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Crashing house parties, getting kicked out, crazy shit that results


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The one time i felt compelled to steal at a party was when i went to one full of a bunch of kids who rode track bikes, some were rocking cineli frames and other rare and very expensive bikes. the only reason why i didnt was because the guy who owned the house was chill as shit.

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one time partyin in hicktown, the dude that was hosting the party(still livin w/his mom at age 21 might i add) got so drunk that he talked people into breakin into his moms safe cause supposedly there was 50000$ in it or some bullshit, anyways.. they did and all that came out of it was like 300 bucks... not really a crashing story but if u had been there, definitly funniest thing i ever watched while drunk..


have to admit tho, i was intrigued!

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one time a guy i knew stole a keg of beer off a truck that was delivering to a bar. in the daytime.

so we call people over get a tap from the liquor store and get ready to party.

we had NO idea bar kegs use different taps than normal kegs. and you cant rent them.


so whatd we do?


busted out the power tools and drilled a hole in the side near the top and another ON the top(to let air in as the beer leaves). shit sprayed around, then a buncha cups of foam. but, the shit was FREE so it was delicious!

imagine two guys lifting and pouring beers outta that shit. :lol:


good times

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nothing worse than when a bunch of degenerates rocks up uninvited and end ups ruining your whole week because you're semi expecting the cops to knock on your door because you stomped some undesirables too badly


its really fucking impressive to crash a party with a bunch of unknonw ethnics and then break every window on the house cause they wanted your dodgy crew out. well done big guy. get your own party

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The only time I felt bad about stealing from parties is the one college br0 house I raided with some people, the fridge was pushed over, and everything was destroyed. I stole a bunch of shit from the bathroom (I had just moved into an apartment and needed things, toilet paper, tooth paste, fabreeze, etc.) but come to find out that floor of the building was some struggling foreign families spot. Don't know why their door was open with nobody home.

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why'd u waste time stealing febreeze.. i be stealin there jewerly and money outta there sock droor!!!! hahahahahaaaaaaaa ... and whatever dope i find im takin home to re-sell no matter what it is... fuck stupid ass college fucks in hicktowns tryin to be harddd

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alright, i crept on your profile to look at your posts to come to my conclusion. you seem to be an overweight rapidly aging(receding hairline havin') faggot who trys to get down on people for their posts. just because you grew up in a play pen doesnt mean that EVERYONE gets on this forum to tell stories that arent true besides yourself. im not saying im some kind of hardass and im not bragging about those stories, my lifes awesome, i have two parents and a house over my head. BUT, everyone's allowed to wild out on the weekends, maybe discluding yourself because you'll be too busy mustering up a responce to my post in your room with your 3 cats. you pathetic trolling waste of life


i don't know who's profile you got but that sure wasn't mine

i'm not fat, have a full head of hair and am no where even close to thirty.

so back on up there, Shirley

yo it's cool if you think strangers are impressed by stories of your bad assery, but in truth you look like a chump acting way too hard.

wilding out?

thats your idea of wilding out?

do some proper crazy shit and then call it wilding out

thats just drunken stupidity at a party you weren't invited to.

:lol: :lol:

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these are just two stories

there were many times ive been booted and not done anything because they did it in a respectful way. i know im not supposed to be there.

these times the people were asses

there have also been times where I have had to boot people from my parties

or help friends boot people

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Yeah, about this thread...


Alls I'm saying is that I would slap the mother fucking taste out your mouths. Stealing shit from house parties is a pet peeve of mine. Last faggot who tried to jack a fifth of Vodka and an IPOD from a friend at a San Jose house party got fucking Zangief head-clapped. Dude was snoring, we fucking hog tied him and dropped him off at the intersection of Story and King in East San Jo at 2 am. We never heard from the kid again.


I'm not an asshole who looks for confrontation either, generally considered to be the mellowest dude around. But I do look out for my peoples.

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wun tyme i crashed dis party dawg, i st0le mad shyt yo mad shyt jewelry tvz xb0x nd shyt rite in fr0nt ov mad people kiid they was lyk "y0 st0p" s0 i banged 0ut dis huge black dude nd his boyz didnt wunt shyt dawg they wuz lyk 0o0oshyt dawg lol den i suked a dik y0


y0 fuk hick t0wnz i liv in wun but i chill in da ghett0 dawg das my r0otz 4real

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this other time we showed up to this party that we thought was gonna be crackin but it ended up being gay as fuck, so we took there paint and like 2 fifths. later that night we were doing a shitload of drunk tags and the homie ended up breaking his foot and i spent the rest of that night at the hospital with him.


HAHAHA! Watching him crawl on the ground the next day was sick. He's STILL got that boot on.

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crashed a party with some bad kids looking for trouble. nothing was popping off, the entire party, except for us, was gathered around a beer pong table in the middle room, like 40 college douche bags and their hos. keep in mind, half of our crew is tripping on mushrooms. my one buddy wanted to start a fight, so he climbed up the outside of the staircase along the railing and jumped off onto the beer pong table with an elbow drop. i couldn't fucking believe it, haha. the bros were just in shock, the entire table broke in half, beer everywhere, totally ruined their game....but they didn't get mad, they just stood there all confused! so my other buddy asked the kid who brought us, "fuck this, do you know this guy?" and pointed at some random dude. "No, fuck that dude."...BOOM, he punches him in the face...still they're all looking at us like, "what the hell?!"...we couldn't start a fight to save our lives in there. we obviously got kicked out, and we bounced back to our friends house. then the one dude from the party called us up like, "yo, come back, we want to fight now". so we went back, threw some punches, nothing major...then bounced bc cops came.

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crashed a party with some bad kids looking for trouble. nothing was popping off, the entire party, except for us, was gathered around a beer pong table in the middle room, like 40 college douche bags and their hos. keep in mind, half of our crew is tripping on mushrooms. my one buddy wanted to start a fight, so he climbed up the outside of the staircase along the railing and jumped off onto the beer pong table with an elbow drop. i couldn't fucking believe it, haha. the bros were just in shock, the entire table broke in half, beer everywhere, totally ruined their game....but they didn't get mad, they just stood there all confused! so my other buddy asked the kid who brought us, "fuck this, do you know this guy?" and pointed at some random dude. "No, fuck that dude."...BOOM, he punches him in the face...still they're all looking at us like, "what the hell?!"...we couldn't start a fight to save our lives in there. we obviously got kicked out, and we bounced back to our friends house. then the one dude from the party called us up like, "yo, come back, we want to fight now". so we went back, threw some punches, nothing major...then bounced bc cops came.


that's the most retarded thing i've ever read

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