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dear laughs


always good shit going on, just can be tough to find it.


i need to plan something. my boss is about to have a baby though and i'm the only one who works here.

dunno. somewhere with a beach.

the weather is getting warmer, i made another skirt and wore it yesterday.







dear cagney


you're not missing much on fbook. i enjoy it bc it's gotten me in touch with a buncha people i used to go to school with, and kept me in touch with some friends overseas and family who are scattered. but it's not really earth-shattering must see stuff. i tweet as well, but it's only petitions and political shit, so i don't think anyone reads it.

as for crime, i don't talk about that shit on there. that's for dummies.







dear brothalynch


i have no fuckin idea wtf you're talking about and i told you that in a PM

..have you tried clearing cache and cookies?


if your IP is banned you must not be having that hard of a time since you continue to post

we banned an IP a few weeks ago, and it was not the IP in your post above

if you somehow share another IP with the guy that got condemned, that is not our problem


you can let me know your banned IP address and i'll see if they match, if not you can email webmaster.



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dear Realism.


have a drink for me..if you can


dear Souls,

sounds like trouble.



Dear laughs.

whats goodie?

work work work..which means money money money.

no time for play, really...so I continue to get into trouble via 12oz.

I'm pretty sure I asked for more nudes in another thread this morning.

Would love to go bench..but this wind is fucking me up...all dizzizzy and shit.

lookin like a drunk out walkin around. (i might blend in more,however)

Pheonix this weekend.


your turn-



eS eM

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dear oontz...


should i buy myself teh chun-li dunks..? i feel like i deserve them... been knockin' my pan in the past few days... plus tomorrow's gonna be a right cunt, and so will friday...



dear hybrid lassie in the gym...


i'm sorry for staring but those big chabbs of yours were just fuckin' fantastic... especially when they'd do that wee bounce with every step you took on the treadmill... forgive me i've had a long day and i'd let you stare at my tah tahs anytime...


dear Grd...


they're nice shoes and all... buy i think they'd rush you well upwards of £750...i may be wrong. but not by far.


rolfoid steroid

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Dear laughs,


I want cake. Birthday cake, in an amusing shape, with royal icing and jam and butter cream filling. It's not my birthday though. Other than that it's all good and my friends and I trying to decide which festivals to hit up this summer. What's up with you? It has to be more interesting than cake!



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Hey ladies!

Life is pretty good. Super stoked on life, started my day with this song:

Symbols you are a productive person. Sewing entire wardrobes! Have you started any corsets? The girls at my work are poping out babies left and right! Babies are cute and all but im hella irresponsible and a selfish monster.


SM this wind is freaking rediculous! Today the door at work almost flew into me. I feel you on painting. Im kinda sorta maybe a little bit like this guy and last night i was hella bummed cause my pops is kinda sick and what not. But anyways guy had a HUGE canvas covering his wall and a box of paint for me. :) way better than flowers. But hit me up, i personally like the wash and tunnels.


Grd, girl you dont even know i can bake like a motherfucker! i always tell myself every year that im gonna go to these music festivals and never do it. There is gonna be a bunch of funk and soul old school bands coming through my town soon though and i cant sleep on that.


Well ladies, peace out and have an awesome day!




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aint been drunk or on tinychat (or both at the same time) in awhile.

stone cold is maxin' at home, as always. he's good though. i'll tell em you were asking after him.


dear laughslast,


thanks dude.

she makes me pretty happy.

my inner cynical bastard/depressed mess says otherwise, but i could see myself spending a lot more time with this female --- fallin'.



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Dear laughs,

whatta way to start the day, bestest.

I copped some french fancies earlier. Nowhere near as good as a birthday cake as I'd hoped. My homies were happy with them though and somewhere, making your friends happy over yourself is what's up.

Send good cake, please.




Dearest Corky,


please do behave. If you're reading this, you're not behaving...stop.

Really though, get flicks, yeah. SATURDAY ohhh


iloveyouido, bestestest

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Dear Laughs.

washes and tunnels dont sound too bad...i def wont go there alone (too much)

lets do this sometime soon


Dear B&H,

I dont know what it is..I cant only speak for myself (and all of my other personalities)

I dont like a guy to be an asshole, but he definitely cannot be a softy.

You have a backbone and a set of balls..you need to recognize them and use them.

Its fun and all to be able to boss around a guy, take advantage of his feelings...but it gets old..really quick.

I see you (not you personally) as weak. I need to be told to sit down and shut the fuck up every now and then, and have your own opinion and a voice to speak about it.

dont agree w/ everything I say. Unfortunately, these days people are so fucking sensitive that 'speaking up for yourself' is equivelant to being an asshole.

