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Howdy partners.


After a lot of deliberation, wifey and I have decided that there is not much of a promising future here for us. We make okay money but buying a house here (Miami) is some bullshit. $350k gets you a shithole in Little Haiti with bars on the windows and a toilet that somehow migrated out of the bathroom and into the yard. We both have jobs here, I work in IT and she does clinical research. Miami is pretty famous for low wages, high rent, and we definitely feel it. It's no secret that we'd both make more elsewhere. We have been tossing around the idea of moving for a while but now we have made the decision to be outta here when our lease is up (end of September, but might need a little more time).


We tossed around a few cities but Houston seems to have what we are looking for. I'm not a fan of the ridiculous amount of sprawl, but the fact that you can buy a house cheap, and there seems to be plenty of jobs (good paying jobs, at that, more than we'd make here fo sho) is very attractive. I have been doing some research and it seems that all of the negatives that people complain about, I'm already dealing with here. Heat and humidity... yeah, Florida. Bugs... yeah, Florida. Traffic, yeah... not only is there a lot of traffic here, you have all kinds of Mad Max shit. People stopping on the expressway because they miss their exit, making left turns from the right lane, etc.


We're both pretty in the middle politically. We're both pretty socially liberal... legalize weed, pro-choice, let the homos do what they want, etc. But also, don't tax the shit out of me, don't touch my guns, etc. Live and let live I guess. It seems that this city might be a pretty good fit because it has a healthy mix of both sides, plus you know, cheap housing and a lot of good paying jobs.


Also the ability to speak Spanish is something I care about, I feel if I go too long without using my Spanish I start forgetting mis palabras and I do a lot of "ehh... mmm... me ... me duele la pinga?"


So what do you guys think? I know we have a few Texans here, hopefully I can trigger @Dirty_habiT by telling him I wanna move over there, buy a Prius, shop at Whole Foods and vote in socialism. Didn't DAO move to Texas too?

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One of my boys moved from SF to Houston about 5 years ago......he met a honey with a big ass. Maybe even a huge ass.


They bought a pretty tight crib for what would be a down payment here in CA.


Also we don’t see much but there have been hella ooontzers from Texas.



Bloodfart - who has a bunch of user names.


That’s all I can think of at the moment.

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If you move from one place to here it doesn't magically make you rich.  You still have to get a job and the rate of pay here is probably less than what you'd find in those places people are leaving to come "live cheap here".  There's the catch that nobody talks about.  If you cannot bring in the same kind of money or better that you were before then you will not "be rich" here.  If you work in the service industry, expect that you will be moving into a SATURATED market and you will have a decently difficult time trying to find meaningful/high paying work.  You will, in reality, likely accept less money than where ever it is that you moved from.


The Californian mayor of Austin, TX is turning it into California..... so many people that are trying to escape the policies and bad aspects of where they're living are moving right into a spot where bad leaders are attempting to do the same thing.  I'd recommend against Austin now, but there was a long period in my life where I'd say this is a good place for anyone to come live because it's beautiful and the people are great.  Not the case anymore.  All the nice places are being turned into apartments and shopping centers.  The nice outdoor places have litter in them that was never there 15 years ago.  The people here have changed, and it's not the people that have lived here forever that have decided to start treating the city and eachother like assholes.  This was introduced by people coming in with the idea that they want to "trigger" others by voting in socialism or whatever.


It's fun to troll and everything, but when I meet people that are obviously "like that".... I quickly label them as someone that is a time waster and keep them from wasting my time.  It's a skill I've recognized and honed just recently.  It keeps me from wasting my own time on people that are tarded.


Dallas is a good city.  I've been to Houston several times in my life but it's industrial and spread out.  You could find a very nice house there, there is plenty of work there...... but again, if you work in IT you can get that New York or California paycheck (coughcoughocuoughch) and live where ever you want to live.  THAT, truly is the lick.  It's not this, sell your house, buy one in Texas and then try to "figure it out".  People are doing that, but it's a half cocked plan IMO.


Texas kicks ass because of the people that are here.... anyone seeking to change it is seeking to change what made it desirable to them in the first place.  Cheap living can be had anywhere.  People should come here for the freedom, and it's really not all that cheap.  Austin, according to Amazon, has Seattle cost of living.... which is fucking ridiculous.  And what you guys think is "affordable" here.... you missed the boat.  The people with huge money have already moved in here to skim off the real estate boom that is happening here..... which means "the cheap deals are no longer here."


What you're going to buy for $200k will be a decent 2 bedroom house MAYBE in a crap side of town.  The thing about these "desirable" cities/states is that the cost of the square/rectangle of land to put your house on, or that already has a house on it, has shot up astronomically..... and it's exactly why I am moving the fuck out to the country.



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I mean... I've been looking for jobs, they definitely pay more there for what I do specifically. Miami is shit for IT and wages. Both Florida and TX have no state income tax, I'd make ~$10-15k more in Houston from what I have seen thus far for similar jobs. Even if I kept my job (which is a distinct possibility) and just worked remote, the cost of living is less so I'd still come out ahead.



