my family suggested rehab. but im not a junkie, sure if railed a few bars. but i don't have 3-a-day blue habit. I think the acid was a blessing in disguise. cause without it i dont think i would have able to realize the position of put myself in.

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I think you may need to step back and look at yourself a little more. I'm not judging here but it sounds like you're an addict, copping pleas to say you're teetering when you're already full blown. Surrounding yourself with people who are already in that lifestyle, is just going to proliferate what's going on and keep you walking in an infected circle. The problem is often bigger then the person in the middle of it, so they cannot see it. Knowing a junky, (or knowing of) to me; though still slightly entertaining and fascinating, is not something anyone embraces. It would be awesome if you got your shit together and became a productive dude. The story that ends up in triumph over drug addiction is always more satisfying, classic good heart over pure evil. Everyone wants the underdog to conquer. If I'm not being trolled, I wish you all the luck and support you need to beat this bullshit.

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you're looking to 12oz to push you to get better but you're the only one that can do that

you've already taken the first step, you'll get there


and man you are the company you keep.

if you're all surrounded by junkies

chances are you're a junkie

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I think you may need to step back and look at yourself a little more. I'm not judging here but it sounds like you're an addict, copping pleas to say you're teetering when you're already full blown. Surrounding yourself with people who are already in that lifestyle, is just going to proliferate what's going on and keep you walking in an infected circle. The problem is often bigger then the person in the middle of it, so they cannot see it. Knowing a junky, (or knowing of) to me; though still slightly entertaining and fascinating, is not something anyone embraces. It would be awesome if you got your shit together and became a productive dude. The story that ends up in triumph over drug addiction is always more satisfying, classic good heart over pure evil. Everyone wants the underdog to conquer. If I'm not being trolled, I wish you all the luck and support you need to beat this bullshit.


thanks. just so people get things right. i have been doing lighter drugs. but in overly habitual amounts. i just decided to put drugs in front of being a productive person. i flunked out of school, my parents lost trust in me yet still support a positive outcome. and ive spent a large majority of my money funding my stupid habits which i let myself get out of hand with. but i got a recommendation for a psych that specializes in these types of cases. so if anything i plan on cutting out what im doing, put that energy into finding a job and getting my life back in order. i look forward to smoking weed recreationally as opposed to smoking to get through the day like i have. along with taking a bean and two hits within 60 hour time frame, you know you're just acting like an idiot and you have to get your act together.

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ok so fuck posting this shit on erowid you guys would be far more interested in hearing this instead of some tweaker coming across this story on erowid at o dark early coming off a meth binge . yeah im that fucked up.


well my landlords are being sheisty ass motherfuckers once again and trying to pull some extortion or some shit of that nature..... shit. they are trying to charge me a $150 smoking charge and some other bullshit cause i the cops practically raided my place while i happend to be smoking a bowl with some friends on the couch. thats a whole other mess entirely. but im actually trying to keep this from turning into a quantifying tangent of drugs and just being a professional piece of shit in general.


well i went to pick up one of my homeboys to take him to work after finding all this out. he told me he had picked up some acid the night before and some 'skrillex' show. he said it was fire, and i took his word for it. i bought 2 hits and my other friend that was with us bought one. i drop homeboy off at work. things went fine and dandy there.


so me and my other friend went back to a mutual friends house and split one hit. didn't notice anything really, exception of a small body high. hell we even ended up doing some baby sitting for our friend while we were there. after about an hour or so my homeboys MMA trainer comes over and invites us back to his place for dinner. this guy hooked it up. god damn good food.


but this guy deserves the title of 'black sinsae'.

special ops, god knows how many displines of fighting. and this guy was for real. no bullshit. so me and homeboy are on half a hit piece. and this guy is there showing us techniques. at one point he got a knife from the kitchen. decent sized carving knife. hands it to me. "now come at me, like your gonna kill me." were his next words. guy blocked it and pinned me in less than 3 seconds. than decided to take the blade and cut off a chunk of my hair. least to say i got my ass humbly served. he ended up offering me and my other friends free food and would teach us any technique he knew to us free of charge. which i plan on taking him up on.


