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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dudes,


thanks for the well wishes! yeah it's pretty weird cuz most midwives are old ladies in frumpy hippie dresses and stuff, and i am obvi not like that at all. i will be snatching babies outta snatches in jordans and a miniskirt. but we'll start with nursing and see where it goes from there. hopefully i can go to some mountain town in mexico or something and have an old lady drop some ancient baby knowledge on me to complete my training. b-fish, holler at me when you get a bun in the oven, i will come to sacramento and give you the first ever luchadore delivery and it will be epic.


and good luck with them press passes marco! i want to see those pictures if you get 'em.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Hey eatso,


You make any progress getting your girlfriend to try new food?


Dear Worker Retraining Class,


I know more about the subject than the teacher and those students who think they are learning valuable job skills are in for a surprise. Focus on the computer work and ignore the course content otherwise.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sanfran

you are awesome but please stop asking me for money.

when I say I'm ballin' I mean really little balls and i only have two of them


dear chilli con carne omelettes

fuck I'm glad I discovered you

the cleaners at the hostel probably think otherwise but to me you're golden and brown and beany.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear tootsie


i hate you. so much. SO much. anyways im glad to be back in seattle- home sweet home as of a few hours ago. fyi i have way to much free time on my hands so if you need to get out and paint this weekend.. well, i MIGHT me able to fit it into my jobless/schoolless schedule.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 9 days from now,


Yay bdais. Hopefully this year less jail and psycho mexicans....







Gold member

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,


even though i graduated (commencement ceremony), im still one class away from getting my degree....so summer school ftw!


dear suki,


what should i bring?


dear schnitzel,


welcome to cali!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear new 1/2 (stress half) boss,

I would like you to know that since I am a half time employee

at your facility with little time to tediously clean toilets I will not be doing so.

I am not a janitor. That is not the title I hold.

I think the point that was stressed very heavily at the meeting I attended with you

and my other boss was that where ever I felt I was more in need of being

that is where I will be. Your facility is not that place as of right now.

I'd also like you to know that for being a clean freak/ having passive aggressive

complaints about my cleaning, you are a complete pig. I am not your mother.

I am not going to pick up after your fast food you leave behind or sodas. I dont

think its necessary that I clean up other staffs dishes either.

I'd also like you to know that I am unable to be in two places at one time.

Most humans can not do this. I have to be at another site at 6.30 miss

to give out meds. I can not run across town to your site and open up a room so clients

are not inconvenienced 30 mins till the next staff person comes on to open this room.

Also I think it is pretty stupid you are requiring me to be here for three hours.

Since it takes me two to do everything I need to do. Hence why I am furiously tip tapping

at my keyboarding and on 12 oz. Quit trying to sabotage me hiding keys to clients

rooms then telling me to do night checks. I am too smart for that.

I will be bringing a tape recorder next time I meet with you.

Taking note and pictures of dirty wrappers- Can B. mean fish.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear life since ive been home-


so what, within 5 hours of me deboarding the plane im fucking ready to get out of town again. nice. painting this weekend will help.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear faggot hipsters,

i hope you all die in a fucking fire that ravages your retarded clubs and parties

getting stuck at your retarded pussy ass parties when im the only person that weighs more than 100lbs and isnt wearing some gay ass tour de france hat. go suck frenell morris' dick you mindless fucks. id rather be stuck at a frat partie with idiots than your gay ass excuse for a club. YOUR MUSIC SUCKS. just because your slamming your head against the keyboard doesnt make it some sort of adstract music YOU JUST SUCK AT IT, STOP!!!

fuck this town sucks all the good stuff is gone.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Toots and Edogg,

I am hot. No really, I can't do this. I am not a tropical Mexican. I am an Eskimo Mexican; a Meximo.


We are getting ready for ComicCon, brother has 18 resin bird toys we have to sand, paint and assemble before Tuesday. I have been painting a little bit. I have Tshirts being printed on Monday, so all the paintings are add ons to the shirts being sold.

I am waiting on my paint package I mailed out. I should be getting it Monday, I'll send you pics of what I paint on the gallery rooftop and production in San Diego.


I have been surrounded with Pitbulls, Sharpes, Boston Terriers and Yorkies.

I feel like the Dog Whisperer.


Okay, I am going to drink a beer and paint and draw more.

I miss you both.


Hug Grouchy Boy and Hug yourself Edogg.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Hey eatso,


You make any progress getting your girlfriend to try new food?


Dear Worker Retraining Class,


I know more about the subject than the teacher and those students who think they are learning valuable job skills are in for a surprise. Focus on the computer work and ignore the course content otherwise.


Dear Morton,

that wasn't me.

Me and the lady eat a wide variety of foods.

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Guest JohnLester#31

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Mom,


Last night I while you were out and I was sitting at home contemplating whether or not to go out, I decided to snoop around your room.


In doing so, I found a joint you didn't finish and faced it.

I also had 2 coronas out of the fridge;

by this point I was just gonna stay at home on the computer.

If I must say, I felt bad, because that was by far THE WORST joint I've EVER smoked. Who the hell gives you your shit?

I actually had to open and reseal to make sure I wasn't smoking tobacco.

So for your sake, I promise to smoke you up for the first time ever the next time I pick up.



Your son, #31

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Santana,


"and hug yourself Edoggg" hahahaaha


I'm good now, no need to punch him, I do enough of that :)

I miss you too, you're so lucky to be going to ComicCon, I heard the one there is amazing.

Can't wait for you to get back home. I'm glad you're having fun.


Dear Edoggg,


Thank you for an amazing day! And the sweeeeeets, You're the best!


Love always,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear santana

i would refrain from calling handsome man your brother. just sayin





dear tootsie

we did good yesterday!! you especially. i hope you had fun. call me tuesday or any other day to either go out and hit the town.

next time i'll bring a camera...


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