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Crashing house parties, getting kicked out, crazy shit that results


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I always wondered at what point in someones life parties go from ruckus, sloppy beer fests to more reserved atmospheres.


My Housewarming is next weekend. Getting it catered, people bringing their kids, starts at noon.


Setting up the bocce, cornhole & golf toss. The inflatable beer pong table will prob stay in the garage for this one.


So here I am, Johnny fucking Suburbs.

At least I don't have to worry about shit-stains like yallz wrecking or stealing my stuff. My only concern is that niggas respect wood and use coasters.

















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i went to one of those house parties that gets sent out on facebook cos dudes dumb and invites his friends who in turn invite their friends etc so i got there and there like 200 people already everything all squashed and shit i go with 1 corona cos im broke and had to buy cigarettes so on my way through the garden and up to the bathroom im seeing people i aint seen in a long ass time and they all give me beer so im like nice whatevs and head up and on my way back down more beer so i end up with about 20 bottles of various beers sit down drink that shit cops come im in the back fingerbangin this 15 year old behind the shed when i this cop walks up on me looks at me smiles and walks off..so im like wtf? carry on finish up and as i come out theres like 50 people left all chillin in the front room smokin n drinking next thing dude comes in with a few bags rolls some blunts and i proceed to get high as fuck im now on 23 bottles of beer 4 blunts and 3 ciders when dude hands me a drink, turns out its pure vodka and an entire bottle of Tabasco i down the shit in one stand there for a few seconds then i start burnin up so he gives me about 5 more bottles of cider i down em fast as i can to get rid of the hotness and stand there for 45 minutes retelling the star wars saga as if it happened in north london.


walk back out to the back garden n some blond chick walks over, hey she says your that guy from south africa..yuh i say .ohh my dads from there..cool..haha i have a black girls ass what do you think..(now you know ima take advantage of that question cos it was a fine ass) ..squeezes ass damn i say slap it damn i say again on my lap she sits talkin for an hourish and shes like you do graff ? im like yeah ..you did that big piece on that rooftop?yeah i say i got my hand on her knee as soon as i say yeah chick grabs my hands and puts in between her legs smooooth cootchie so im rubbin it kissin her then im like fuck rip her leggings open fingerbang again, we hop up to the bathroom and were there for like an hour im wasted as fuck shes pretty high and bitch is like choke me and so im like cool choke her but as im about to bust my whole body tenses up and i pretty much gave her a sleeper hold.. so she starts gushin as she passes out n im like FUUUUUU... i finish up and chek her pulse n im like fuck wake up she gets up and looks at me like shocked n im like sorry shes like why ? im like oh nothing never mind chick walks down the stairs with a limp, anyway walked home at like 4am in the rain took me about 3 hours considering how fucked i was and i kept stopping cos some chick painted my nails with glow paint. next day i find out both the girls were only just 15. damn you puberty makin them so insatiable

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i was wasted man im hardly gonna ask for i.d at a party where i know the ages range is from 15-18 plus both of the asses were just ... but yeah i get that i treat them with enough respect afterwards to make sure i never get a statutory rape charge thrown at me,

also always where a glove unlike most kids my age only time i haven't i got the chick pregnant manned up and said ill be a dad even if she don't want it so she got an abortion so don't worry i know how to take responsibility for my drunken stupidity .

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  • 2 weeks later...

lets bring back this threaddddd


just this saturday i was chillin at my friends party, got fairly sloshed and decided to kick it on the front deck for a quick breather. Me and my friend are standing outside when we hear all this commotion goin on inside , i look down the corridor and these three dick head ,rich cunt north shore kids that had just shown up with no real association to anyone invited are running for the door. Me, being fair smashed, stumble back toward the edge of the wood porch, they try to run down onto the grass and onto the street but i stick my foot out and the first one, who was holding a goon sack ( or sack of cask wine) and falls flat on his stomach and pops it. The other tries hurdle his friend but doesnt quite make it and lands on his friends arm and then collapses. Then my Maori friend whos sunglasses they had just stolen comes running out all wild eyed and just runs upto dickhead number 2, who was just getting up, and spear tackles him straight through the bushes and into the wood fence. Then there was alot of screaming and yelling so i just bailed to the backyard.


pretty much all that happened.

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when i said there was screaming and all that i meant that to say that i bailed after the fight was broken up, instead of explaining that when my friend tackled the cunt into the fence it got pulled apart and i actually walked round the back with him, cos he didnt want to stick around for the whole post fight drama.

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At a graduation party when i was 17 I jumped off a house roof and missed the pool... sober. that sucked. I split my feet open lengthwise... i consider myself incredibly lucky on that count.


Years later at a new years party I ate a live gold fish. I shit it out at a diner the next morning and the smell of it combined with the hangover made me vomit simultaneously.


Some friends of mine once threw a keg off a fourth floor fire escape into a parking lot and proceeded to coat the stairs with white lithium grease on the way out... hilarity ensued.


Those are some of the highlights among a multitude of other idiotic actions.

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