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Frances Bean makes art - to a sold out crowd.


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This shit kinda irritates me, it shouldn't, but it does.





Fiddle Tim is the artistic pseudonym of Frances Bean Cobain, 17 years old, an emancipated minor, the daughter of two complexly interwoven musical personalities whose impact on culture rivals that of any of the most successful artists of the 20th century. And she makes art.


Her debut solo show, entitled Scumfuck, is up now at La Luz de Jesus Gallery in East Hollywood. La Luz is the major league of Low Brow art, a major step in any fine art career. Hundreds of artists send packets and portfolios each year to attract the attention of gallery founder Billy Shire and gallery director Matt Kennedy. One can imagine that Cobain did not have to wait in the same line as every other artist, but in an art world where if you are not pulling strings you are not part of the art world, this cannot be held against the artist nor the gallery. Since the artist is using a pseudonym, the assumption is that there is a desire to have her work judged free from the context of her famous father, Kurt Cobain, and famous mother, Courtney Love.










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These are pretty gross looking.

But she's 17 and she only has 8 pieces up.

Somebody threw her a bone.

If she's serious she will hire someone to

help her draw better in the future.

And if she's really into it she'll hire someone

to start thinking for her too.

Then she'll look back at these ugly things

and be sorry.

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Her father would have shot himself if he saw her art........oh wait.




But seriously --FUCK THAT SHIT! Celebrity status needs to get the fuck outta here! That shit is sub par high school angst and who ever gave her her own show should be raped by a bunch of A.I.D.S infected natives with plates in their lips.

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well hey now...i mean at least she isnt whoring herself out by singing when she know she cant sing * cough cough katy perry....* or being some ridiculously bad actress just to make a buck or two in hollywood. at least she is trying to do art....instead of a fake career. and whatever shes 17 and her dad was kurt cobain. she'd probably be judged no matter what she does - good or bad.




and fuck courtney love being a mom.

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