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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,

that is fucked. haha but it had me lol'ing hard. thanks.



Dear sizetags,

Long time no talk homeskillet, keep me in the loop, whats new?



Dear Myself,

quit getting hung up on your ex man. go out and bang some randoms and get your mind off her, yeah it was sweet of you to take care of her on saturday when she was so drunk she got kicked out of the bar that you were also at, and none of her friends felt like taking care of her, and yeah she told you she loved you but she was piss drunk and didnt remember any of it on sunday. give it up dude. she doesnt want you.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



i guess your only human by still caring for girl. -maybe you should chill with Cali...and go fuck a fat broad so she can moan food-sex talk while you sex her..then she can cook for you later.

but tell me..what does one do to have someone completely hung on you? i need to take notes..or quit being such an ass.

meh-all i do is work..and think about penis. At the moment..laying in bed..oontzin..in the most comfortable blanket ever..window open..smelling rain, hearing it fall. its absolutely lovely.


its ok to be human. she seems like a lucky girl.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear sooki,


He is a friend of mine and his wife is about to pop out their second kid any day now...

He has a solo cd coming out which is awesome, its called duck project. I will let him know that a cute korean girl from teh webz thinks he is cool....




Dear giants,


Give lincecum the 13 million he wants, he deserves it, and best to keep our best player happy.


K thnx,,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear sooki,


He is a friend of mine and his wife is about to pop out their second kid any day now...

He has a solo cd coming out which is awesome, its called duck project. I will let him know that a cute korean girl from teh webz thinks he is cool....




Dear giants,


Give lincecum the 13 million he wants, he deserves it, and best to keep our best player happy.


K thnx,,




dear PhatRalphy,

haha thanks. tell him i drove 12 hours and was in a bad freeway collision

just to catch him with ozomatli.

also, fuck yeah timmy should get that 13mil!

lets hope we have a good season!

can't wait for beesball.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



i guess your only human by still caring for girl. -maybe you should chill with Cali...and go fuck a fat broad so she can moan food-sex talk while you sex her..then she can cook for you later.

but tell me..what does one do to have someone completely hung on you? i need to take notes..or quit being such an ass.

meh-all i do is work..and think about penis. At the moment..laying in bed..oontzin..in the most comfortable blanket ever..window open..smelling rain, hearing it fall. its absolutely lovely.


its ok to be human. she seems like a lucky girl.



dear tags.


dahh man i dont even know what she does to have me so hung on her. but it actually kind of annoys me. in my eyes shes perfect. its that simple.


your comment about cali had me lol'ing. :lol: i remember when I chubby chased for like a month, those girls were easier than the normal ones I go for.

i feel ya about work. fucking school is getting in the way of life, and it bothers me.

I seriously need to stick my dick in something this weekend, i made a new years resolution about not hooking up with randoms, and i've done so well in keeping it, but i figure this can be like a treat.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dead math homework


two problems left- can you just finish yourself? i have basketball to watch, more homework to do, and chocolate to eat. thanks.





dear edogg,


i hate calc 2 and it is currently having its way with me. here's my utmost sympathy and understanding.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear twin sister from anotha motha,






its bad enough you trick me into shrooming at the lake but did you have to bring the jason mask?







and then send me a pm with the before picture?







sincerely frozen and terrified elisixer

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear italian girl,


fine, flirt with 'em, see if i care. hmmph.





dear friend who is on lots of meds that don't allow her to drink alcohol and she texted me 20 minutes ago seeming reeeally drunk,


way 2 go, champ.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,

ahhhhh-ha no wonder you couldn't join us this weekend.

sex>friends eh????

<3 ssn



dear ssn,


no...its not that...i cant make it out to reno with all the snow on the road...remember, i dont even have chains!!...but next time you come through sactown, we have to do that vietnamese vegetarian spot again!...i loved that place!




Dear Cali.

I bet she cooks a banga too. High carb, high cholesterol,

dripping in fat and goodness.



dear abcs,


im sure she can hook it up with some really good greasy food. i might take her up on her offer...lol....fresno is only about a 3 and a half hour drive from where i live.




Dear Cali,

that is fucked. haha but it had me lol'ing hard. thanks.



dear dose,


i was trying so hard not to lol when she said it!

so you chubby chased for only a month??...ive been chubby chasing since i was 17..lol.



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