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everyday life tips and tricks


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So I thought about starting a thread asking this question but figure I will try here first. What happens if you do not pay a ER bill? Can the hospital send it to collections? Does their being a non profit change things at all?


i used to sell health insurance.


without going too much into detail, you are the reason it's expensive.

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this black dude at this telemarketing yob i had once was called out by this one bitch for not washing his hands when he came out the bathroom





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Some scumbags dont was their hands after they piss.... After you wash your hands use the paper towel on the door handle and the door.


urine is a sterile solution, and your face has much more bacteria on it than your dick does. the medical industry is pushing over cleanliness to sell product and lower our imune systems (so we get sick more often and spend even more money on medication).



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visits slickdeals.net or fatwallet.com before you buy anything.


when food shopping start at the back of the store and work your way to the front. WHY? front of the store is high traffic = more costly product placement.


Sunday newspaper are $.50 on Saturday.


if a store is offering a product say B1G1F try to find a matching coupon or -$off coupon to maximize your savings. (google it)


keep your eyes on these sites..





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urine is a sterile solution, and your face has much more bacteria on it than your dick does. the medical industry is pushing over cleanliness to sell product and lower our imune systems (so we get sick more often and spend even more money on medication).




so after you wash your hands the first thing you want to touch is someones dick? nh

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when a toilet is flushed, not all of the water goes down. There is a lot of splash-back, which ends up all around the toilet and (depending on the toilet) spreads biowaste 4-5 ft. all around the toilet.

If you can see the shit or piss, that's really gross, but there is a lot of shit and piss on public toilets that you can't see, and i'm not tryin to get someone else's waste into my body. Immune systems can't defend against some viruses or diseases, when you get it-you have it.


Real talk.



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Next time you're at Arby's check out the back of your receipt... If you call a number and do a pretty easy survey, they give you a confirmation number and you can get a free roast beef or beef and cheddar. Or, if that's too much effort, just write down a random 4 digit number, they can't check them.

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I'm not sure if I've ever posted this but here is a 100% Full Proof Method To End Hiccups



You got the hiccups?





Are they annoying the FUCK out of you?



Are you at home?



Do you have peanut butter?



Get a giant spoonfull of PB, eat that shit and VOILA HICCUPS GONE.

This has worked every time I've ever had hiccups in my entire life and had access to PB.

My grandmother taught me it when I was like 5 and I swear old people are fucking SICK at remedies.

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When you are locked up...wipe your ass by lifting your nuts and going back to front.


Youll be known as a punk bitch if you stand up to wipe or if you wipe from behind with your ass hovering.


like prison, county, or just city jail?


first nigga tried to fuck with me over wiping my ass would get a handful of shit right to his mouthpiece, zoo style.

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