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skinny girls and vodka.

Prime Chaos

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goddammit. fucking skinny ass girls tryin to be legit and drinkin all the fucking shit and then puking in the backseat of my car. idk if any of you all got this problem but its like the third time for me. im sure you got some stories to tell about skinny ass chicks and handles of vodka. yup yup.

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when i was 17 or so, i was hanging with these kids from highschool....

there was this one guy we called sideshow bob, his real name was gary,

but dude looked like sideshow bob with fucking curly poofy whiteboy afro goin' on.


we were screwing around waiting on this "shampoo-poo" (if you dunno, then damn...man or astroman was there) show to start and decided to go shoulder-tapping for booze. now, zima had just come out and it was all the rage with highschool girls...and some fags who looked like sideshow bob...so, gary gets us to load up on zima shit water.


anyhow, dumbass poofy hair lookin fool gets plastered on zima and gets hit by this punk rock lesbian named terra in her dyke-mobile, then nigga pukes down the side of my car,

then the prick proceeds to puke all over my girlfriend.


it was funny. guy was a douche.


i think we ended up tying him to a tree outside this one party.


edit: there was no point to this story, i just thought you guys should know that i once knew a whiteguy who drank zima and looked like sideshow bob. last i heard, dude had a coke addiction. haha

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The first time I met my last serious girlfriend was on Halloween. I was running late and she kept drinking. By the time I got to her she was hammered and by the time we left she was puking on the street stumbling into to buildings. Imagine a girl wearing a devil costume with the pitch fork puking and yelling at random people that she will take their souls.

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when i was 17 or so, i was hanging with these kids from highschool....

there was this one guy we called sideshow bob, his real name was gary,

but dude looked like sideshow bob with fucking curly poofy whiteboy afro goin' on.


we were screwing around waiting on this "shampoo-poo" (if you dunno, then damn...man or astroman was there) show to start and decided to go shoulder-tapping for booze. now, zima had just come out and it was all the rage with highschool girls...and some fags who looked like sideshow bob...so, gary gets us to load up on zima shit water.


anyhow, dumbass poofy hair lookin fool gets plastered on zima and gets hit by this punk rock lesbian named terra in her dyke-mobile, then nigga pukes down the side of my car,

then the prick proceeds to puke all over my girlfriend.


it was funny. guy was a douche.


i think we ended up tying him to a tree outside this one party.


edit: there was no point to this story, i just thought you guys should know that i once knew a whiteguy who drank zima and looked like sideshow bob. last i heard, dude had a coke addiction. haha



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Dont hang out with girls that cant hold their own. Simple solution.



But casek your story just reminded me of a guy that got super plastered at a party and instead of tying him to a tree we walked him down a trail into a creek that he's never been to before. It was great. I wake up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon and on my way to get some lunch I see the dude just getting out of the trails. It was pretty funny.

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oh jeez.



for 2 1/2 years i was with a skinny blonde thing, and it didn't matter if it was vodka, wine, beer, fuck practically water, and this girl would be dumb drunk.



i too remember getting to a halloween party a few years back, i had just gotten off work, mind you its only 9pm, and i'm headed to the party where my girl had already drank 1 and half bottles of wine and was now onto something else. when i got there she was super hammered, like just getting inside the party was a chore, of course she ran to my car and was jumping all over me like a crazy drunk blond dressed as marilyn monroe zombie. so i get inside, i might as well be a zombie too after all the make up that was smeared onto my face from hers.


we party for a while, she obviously gets way too wasted and i have to take her home. great now you can fucking annoy my cats and run around with a forgotten vocabulary acting like a wacko. anyways the rest of the night at my apt before she fell asleep was her running around in a tshirt and garters acting nuts, getting fucked, and then both of us passing out and ending up sick as hell the next day. i didn't even drink hardly? oh well.


crazy skinny blonde bitchy.

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haha nice story AIDS. I was with 3 skinny hoes and my friend. We got some of this three olive vodka which was fucking gross and after about half a cup this one bitch is screaming n shit about 10 mins later we finish off the bottle (by we i mean me and my friend cus the other 2 bitches have already blacked out) now im pretty drunk and i go to put my keys in the ignition and fucking i lost my keys. So while i throw everything out of my car to find my keys i see that theres already a fresh puke stain on my back seat. I pull the chick out on to the pavement and let her finish creating a new lake of puke. (i dont know how she fit all that in her stomach) about 20 mins later i find my keys... in my pocket.. and stumble my way to my friends house. only to remember that i left that bitch laying in the ground. so went back got her home. then finally got to take my piss..

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me and my homie decided to kick it with one of his female co-workers one night...

since she had the next day off, she wanted to get drunk...but i had school the next day..and my homie had work....


so we decide we'll just buy her a bottle of whatever she wants...mistake.


we go to the liquor store and the bitch picks out a bottle of after shock (a cinnimon flavored drink thats red)..


well she gets nice and drunk....starts pulling out her titties and flashing other cars...this goes on for about an hour or so... all while she continues drinking...


long story short....bitch threw up all over my back seat and floor....oh..and the color red stained my carpet and seats...


needless to say....i was pissed....dropped the bitch off..and yelled at my homie...

luckily, he worked at a car dealership and gave the mexican detailers at his work $20 to shampoo and clean my shit and get the stains out....


so moral of the story is....dont buy this for females..



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this chick i brought home from the bar puked all over my bed and herself while i was in the bathroom pissing. i get out the bathroom and she's all runnin towards me with puke on her and shit. brutal. we was drinkin jager all night. so i let her shower up and what not i pulled the sheets off my bed threw em in the wash. proceeded to smash upstairs on the couch. i have no cuthe.

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