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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear botched suicide attempts,


stop fucking showing up in my life.

1. you're annoying to begin with.

2. failure is unacceptable, this cry for help shit is fucking tiring. TALK TO ME MOTHERFUCKERS.

3. i guess you're better than success, but seriously, what the fuck?




fist "tired of failing as a friend" sixsixsixer

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Testors


I don't know what your secret ingredient is that makes you stay on my fingernails but if you could send me the formula to make you leave, i would be for 5 minutes in your debt



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear chinese buffet,



ok so since we are on a first name basis i feel as though i can let you know that i know you hide the sushi when i walk in the door. i forgave you the first time when you thought i had been putting the sushi in a tupperware container.. because how could you have known a person can sit there for 4 hours reading a book and eat almost 100 rolls of sushi.

i deserve a plaque or something for that.

but now you fear that my appetite is a drain on your financial stability and hinders your ability to provide sushi for the masses.


no i say... this is freedom we are talking about, a free land 9.87 all you can eat 5.34 buffet lunch


dont you see i know you laugh a secret laugh every time somebody asks if there is any more general tso's chicken, and you see me as i am stuffed full of a myriad of ethnic foods all under one table trying my damnest to shove a bowl of yogurt into my mouth just to get the maximum for my buck.


cant we come to some agreement?

cant we come to some symbol of sushi trust between me and chang mee that wispy firebird with hands of a goddess....rapture is what i crave as i stand daft watching the amazingly round woman called chang mee roll roll after roll of different types of sushi, and with prize on the plate i waddle away with glee with soya sayce and all the fixings along.


if at all i could ask you leave out at least 7-30 rolls for me that way we are both happy..


sincerely jonsin for teh cream cheese joints elisix the sushi shaman





p.s if not for me... do it for the children

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear rain,


Go fuck yourself. I wanted to go to a ballgame and drink and eat and watch Korean baseball cheerleaders this weekend, but I guess you felt different.






Dear Tim and Eric Awesome Show Good Job,


What the fuck? I laughed out of confusion. A LOT.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ladies


fuck you both. that kitty is NO laughing matter and i FULLY intend to take a break from your fiesta tonight to bike a can of tuna down to that intersection. think im lying? try me. i will have canned tuna, at your party, and my bike, ready to ride. what.


hasta esta noche




P.S. its not kidnapping when you have good intentions.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ladies,

Hahahaha, I bet you will. But that cat already has a home and food! What are you going to do when you have kids? Jesus. Handsome and I were talking about this.

Toots, let's have a G1 party tonight. I'll show you some cool features. God bless douche bag ex's and cheers to wonderful handsome replacements.

I'm going to make taquitos (real deal) for the party tonight, can one of you bring cards?

Also I am making people watch Tekkonkinkreet and salsa dance.

Yes, tonight will be a fun party!


Love Santarita


PS We already got buffed, but this puts no wrench in my stride, I have a good idea for next prody, will explain at fiesta tonight!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sanbananana


so... you and Handsome were chillin in the park talking about how fucked i am when i have kids? haha. no worries, my good intentions really only cover the animal kingdom because i feel bad about human tendencies to fuck over all other species. so i feed them and give them love- like the kitty! and my pigeon (rip)! and my ducks!

even though you'll stray from your own idea- im excited to hear your plan. and excited for taquitos. and painting. yay.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear NFL draft


i realllly wish i could be lazy and watch you all day but stupid work gets in the way of everything. including the philly/pitt playoff game. fuck. fingers crossed for a game 7!!




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ex-GF I havent seen in 4 years,


This is a fore-warning to that cooch of yours. I'm glad you accepted to chill with me after work next week cause my dick's been looking for a rematch and this time the gloves are off (metaphorically speaking, safe sex kids). I'm not bringing the D-game this time. I'm stepping it up to the full B+ (A game reserved for wifey). But I digress... I just wanted to let you know that I will be practicing all weekend long fucking 20lb bags of sand preparing to demolish that shit. I'm going to shoto strike it, some street fighter 4 moves that ken and ryu can't do. We're taking it to the couch, the kitchen counter, to the futon, to the bed, to the shower. Final summation... my dick is a hurricane combo of a Hulkamania leg drop, a bulletproof falcon, a Bruce Willis stare with the starpower of Zac Effron. Your vagina is the prey. Toodles. :D


-Mag "breaking my vow of celibacy" O'piss




PS wish me luck oontzers

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Seattle People

Im headed out that way on friday


-shit to see

-places to visit


let me know.



Dear Boris,

I am the Mayor of Seattle.

1. Area of Seattle are you staying?

2. How mobile are you (this will determine where I should direct you)

3. What are your general interests? You want to go to shows? Drink? Skate? etc


Thanks you,

The Management

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sanbananana


so... you and Handsome were chillin in the park talking about how fucked i am when i have kids? haha. no worries, my good intentions really only cover the animal kingdom because i feel bad about human tendencies to fuck over all other species. so i feed them and give them love- like the kitty! and my pigeon (rip)! and my ducks!

even though you'll stray from your own idea- im excited to hear your plan. and excited for taquitos. and painting. yay.





Dear Edoggg,

Yeah, we sat in the park and people watched after we got this;



It was good. And then person in charge of writing on me came and we talked to him and jumped on rocks. Handsome and I both like you and think you are a good egg. He is confused as to your sense of humor haha. I told him, we make fun of you cause that is how we show we care. No hard feelings?


We should do an animal production too. I promise I will try to stick to the point when I explain what I have in mind.


I am going to start cooking now and cleaning. Consider me Mexi-Wife extraordinarie as of NOW!



Santana Banananananananana

Come home sooon!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dogs, (most of the times ive come on here i've written to you)


well today whilst painting you really pissed me off. i was finishing up it was getting dark i gave you a good 'nudge', im very sorry. tomorrow when i get back from popa bears crib Im gonna play all afternoon with you guys.mah nigs, its gonna be fun I'm gonna make it up to you guys you'll see.



your nig,

the big geez

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear studying for this stupid test on monday,



fuck.....ive been studying for you for the past three weeks...but today was the hardcore studying session.....


ive started studying at 10:40am...and it is now 12:15am....thats over 13 hours straight!


wtf.....my entire saturday...wasted on studying...i better get an a is this fucking hard ass 5 unit class....if not...im gonna kill someone!


-cali"needs a break from school"gula

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