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  1. I have the amazing ability to turn off my alarm in my sleep, making me late for anything/everyone i need to do early in the morning. It is a convenient skill to have.
  2. Dilf, short for william dilford the 3rd.
  3. Lots of sick pictures man. I loved Akko, it seemed really peaceful and calm when i went there. Is it still like that there after those riots went down? Were you staying in Tel Aviv for the most part or where? The craziest shit for me was seeing the most random people with guns, seemed really out of place...especially in the calmer cities.
  4. Just finished And now reading And
  5. I have the bad habit of knocking things out of peoples hands and then screaming hulk smash and running around in circles pumping my fists.
  6. So wait... if someone told you to tag his house, which was your idea, you would negraprop him for being a retarded faggot that has bad ideas? Just checking in to make sure that i was keeping up with you and everything made sense...:lol:
  7. This is whack. Still the solution is simple, just dont watch it. The worst part about banging movies such as these being remade (terribly), is hearing people talk about the remakes. Weak Sauce.
  8. I volunteer for a homeless shelter around the way. It is whatsup, some of the dudes there are mad cool and have crazy stories to tell you. Some of the other dudes there are just crazy.
  9. You also have problems discerning when to use the caps lock button.
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