And what you guys think is "affordable" here.... you missed the boat.  The people with huge money have already moved in here to skim off the real estate boom that is happening here..... which means "the cheap deals are no longer here."


That's relative though too. Yeah of course, it was cheaper years ago but it's STILL cheap if you're coming from here, New York, California, etc. My 600sq ft apartment for $2k is cheap in Miami, even renting something similar in Houston is like $1200.


I don't think I'm going to be rich or anything. I just want the opportunity to move up in my career more so than I can here, and buy a house. I'm not picturing myself as a Jordan Belfort lookin ass mf as soon as I move over there or something lol

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My rent is 1200/mo..... but it's taken me quite a few years to get to where that wasn't a struggle to pay.  I can see an angle to what you're saying.  They're saying that Austin is a giant tech hub.  Houston has O&G industry.  I think the future of big money in tech is going to be healthcare shit.  Everyone's buzzing about it because of covid.


Someone asked me the other day what my goal was, since I was telling them about focusing on only making money at work and with my time.


* My intention is to own my own jet.

* If I never get there, that will be ok.

* As long as I'm happy along  the way.


They said it was a good life motto.  I dunno man, I want a jet.... and I'm not going to get it by dicking around doing the same shit that everyone else does.  I've been trying t o instill this mindset in others.

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What do you do for a living? I would take a helicopter over a jet. No airport needed.


I have been to Austin once but not for many years. From what I understand it's gotten very Californiaish, which is further mentioned by yourself. That's not something i"m looking for really. Like I said, live and let live but no touchin' my money or guns damnit 



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Was only kidding... unless you want to of course!


All kidding aside though I appreciate the advice and insight, it is useful. I have found that my willingness to deal with "city bullshit" is decreasing, so I wouldn't mind getting a place farther out. Here, I have neighbors that treat the entire apartment building as their own house, as opposed to just their apartment. Letting their kids run up and down the hallway at random times screaming. I legit think they just get sick of having the 3 of them in a small ass apartment and just tell them to "go outside" and play... outside meaning the hallway.


Neighbor that blasts his music. Parking tickets. etc.

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The things you're describing is exactly why I decided to buy land.


It's not a problem that those people don't want their rowdy kids in the house, but what they should be doing is teaching the kids to have a little bit of respect for elders.  That means people working to pay rent there.  They also need to learn how to share.  When you understand sharing, you understand that your noise and rowdiness in the hall of the apartment entrances is not a good way for EVERYONE that uses it to derive a good benefit.  This would be a lot for a kid to imagine and understand on their own so it's UP TO THE PARENTS to teach these things.


I had to share.

I had to respect elders.


The other day I told the dumb ass meth dealers' kids across the street to go throw their football next to their cars after seeing them hit my neighbors car.  I wasn't an asshole about it either, i didn't TELL them what to do, I suggested it.  So this little sideshow bob haircut looking mother fucker got smart with me.  It's crazy that kids are like that now, I would have never done that as a kid, I would have said sorry and went on about my business trying not to irritate an adult.


My other "neighbor" has a "job rocker" stereo he plays in his front driveway from 5pm until bed time for him.  If you're outside in our hood, you're listening to his playlist.


The neighbor I shared the duplex with had a rotweiller that jumped out of their car and bit my wrist, almost severing my tendons and ruining my ability to type/do work.


The other neighbor, with the stupid kids, sells dope.  Pretty sure it's meth, the traffic looks like tweaker people and their tweaker cars.  My other neighbor , on any holiday where you can shoot fireworks, shoots ~$1000 worth of fireworks in our street that isn't big enough to have two way traffic at the same time on because of cars parked on the street all the way up/down the road.


The redneck that plays loud music a lot also sells weed and drinks like fish.  His stupid friends with lesser trucks than mine do burnouts after they've been drinking in front of his driveway asthey leave..... matter of time before they lose control a little bit and cause a nice insurance claim for themselves.


Some SJW's like to write in the dust on my windows because my car is blocking the sidwalk in my driveway.


All of these things will be washed away when I'm out of the city.  I won't have to worry about tards living directly next to me anymore or having to listen to them, or having them next to my shit with their wreckless tarded behavior.

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If you're serious about houston, there are plenty of places to live in and around the city.  Cypress is basically the go to place because of home value, family oriented, the schools, and cost of living is cheaper in most cases than living in the inner city portions.  You're in IT, so with that being said, there's plenty of industry to pick from, from medical, law, aviation (League City has NASA) and of course the oil and gas even tho its crap right now, you're still in demand.  


Now however, you mentioned your wife in the med industry so if she lands a job I. The medical center then you both definitely wanna live close to there.  The down side is the cost of living around the med center is going to be higher than the suburbs like cypress.  Basically the med center is located in and surrounded by the most affluent of all in Houston.  


I would add more but I have to break away.  I'll be back. 

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Damn Houston real estate looks pretty fucking good.



it's got a fucking pool and mini golf hole??? That's a castle for less than 1.4 million Aussie dollars.

fuck I might move there.


it's actually a lot further our of Houston than I thought yeesh.



5 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

The things you're describing is exactly why I decided to buy land.