Its all about the chase-

once you turn into that 'nice guy' some females may think of that as already having you right where they want you. Continue to be an ass, and some may think they still have to try..and keep trying until they have you where they want you.

It's all a game.

this all makes sense in my head..im not sure it translates the same.

*******disclaimer*-i only speak for myself.************

not tryin to speak for my fellow ladies-or give away any of our secrets.



Sex & Money


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Dear lastlaugh,

Ohh good shit? Well I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure!

Summer is on it's way too so I'm pretty amped to possibly travel. I'm also looking forward

to my birthday. haha I'm just ready for a break away from college.



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Dear Boats,


you seem like a nice bloke and it kinda makes me sad that nice guys have to resort to this shit so...


While I agree with an awful lot of what the lovely SM says about girls not wanting a soft touch I'd like to add a bit to it.

Wimmins are attracted to cunts, the more perceived 'danger' the better. I'm not particularly interested in a guy who will pander to my every whim. While at times it seems like a 'nice' agreeable guy is all that's required for a happy life, when we acquire one the boredom tends to set in with the quickness. Ultimately I think all anyone wants is to be able to respect their partner, be it man or woman and to be with someone who is constantly on your side gets a bit grating.

On the flip, yes initially a cocky self assured guy who you think might fuck you over as soon as look at you seems quite irresistible, that gets old pretty quick too. We all have some issues and we all want to feel secure in the knowledge that we're loved, appreciated, respected and cared about. No self respecting 'decent' girl is gonna put all her eggs in the basket of some guy she suspects might be at a bar one night and will fuck off with the first girl who looks like easy fun.

It's all about balance. Be aloof at first, make her work for it, she'll only appreciate it more when she gets you. But as soon as you both start to catch feelings, reevaluate, be more open and less of a cock. Because you only reap what you sow and as my mother always says, treat others as you'd like to be treated.


sorry about the wall of text


aunty grd

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dear laughs,


i bake too, you should put some recipes in the cooking with 12oz thread.







dearest milkyG


cali has retired.

if you look back through this thread, he says goodbye on his 33,333 post

far as i can tell, he ain't comin back (yet)








dear BOATS


it might also be the type of girl you're going for.. not ALL girls like jerks.

i can also assure you that as the ladies get older, they are far less interested in the cocky, wild, asshole

and more interested in the thoughtful, sweet provider.

good luck



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Dear Fish

when i get back..we will make plans.

or we can keep planning for another year (plus)

or ill treat ya to coffee.


Dear Cali.

you are missed.

(especially your props that made me blush)


Dear RU-

either you're being a smartass by questioning !@#$%

or you're 12 and really haven't a clue.

I'm goin with option A.


Dear Boats.

Hope you're having fun.

Im tellin ya, next time ill leave the keys for ya..and you can

stay at my pad-when im gone as well.


Dear whoever.

Im the last person to say anything about how men/women work.

or anytype of reltionship advice.



Dear Drive back to Vegas.

don't be as much of cunt as you were on the way to Pheonix


Dear new phone in very near future.

Even though I have broken all of my phones in the past..I swear ill take good care of you.


Dear 'friend' who takes my flix, and watermarks em w/your image,

im not quite sure how to bring it up.

time to create distance again.


Dear almighty and souls.

have a drink for me.






rambling on,

creepy SM

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Dear symbols,

Didnt even know there was a baking thread. Man, there are all these pockets of femininity in here. Who knew? Im feeling the heels thread lately. On that baking tip it was my girls birthday the other day. Got her a blowtorch and a fire extinguisher. Maybe my first contribution will be us making creme brulee. Or putting out a fire.




Hey sm! Yeah i got a solid crew of ladies that would never let me paint alone......and 6 brothers that i could only wish they didnt harass me about my daily whereabouts. :) anyways, still got my number? Hit me up plus the Sahara is gonna get blown up! I have not even checked out that rollercoaster and that restaurant with beer taps AT YOUR TABLE! And im from here. Shameful just shameful.


Dear Oontz people,

Have a good day damn it!


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Dear pms,

Go away. :(

It sucks being a female.




Dear brother, nephew, and brother in law,

Happy birthday, thanks for being such cool,

respectable men in my life. You make family

visits worth the while and I hope you guys had

a great birthday.


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dear oooontz weeeemin'


thanks for providing an insightful lesson into your fucked up ways...



dear self...


chill off the fuckin' bevvy. yi were dain no bad ken? but you've just fuckin' pished it ah right up the wall recently... and get doon the gym doin' more cardio more often. what the point in having pecs when your man boobs are 3 times the fuckin' size?x


dear work...


please come in thick and fast...


i could do with more of you






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