well we ended up going back to my friends house after all that where i decided to eat the other tab and a half. i had a friend of mine drive me home. in the process of getting back to my place we stopped at a gas station for a blunt. i went to go take a piss. and this where things get weird.



i had remember that i had scribed one of the tiles in this restroom last year. i went over to look at it. for the next 5 mins i stood there staring a going through the motion of the scribe in my head while staring in absolute focus at this scribed tile. i turned my head slightly to the right and the whole entire bathroom was just a flurry of checkered tiles. (hands down strongest visual ive ever had on cid) i left the bathroom after this and bought my shit and we were on our way.


we decided to go back to my friends place instead of mine. we got there and everyone decided to pass out. myself and the friend that i originally dropped with stayed up for a while trying to find fucked up erowid stories to laugh at. he passed out eventually. probably a good thing since he was coming off a 3 day adderal binge. which eventually lead me to writing this. all the typos in this are due to the fact that screen is still doing waves while i write this. and all the things i've experienced in the last 24 hours i've yet to have any ephiany of any sort. i think im doomed to keep wholling in my shit like this for a good amount of time. i was stuck in a rut leading up to all this. just living like this day in day out for past month. except this first done anything besides smoking weed this month. i guess thats my ephinany out all this. coming to the relization that im a pothead that gets by on loans from family members and the wages i make from being a sign waver for Liberty Tax part time. that im about to get a loan from my roommate so i can pay rent. and live of the food my sensai is down to cook for me. (yeah i know its weird and awesome that i have mentor that i refer to as sensai). even as fucked as my life has become since ive last been on here, is not as bad as i once thought. i coud salvage it and get myself in a decent overall place financially, sprititually, and somehow find a way to start acting like a mature twenty year old.


maybe today is that day. so im gonna wake up my boys since they were going to donate plasma today. and twist up a blunt and hope for the best and expect the worst. the only thing i can say ive come to realise is this, is that genuine humility can not be taught, yet gained inherinently through experience, and true growth can only be obtained through humility. that probably sounds like frayed logic coming from some retard. which it really is.



did you go here?:





you owe me 3 minutes of my life back


my mind stopped understanding the words you were writing in the last two paragraphs. fuck. and fuck you, now my head hurts.


god dammit.



not even cool story brah.



sad story brah.



tomorrow night you should punch a dude bigger than you, just for experience. THEN FUCKING WRITE ABOUT THAT

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well as of this morning i stopped do any drugs, including cigarettes. its not something i want, but i know its the only way that im going to reach some point where i can have stability in my life. right now im in a real make or break situation financially. im also dealing with a possession charge, a resisting without violence, and criminal mischief for getting popped. and just throw a $150 traffic ticket on top of it. my family is done helping me financially and i only have their support. but thats probably the main thing getting me through all this. my family suggested rehab. but im not a junkie, sure if railed a few bars. but i don't have 3-a-day blue habit. I think the acid was a blessing in disguise. cause without it i dont think i would have able to realize the position of put myself in.


read the bible on acid


start cult

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I did 18 hits at one time once. played speed by myself. lugged an old school thick ass bible that weighed a good 5 pounds every where I went for a couple days. almost ran over a kid by the bus stop due to poor depth perception. almost got put on the sex offender list for pissing on my neighbors huge front window with the family in the living room at 9 am. and devoloped a healthy anxiety issue over the last 12 years or so. cool story dick.

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^this, though I don't think he is a junkie at all, I mean he still has his computer right? I think he is an average-ish young dude who wants to come on the oontz and tell everyone how he does acid (which is waaay cool) then after that be emo and try to get advice. I will help him with said latter part, don't come online and tell a bunch of strangers about your average problems, I mean you didn't go to jail or anything, no STD's, no waking up in a random place with something broke or a dead hooker, nothing. Your life lacks the awesome substance that I deserve to read about. Do more crazy shit THEN tell us about it, THEN fix yourself. Real talk.

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