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Everything posted by Siege1222

  1. I HATE it when electronics stop working for no reason.
  2. False, 44 cents in the account .. eggs and toast for me today. Tpbm is nocturnal
  3. I hate it when people take a bunch of pictured of the landscape on their vacation and then think that you're even slightly interested in seeing a bunch of buildings and signs WITHOUT graff on them. I hate it when people tell me that I can't smoke on school property and tell me that there are signs all over the place saying it's a non-smoking campus, as if I couldn't read.
  4. Memoirs of Montparnasse - John Glassco
  5. I used to enjoy the occasional perk and over the summer my wifey and I got bronchitis and we decided to self medicate. We started buying copious amounts of perks and then we decided that it was more economical to sniff OCs. After spending 60$s on a couple of OCs we decided that for 10 dollars we could get us way higher and decided to sniff Heroin and it was cool because we were only sniffing it. The next day we were buying works and shooting up. All of our money ran out and instead of stopping she would dress us in her nicest clothes, we would go around to each train station and I would beg outside for money and she would go inside crying saying that her purse got stolen, we made enough money each day to get fucked up. This all happened in the span of 3 weeks. We stopped when we had to go up to her folks house but the withdrawl was crazy. I ended up stopping because I went away for awhile and had no access but every time I came home it was the same thing, start off with perks and somehow justify shooting up again. It wasn't like 'kissing god', it was the rush getting it, releasing it into your arm and feeling the warmth take over every inch of your body. It erased any feeling, good or bad, as it spread through your veins. After the initial high it just made my head cloudy and I would puke at least a couple times. I used once 16 days ago and before that it was over a month. I can't say I wont ever do it again, I can say that I don't want to. It is taking one step at a time and knowing that a clean life is possible. It's knowing that I don't want to end up dead or wake up in 15 years and have missed everything worth experiencing. Recreational use does not exist with heroin because it always leads to more and that always leads to some form of loss (whether it be your life, things you care about, or people you love). To everyone attempting to get sober, trying to stay sober, or even wanting to get sober ... keep at it, because it's never over until it's over.
  6. I lived in toronto, I was born in Montreal, I've lived in Jersey, just outside philly for 16 years. Toronto is New York without the culture and dirt and Montreal is still crying over not being their own country. Toronto is boring. Not an awful city ... not hating .. it's just boring. Scarborough has the most excitement but still falls short. Just my opinion .. don't hate.
  7. Oh dear. Is he trying to be funny? Is he mentally unstable? Is he an convicted sex offender? I'm thinking all of the above.
  8. It was good. entertaining. They should have gone into the details of the virus more and the government conspiracy more but overall it was entertaining and i feel like if you watched it through the internet it wouldnt give off the same feel .. wouldn't make as much of an impact .. the reason for it being entertaining was because of the gore, violence, and action and that might get lost in a ripped version off the internet
  9. I hope Dexter brings the baby out on some kills ... toughens him up right from the start. The baby should kill rita's kids and Dexter should be forced to cover it up and teach him the code.
  10. Rachel Leigh Cook Anti-Drug Commercial
  11. Whatever old cereal you have in your cupboard, peanut butter, butter, throw it in the microwave and stir it around .. shit is mad good with that shitty cereal (JUST RIGHT) that nobody wants to eat anyways. Protein and fills you up.
  12. sorry. Am i behind? I thought people (who are as unaware as I am) would like to know. My bad.
  13. Siege1222


    The website http://www.mp3ify.com lets you take the audio file from any youtube video and convert it into an itunes file for free. No virus. I just found out about it and it's pretty much what i have been doing all day. You dont have to donate anything, but the site is pretty ill and in order to keep it going its probably a good idea, but definitely not necessary. Check it out
  14. go to canada, save mad dough. English and Film .. easy way to get the over priced piece of paper. then Networking .. its all about who you know.
  15. i remember an episode where the kid collected toe jam hahah
  16. the quickest way to lose everything. Go from having a job to beggin and hustlin for a few bucks. Demolishes any self respect and the worst part is that you don't give a shit. Makes you lose weeks at a time not to mention everything that is even remotely important. sold some of the only things i had of any worth to be part of lifestyle that has no promise. You never see an old junkie.
  17. between 10-20 dollars, not too acidic. between 15-20 dollars great wine to pair with a meal.
  18. havent been this season yet bc where im at there are no mountains.. only hills. Im hoping the season sticks out and there is some fresh powder soon because im going to Vermont in 3 weeks .. im stoked! I wish Okemo wasn't so far from where im at.
  19. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... ^^ CO-SIGNED!
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