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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2010 in all sections

  1. I'm putting myself on blast here and probably shouldn't air this out on 12oz but I'm a recovering heroin addict. Heroin destroyed my life and I'm slowly but surely pulling myself away from that miserable lifestyle. I was strung out on the shit within a week of my first taste. Kicking is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I've done it many times, thinking how stupid I was cause every time you promise yourself you wont ever put yourself or your family through that shit again......and you always go back, and it gets worse and worse every time. Fuck heroin. Stay away from that shit like the plague. And don't fuck with anyone who uses. I know its cliche......but whatever.
    5 points
  2. woke up, got ready for a long day: walked this little monster: breakfast: chilled with my baby neice: hit the road: to go here: I liked this: purpose of my visit: they painted active trains. keep an eye for them when you bench. please flick em and report back: el futuro: drank free beer: hipster dude is so hipster: ended the night at the bar: FIN
    5 points
  3. the whole tic tac thing really does prevent newbies from posting, i been coming on this site for a while, never had a membership till recently, but i almost regret it, i dont even really post because of the few times i have, besides picture post, i get neg propped, just for stating my opinion, like everyone else was, but of course my opinion is wrong...and then come the neg props...pretty lame if you ask me. after lurking for so long and getting to know the personalities on here, it sucks when you try to contribute and you end up getting neg propped...called a faggot or whatever... im sure ill get neg propped for this too.... oh well
    4 points
  4. part 1 Preface... ok so i think i went on the most wholesome 3rd date in my life. DAY DATES are serious biz. this chick is kinda rad, and we grew up sort of in the same neighborhood, but she is way rich... (though she has family who served in the supreme court and other high places.) she has never been to the statue of liberty. i havent been there since 1988.... so saturday was perfect weather and i said lets do it. chick is mad cool but the day would have been dope either way. met up took the train downtown. walked around a bit got tkts. boarded the boat, hudson river water.... lo head to toe, trying to look cool.... unsuccessful.... VERRAZANO NARROWS BRIDGE. NORTH OF THE HUDSON ELLIS ISLAND LIBERTY HO! its corny but i felt mad patriotic.. CONT....
    4 points
  5. I am un-deleted. yay.
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. wow dude. i just went to listen to brokencyde to see what they were about... and... fuck, there's no way anyone likes that shit right?
    3 points
  8. Graffiti is cool dood! I wanna do it!
    2 points
  9. Knockin the winter cobwebs off .....
    2 points
  10. sculpture use to be in the old trade center plaza, right between the 2 towers. walked up the block to get some wine for the evening. one bottle mind you... fuck they got me. later on... im real drunk at this point. met up with some homies and went to some place called Apotheke, out of the way spot in chinatown. all in all kinda dope. illness was the exit of the club lead into someones foyer, i would be pissed if i lived there
    2 points
  11. I'm not propping anyone till they prop me!!!
    2 points
  12. planet fitness is ok if you dont make ANY noise and want to use machines. the price is good. but the gym is totally pansy. be prepared for lots of curling in the squat rack, strange looks when you hook up your bands to do bench presses, etc. i've been to two planet fitnesses. one basically allowed you to do what you wanted as long as you dont make noise, the other one has a sign that says 'no dead lifting.' enough said. they dont allow outside equipment, even jump ropes. i've snuck in chaulk, dip belts, a foam roller and bands though. this was at the location that didnt really give a shit about any of this though.. your mileage may vary. dont forget about the free pizza nights. hahaha. damn planet fitness is hilarious.
    2 points
  13. Re: Great Pictures~ Via http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilovegraffiti/
    2 points
  14. i used to jerk off in an ex-girls pantie crotch and get her to lick it off. fact.
    2 points
  15. leaving to take daughters saw this scary ass elvavator took 3 mins to go 5 stories. thought it was going to stop mid floor walking in the hallway with my daughter she has been sick for way to long kids have stress to and thats what the doctors think leaving the doctors cool parking garage had to get meds and shop for yummy foods... sick kids are fun ....
    2 points
  16. No Limit exemplified why blacks should not have photoshop.
    2 points
  17. jesus christ a lot of people on here talking like they just read an entire novel. how often do you fools actually read books? it wasnt really that long... cool read tho, dude writes pretty well. this genre of writing could make a shit load of money off of suburban kids who dig vicarious living. and if you liked that read check out this book: (its got a few short stories about frank lucas) same feel to the writing.
    2 points
  18. lovin that IOF wall...Ironlak...blessin ct
    1 point
  19. this. same sitch even more awkward, they came to my house and got drunk with me, while waiting for others to arrive my friend goes "go on, feel her boobs, they are awesome, shes cool with it" hesitating for minute knowing that she had a crush on me early in highschool i went fourth and grouped said boobies. then my fuckbuddy turned up and i had an excuse to dipsetted out of what could have been a potentially awkward situation. yeah i hate her but her bra is like an E cup and shes not fat
    1 point
  20. dude thats the dopest shit iv ever seen and i dont even eat borscht or lose SEVEN TO THREE in the olympics being completly pwned by Team Canada.
    1 point
  21. seems like a blatant rip of this (the best album you probably don't own)
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo you are pretty awesome at the self love.
    1 point
  24. With a name like kunta kente, how could you not be black
    1 point
  25. k so now it's a 3 way tie between ruck shaken and jm
    1 point
  26. oh yeah, so just to understand the consistency of the new bannings... i got a year ban on my old acct for "no porn" but its ok in here I love the consistency of 12oz, my kinda plce!
    1 point
  27. ^^^^ nasty. Dear Haters, I understand how its hard to be heard over how fucking awesome this thread is, but please, shut the fuck up.
    1 point
  28. Sir I'll gladly ask you to fuck that garbage.
    1 point
  29. Someone should change the name of the thread to "I COPY AND PASTED A BUNCH OF PICTURES FROM SEVERAL SHITTY BLOGS"
    1 point
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