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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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3 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Australian @Schnitzelyou just out here with koala bears in the neighborhood 🧐🧐🤔😂

 yes there are a few around here we see a couple every year

2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Kangaroos everywhere that I live.


Wombats, echidnas, sugargliders, possums, you name it. Never seen a koala in the wild though.

not super wild here - boring suburbia


 think the koala populations round Canberra got really badly decimated in the 2002 -2003 bushfires - like basically extinct. meanwhile they were starving to death on kangaroo island down here due to being so territorial.


 you can see him here legging it for the tree as a dog barrels towards him. Silly bastard got on the ground during day light next to the dog park.

 1 second later pulls a mad ninja move jumping for the tree and slashing at dog's snout with his claws


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30 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Ha, no. Actually quite rare and only found in a couple of parts of the country, thankfully. They're pretty dangerous when in packs.


It's not just a Seinfeld gag: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-19/queensland-toddler-attacked-by-dingoes-on-fraser-island/11031828

I don't think Seinfeld started that but not sure how it originated.  Anyhow was curious.  Coyotes would be our U.S. equivalent and they've done fairly well at existing close to people.  Potentially dangerous, but usually not.

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14 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

I don't think Seinfeld started that but not sure how it originated.  Anyhow was curious.  Coyotes would be our U.S. equivalent and they've done fairly well at existing close to people.  Potentially dangerous, but usually not.

it started in 1980



Azaria Chantel Loren Chamberlain (11 June – 17 August 1980) was an Australian two-month-old baby girl who was killed by a dingo on the night of 17 August 1980, on a family camping trip to Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock) in the Northern Territory. Her body was never found. Her parents, Lindy and Michael Chamberlain, reported that she had been taken from their tent by a dingo. Lindy Chamberlain was, however, tried for murder and spent more than three years in prison. She was released when a piece of Azaria's clothing was found near a dingo lair, and new inquests were opened. In 2012, 32 years after Azaria's death, the Chamberlains' version of events was officially supported by a coroner.

An initial inquest held in Alice Springs supported the parents' claim and was highly critical of the police investigation. The findings of the inquest were broadcast live on television—a first in Australia. Subsequently, after a further investigation and a second inquest held in Darwin, Lindy Chamberlain was tried for murder, convicted on 29 October 1982 and sentenced to life imprisonment. Azaria's father, Michael Chamberlain, was convicted as an accessory after the fact and given a suspended sentence. The media focus for the trial was unusually intense and aroused accusations of sensationalism, while the trial itself was criticised for being unprofessional and biased. The Chamberlains made several unsuccessful appeals, including the final High Court appeal. This was one of the biggest and most misunderstood cases in Australian history.

After all legal options had been exhausted, the chance discovery in 1986 of a piece of Azaria's clothing in an area with numerous dingo lairs led to Lindy Chamberlain's release from prison. On 15 September 1988, the Northern Territory Court of Criminal Appeals unanimously overturned all convictions against Lindy and Michael Chamberlain.[1] A third inquest was conducted in 1995, which resulted in an "open" finding.[2] At a fourth inquest held on 12 June 2012, Coroner Elizabeth Morris delivered her findings that Azaria Chamberlain had been taken and killed by a dingo. After being released, Lindy Chamberlain was paid $1.3 million for false imprisonment and an amended death certificate was issued.[3][4]

Numerous books have been written about the case. The story has been made into a TV movie, a feature film, Evil Angels (released outside Australia and New Zealand as A Cry in the Dark), a TV miniseries, a play by Brooke Pierce, a concept album by Australian band The Paradise Motel and an opera, Lindy, by Moya Henderson.

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Probably the most famous criminal case, other than Ned Kelly, in Australian history.


Still constantly discussed in the media and legal circles. Pretty sad shit, imagine haing your child killed by wild dogs and then being pegged as a kiddy killer by a whole nation. That's some serious fucking misery.

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Weekend pies. 


Sick start to the weekend. State come shut us down and fucked a niggas money up.




Time to medicate. Somebody at the beer store has some fire broad tip hands. 




Bazu comforts all. 




Saturday morning. 




Little quick one to lighten the stress, mOn. 












Sammich game Steph Curry.




Saturday night fever.


Sunday morning light. 




Took the kid to some arcade and found this wild shit.  






Edited by NightmareOnElmStreet
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On 11/10/2019 at 10:25 PM, Schnitzel said:

Nice posts!


 @Magnum OPiss are you in india? that's cool place!

@NightmareOnElmStreetwhat happened work wise. that sounds like a ballache

State came down to the job site and put a stop work order on the building. Shady ass bossman was running a show without any permits, insurance, or licenses. 

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