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How do you wake up in the morning


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today i woke up an hour early and couldnt go back to sleep.


i usually wake up at 6am, 8am on weekends. work has ruined sleeping in for me. i used to sleep until like 2pm until i got a regular job.


the first thing i usually do is pee. sometimes drink some water (if i drank the night before) but i always have to shower to officially 'wake up'.


my boyfriend likes sex in the morning so when im with him i have sex first thing. im more of a night sex person myself...

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I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier than I have to get up.

I hear the first alarm and stick one of my hands out of the warm, cozy bed to

snooze about 5 times before putting on slippers and a sweater and getting up to pee.

Then I heat up some water for tea, or sometimes brew coffee while I prepare a small breakfast.

Finish breakfast, check email,feed the dog, shower, dress, make up and hair within 20 minutes.

Grab my keys, and backpack and off to school.

I'm only half awake the whole time

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sleep 6-7 hours a night usually. 10+ when it's a vacation or whatever.

every day i gotta eat breakfast.

set my cellphone alarm for a half hour or 45 minutes before i go. if i get no sleep i give myself more time to wake up, an extra 15 minutes. I usually hit snooze once, twice if i'm lazy.

coffee and grapefruit juice, maybe a banana or a bagel.

pee in shower, brush teeth, put on t-shirt and jeans, go to school.


this concludes my terrible grammar post

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I usually get up 10 minutes before I have to be out the door. I don't really understand the reasoning behind getting up an hour earlier than your spose to. Mind you it takes me a good 2 hours before my brain gets going at work. Even then I struggle until about 3pm.



bingo. atleast when i was working. i'd get up, throw on my clothes from yesterday and head to work, i've been up and outta my house in under .30 seconds many times, i cant get up and do shit before i go to work or something, then it makes the day feel soooo slow. around lunch is when my brain actually starts working, im a whole new person after that.

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When I used to have a job I would regularly wake up a few minutes before I was supposed to be there. Brush my teeth, throw on clothes, run out the door, and then take my morning shit at work


Nowadays I'm usually up all night, sleep til between 2-4 PM, and then I get up to shit and shower. Depending on what I have going on that day I might stay home and relax for a few more hours, or I might be out the door right away

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Since I moved...cold and wet mornings leave me tossing and turn under the warmth of my comforter. Get up and shower immediately..maybe eat...maybe not. Try to get productive right away but usually BS on FB and 12oz before I remember OH YEAH!!! I need to do that.




...shit you know what...I forgot to go to the bank today

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Hence why you get on the ADD meds lol.

Just think like that movie Thumbsucker said, its only 3 molecules different, its legal (if you have a script) and you can go overseas pinging off your head. Then you can also turn a huge profit if you decide to sell (and the demand is strong, hence the rising of prices from $2 to $5) and you don't get a fucked up nose from having to rack lines all day.


Although I will admit coke is fun though, from when I tried it overseas.

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