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Lol @ Minneapolis


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22 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

That is the chief editor of Global Times news paper, which is owned by the CCP - it's their attack rag that runs one story in Chinese language and another in English. He's about as full of shit as my bowels after a hard night on the curry. If you want to see an even more toxic guy, check out Zhao Lijian. He was recently an ambassador but has been promoted to deputy spokesperson for foreign affairs. He was the one that was pushing the story out there that the US made the virus and spread it in Wuhan via a bunch of soldiers competing in sporting events.

I posted that tweet with you in mind actually haha

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5 minutes ago, metronome said:

I posted that tweet with you in mind actually haha

He's been laughed at voluminously* for that tweet, as it would seem that it's the HK police that have infiltrated the US, more so than the protesters. Not to mention the fact that they were previously saying that the CIA had infiltrated the HK protests, so then infiltrating the US kinda don't make sense. The Chinese aren't the best at propaganda outside of their own culture.



*not the right usage, I know, but fuck y'all, it's a cool word.

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Reading that they used flashbangs and teargas to clear peaceful protests in public areas so Trump to do a presser from the Rose Garden and then walk to St Micheals to take a photo of him holding the bible.


You know when a politician showcases their piety, that they're legitimacy is in question.

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The militarisation of a police force is the slippery slope to the deployment of a military against its own civilian population.


The US has already had the militarisation of the police force, your media is being beaten in the streets and threatened as criminals, you've got the national guard on the streets, next it's the actual military who wield overwhelming force.


This is what you look at in other countries and call tyranny or authoritarianism. But it's not another country.



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Some thoughts that I've had for a while, in which I'm interested in @misteravenand @Mercerthoughts.


To me, we are seeing the tyranny that an armed militia is supposed to protect the republic against. It's not just Trump, but it has all come to a tipping point under his lead. The problem is, the armed militia would have to rise up to defeat the tyrannical forces, which will include a large amount of the police forces. But it would also involve a large element of the population who support the 'police state', for want of a better term. How does the well armed militia in California agree with the militia in New York, agree with the militia in Texas agree with the militia in Chicago? How do the all act towards the same goal and how do they get the population to come along with them?


How does a well armed militia, in reality, not mean civil war?

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3 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Reading that they used flashbangs and teargas to clear peaceful protests in public areas so Trump to do a presser from the Rose Garden and then walk to St Micheals to take a photo of him holding the bible.


You know when a politician showcases their piety, that they're legitimacy is in question.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde issued a response to the president's visit to the church, "The President just used a Bible and one of the churches of my diocese as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our church stands for. To do so, he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged."

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1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

Houston chief of police telling the President to STFU.



I wonder how many people lost their voting rights to this cock gobbler and his merry band of shit heads?  He should heed his own advice and shut his mouth.


Keep voting with your bricks.

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7 minutes ago, where said:


SOP for a vehicle that could be hiding IED/VBIED. They're not 'just vandalising'.


The question is whether its reasonable to suspect that vehicle as being deliberately placed to ambush the cops with. I'd say that the answer to that is a pretty clear no. Secondly, they didn't search the boot/trunk, nor did they look under the car. So it was pretty pointless, to be honest. They look like a bunch of hacks that saw something similar in a movie once.



Edited by Hua Guofang
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6 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

In context (the cops are pulling out the broken windscreen, likely to be able to drive it out of the area):



Yea I just saw that it was debunked and some of these videos of the cops hitting glass on buildings seem to be post looting so that it doesn’t fall injuring someone. Seems like another example of how the context can be twisted and the frame of reference distorted to support a narrative.

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1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

This is America eating itself:



I’m 100% against the police brutality and these aren’t my kind of dripless people but are they supposed to just step aside while their neighborhood is looted? 

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2 hours ago, where said:

I’m 100% against the police brutality and these aren’t my kind of dripless people but are they supposed to just step aside while their neighborhood is looted? 

Of course not.


My point is not to judge them but the situation. There are vigilante groups openly moving through the streets carrying weapons with the police standing aside. Regardless what you think of the vigilantes, the cops or the protesters, the situation indicates a breakdown of stability due to the disintegration of social cohesion. Or, in other words, America eating itself.


Those guys are reported to have bashed a journalist who tweeted about the situation from hospital. He was fucked up (more so than the girl in the stormtrooper suit, put it that way!)

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I have survived all through these protests so far without getting shot, choked, gassed, sweaty, thirsty, etc.  I have a super simple method to achieving this.  It actually has saved me time and money vs anyone that has made the decision to participate in "protests".  I stayed inside and didn't get involved with people that don't have anything better going on in life.  I worked on shit that can go in the accomplishments thread.


I don't want to be around people that behave in a way that is consistent with someone that has nothing to lose.  I have a whole lot to lose and so I have not participated or wanted to be around anyone talking about doing anything stupid.


I strive to do only smart things and I cannot vouch for many other people keeping that mindset 100% of the time that I've noticed.  I know a few other very smart people but for the most part, I see a lot of negligence, ignorance, prejudice, logical fallacies, grandstanding, and instigating by people that are not so swift.


I'm chillin.  I'm sure the "vigilante" groups as they're being called would welcome anyone that is of the mindset to protect their neighborhoods regardless of what color they are.  I don't think those people met up and kicked out a few people that weren't white before going on their neighborhood saving march.


I don't see why all these common dumb mother fuckers have to turn everything into race.  They could stop calling white people white, black people black, etc.  They're not in court making testimony or making a police report so I don't give a fuck what color someone is.  If ANYONE heard the story about what happened to George Floyd without knowing anything about the race then there would be no protests.


Next time the police accidentally kill a white person due to excessive force I want to see all these same up in arms mother fuckers bitching and destroying their city over it, calling the police racist against white people and wasting their time and resources over it.  But it won't happen because racism only works one way.

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Not trying to oversimplify but I’ve been noticing the parallel with gun control. Criminals shoot people, liberals want to ban all guns. Criminal cops kill people, liberals want to ban all cops. Even as someone that is receptive to  disadvantages experienced by communities existing as remnants of Jim Crow, this all or nothing state of mind is toxic.


Also I’ve noticed a corresponding likeness the BLM movement has to election politics. They are a megaphone that can sway public opinion effectively, but in terms of shepherding a substantive change they fall short probably due to being so heavily entrenched ideologically.


It is my opinion they aren’t a pro black group but they are reactionary pro conflict and anti law. Just my two pennies tho, now I’m gonna go save the world today by posting a black square on social media with the rest of the worker ants.

Edited by where
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