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Everything posted by Siege1222

  2. I hope dexter brutally murders Julie Styles.
  3. http://jerseyjoeart.wordpress.com/2009/09/14/beach-planes-freights-a-movie/
  4. no one said anything about tht nace on the first page. sweet thread
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLrVCI4N67M oh my god that garbage patch is insane
  6. is that screen shot from that movie unstoppable?
  7. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks swamp donkey is a fuckin great photographer...his site is sick
  8. the one on the left zar?? i dunno i been wonderin the same shit
  9. fuckin amazing show...bored to death is on some hipster fag shit tho..
  10. Re: Did I fuck up, or is this legit. yuhh i woulda done the same thing thats fucking scummy
  11. Re: Did I fuck up, or is this legit. wait...so he hooked up wit em or was just bein a creep?? either way he got wat was comin to him
  12. hahahahaha that bum has a peanut butter sandwich next to him fucking great my mans on some g.g. allin shit and he dosent care. priceless
  13. i dont believe your story, cause its bullshit, so i doubt your teacher will either.. to bad you had to ditch ur SuPaflY Ku$H brosef...thats hella lame....faggot
  14. Siege1222


    i think hes trying to say that some people treat it like a religion....maybe hes not, i dunno, imo people do treat it like a religion or something, way to seriously.
  15. Siege1222


    130 milligrams anit shit, maybe a bag or two of h, a half gram of h is a hell of alot, but yea, its basically the same shit, except with a oxy you kno whats in it, with a bag of h ur taking ur chances, anything could be in there. and that picture isnt all track marks, most of thos marks a cig burns. but that shits not really funny and i dont know why people think making fun of somone elses addiction is amusing. thats fucking sad. yonis, you feel sick in the morning for a reason, your body is making you sick and telling you that you need more drugs to feel better, when reality it is the other way around. when you go through withdrawl, you feel like complete ass, your body is cleaning itself up, removing all of the toxins. this is also why you might throw up, and your gonna be shittin water for sure. a few days of pain is worth being clean. i would recommend suboxone for getting off of oxys of dope. when i was getting myself clean, i would take a half of a 8miligram sub a day, for about 5 days. the sub will make you feel alright. you wont get the sickness, you wont get the runs, sweats, nausea, although i found it hard to sleep. after the 5 days i stopped taking suboxone, because a lot of people also become addicted to taking this crap too. after the subs were gone, there was a 2 day period of mild sickness, more just a uncomfortable feeling, nothing major. a big part of the withdrawl is mental. its just your body playing tricks on you. just remember that no matter what your body and mind are telling you, your much better off without the drugs. goodluck yonis, i hope you get well man. your too young for that bullshit. i would agree with the statement that aa/na meetings are like cults, people in there act like the program itself is a drug, and are actually addicted to going to fuckin meetings. imo they are way to into it. but i guess different things work for different people, like i said b4, i cant count days because it makes me think about drugs too damn much. to each his own tho...
  16. Siege1222


    i tried heroin for the first time when i was drunk, i was under the impression that it was a smashed up oxy...after i sniffed it i hit the floor and was out for hours...after waking up i knew it wasnt an oxy, but i wasnt totally sure what it was. after asking i found out...and within a few days i was shooting the shit up. heroin is by far one of the best highs that you can get, this is also what makes it so dangerous, after feelin that high, other drugs dont do it, and you start to crave that feeling at all times of the day. shit is crazy. its really really not worth it at all. it will drain your money, as well as your life. shit makes you act like a zombie and the worst part is that you have no idea, you think your acting normal. heroin is something that i had always told myself i would never do, the thought of it used to disgust me, but after doing it, you dont ever wanna be sober, i would get nervous and crazy anxiety if i dint have money to go cop. shit really takes total control of your life really fast. anyone thinking about doing the shit, just dont, and anyone who says they will never try it, good, just dont make a stupid mistake like i did. after being on that shit, you realize how great something as simple as being sober is, when i was addicted, i used to envy people who were sober, and living "normal" lives, lives not revolving around using and getting money to cop. being sober is great. life is a gift, dont waste it getting high and shit..
  17. Siege1222


    i was addicted to heroin for about a year...well, heroin, xanax, any benzo, and alcohol...Ive been clean for about a month, maybe a bit longer, i dont count days because i think it makes it a lot harder, makes me think about it more. getting clean is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. sober life is so much better and easier than being addicted. I used to spend my day trying to get money, getting drugs and getting high. after a while i wasnt even getting high off the heroin, i was just doing it to feel normal. being a addict is a shit life. being sober is great, sometimes its hard to get there. I would encourage anyone whos having trouble with addiction to get clean, do whatever it takes... go to meetings, see a councler, go to a rehab if you have the money. accupuncture can actually be pretty helpful for addiction problems and the cravings... get clean. being a addict is a shit life.
  18. Re: walk hard!!! who are you?? bump that navy8!
  19. Alexa Meade will be exhibiting limited edition prints in New York City at Postmasters Gallery from April 2 to May 8, and she will have her artwork in the Saatchi Gallery in London for the “Art of Giving‿show” in October.
  20. The documentary is called "Nazi Pop Twins"
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