It's not a problem that those people don't want their rowdy kids in the house, but what they should be doing is teaching the kids to have a little bit of respect for elders.  That means people working to pay rent there.  They also need to learn how to share.  When you understand sharing, you understand that your noise and rowdiness in the hall of the apartment entrances is not a good way for EVERYONE that uses it to derive a good benefit.  This would be a lot for a kid to imagine and understand on their own so it's UP TO THE PARENTS to teach these things.


I had to share.

I had to respect elders.


The other day I told the dumb ass meth dealers' kids across the street to go throw their football next to their cars after seeing them hit my neighbors car.  I wasn't an asshole about it either, i didn't TELL them what to do, I suggested it.  So this little sideshow bob haircut looking mother fucker got smart with me.  It's crazy that kids are like that now, I would have never done that as a kid, I would have said sorry and went on about my business trying not to irritate an adult.


My other "neighbor" has a "job rocker" stereo he plays in his front driveway from 5pm until bed time for him.  If you're outside in our hood, you're listening to his playlist.


The neighbor I shared the duplex with had a rotweiller that jumped out of their car and bit my wrist, almost severing my tendons and ruining my ability to type/do work.


The other neighbor, with the stupid kids, sells dope.  Pretty sure it's meth, the traffic looks like tweaker people and their tweaker cars.  My other neighbor , on any holiday where you can shoot fireworks, shoots ~$1000 worth of fireworks in our street that isn't big enough to have two way traffic at the same time on because of cars parked on the street all the way up/down the road.


The redneck that plays loud music a lot also sells weed and drinks like fish.  His stupid friends with lesser trucks than mine do burnouts after they've been drinking in front of his driveway asthey leave..... matter of time before they lose control a little bit and cause a nice insurance claim for themselves.


Some SJW's like to write in the dust on my windows because my car is blocking the sidwalk in my driveway.


All of these things will be washed away when I'm out of the city.  I won't have to worry about tards living directly next to me anymore or having to listen to them, or having them next to my shit with their wreckless tarded behavior.

 This sounds horrible!









Edited by Schnitzel
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Back in the day I used to do a lot of residential moves as a contractor driving for a van line. Texas by far has some of the nicest people on earth, I used to joke with them about it because I used to say "the only reason your so down to earth is because everyone is packing heat in Texas". They would be like like "isn't everyone packing heat in Chicago?" Yeah you got me there lol 


Also it's the only place where the people we were moving actually helped out and on top of that we ended the day with some juicy steaks and good beer. They just get to work in that state.


I just Hope the exodus from Cali doesn't ruin that old school Texas hospitality 

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Houses are pretty cheap compared to other places, not like they were 10 years ago but definitely reasonable.  Property taxes are high where I live, but we also don’t pay any state taxes. Don’t know a lot about Houston other than the traffic is horrible, but  most big cities have that problem.  

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46 minutes ago, ~KRYLON2~ said:

Back in the day I used to do a lot of residential moves as a contractor driving for a van line. Texas by far has some of the nicest people on earth, I used to joke with them about it because I used to say "the only reason your so down to earth is because everyone is packing heat in Texas". They would be like like "isn't everyone packing heat in Chicago?" Yeah you got me there lol 


Also it's the only place where the people we were moving actually helped out and on top of that we ended the day with some juicy steaks and good beer. They just get to work in that state.


I just Hope the exodus from Cali doesn't ruin that old school Texas hospitality 


This is another thing I've considered. The south and Texas also have the friendliest people I've encountered as well. 


Here, everyone is extremely stand offish and has a "me first" mentality even for the most trivial of things... like making room for someone on the sidewalk when you're exercising and they're walking 4 people wide, taking up the whole thing. 


I'm just kind of burned out and while I definitely am nowhere close to being able to afford a house now, when I can someday, I'd like it at least to be an option. I feel like that'll never happen here. Or at least not for a long time. 


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@fat ralphyholy smokes bro. I cant even calculate the mortgage on something like that. $6000+ a month? 


2 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

Cleveland’s market is so ridiculously cheap it’s hard to believe. Problem with that is, you’d have to live in Cleveland. It’s a tough lifestyle. Warm weather is better. 


I always liked the midwest and its people. The varying levels of cold build character.

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11 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

@fat ralphyholy smokes bro. I cant even calculate the mortgage on something like that. $6000+ a month? 



I always liked the midwest and its people. The varying levels of cold build character.

I bought at 585k with a significant down - my mortgage is manageable. 


Since I bought the value has went up around 400k. Shit is crazy out here in the Bay Area...

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Retirement is in the works - I still have like 15 years I need to work into my retirement system. 


Dude the one thing this thread hasn’t mentioned, isn’t Houston susceptible to floods?


I think my buddy nearly got flooded during the last big hurricane. But coming from Florida that might not be a big deal.....

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7 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

I bought at 585k with a significant down - my mortgage is manageable. 


Since I bought the value has went up around 400k. Shit is crazy out here in the Bay Area...


You could easily retire on that one day if you sold, then invested it. Hope you're up on that 2.8% refi game.

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