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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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Some of you guys see things as too simple. Many USG officials are trying to quell the panic even with the data they're given. You have to realize even if the ship is sinking they're gonna tell everyone they'll be ok and not to freak out.


Think big picture. It's a balance game and everyday we are leaning further towards chaos.


There's only one step left for the government to control the people to stop the virus. Use your imagination if that was to happen how our country will be. We were already head towards complete divide prior to this.

Edited by WorldBench
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2 hours ago, WorldBench said:

Some of you guys see things as too simple. Many USG officials are trying to quell the panic even with the data they're given. You have to realize even if the ship is sinking they're gonna tell everyone they'll be ok and not to freak out.


Think big picture. It's a balance game and everyday we are leaning further towards chaos.


There's only one step left for the government to control the people to stop the virus. Use your imagination if that was to happen how our country will be. We were already head towards complete divide prior to this.

Sorry but that's just not true.


If you tell your population that things aren't going to be too bad, but then they are, literally a couple of weeks later, you've just undermined every other message you try and send. You can't over-promise and under-deliver, that's a losing strategy. You have to be truthful (you don't have to be 100% open, though), you have to offer a plan, you have to be positive and you have to inspire with leadership and sense of purpose.


The problem with this administration is the same as the CCP has in China - they completely botched the initial response to the outbreak and now it's out of control and they are continuing to botch it with bullshit.

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Mouth to mouth misinformation is great, haha.. 

I just had a coworker freak everyone out saying that California passed New York with the most cases.. i said, “hold the fuck up.. you’re saying they had over 30k cases in one day? No way..” and no, they did not. 

Yesterday at work, as i posted previously, they told us that basically we were walking into hell on earth today and to hold onto our asses. Well, i’m sitting on my ass right now, doing nothing.. 


I also had someone check my temp today at the door, like they have been, and they said “ok your good, 92.8” i had to pause and turn around like “wait.. 92.8? That’s hypothermic. You’re telling me i have hypothermia right now?” 

Then there’s the coworker walking around spewing every doom and gloom report he’s hearing telling people we don’t have much time left on earth.. 

Fucking people, man. 

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Also talked to old coworkers back in Mass and they are also sitting on their asses and even having hours cut. If shit had hit the fan as bad as projected we would not be sitting on our asses and having hours cut. They transformed surgical rooms to pop up ICU rooms and they have not yet needed to be used. 

Not saying it cant or won’t happen, it just hasn’t happened yet. 

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Appears the US’ current mortality rate is about 1.5% and our serious/critical condition rate is about 2.5%.. 


Germany is still crushing the numbers. 

California is now saying that the teenager that died of coronavirus may not have simply just died because of coronavirus after all.. time will tell. 

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46 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

How does this happen to the most advanced country in the world?



Ok, but this makes it look like half the country is infected. It’s a tad misleading. 

Roughly .026% of the country is currently testing positive. The majority of that being in New York. 

edit: not the majority, excuse me, about 45%


double edit: and it happens because we were very unprepared. Our hospitals are generally underfunded and we’d rather spend our money on blowing up other people living around oil than saving ourselves. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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7 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

If you tell your population that things aren't going to be too bad, but then they are, literally a couple of weeks later, you've just undermined every other message you try and send. You can't over-promise and under-deliver, that's a losing strategy. You have to be truthful (you don't have to be 100% open, though), you have to offer a plan, you have to be positive and you have to inspire with leadership and sense of purpose.

You know better. Government will say anything they have to at any given moment, regardless of what was said before and hardly more regard with what they may have to say later. 

How many times have we seen a politician adamantly deny words that are literally on camera and easily available online. In fact, it’s that the genesis of the meme?


its always one thing until it’s not. Then suddenly it’s something else. Seen this approach over and over again ad nauseum. 

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2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

How does this happen to the most advanced country in the world?



What does the red represent here? Deaths, infection, quarantine? Also, what density does the red area represent. 

Indeed, disingenuous. Precisely the click bait bullshit MSM loves. Seeing shit like this, in an era where society has forgotten how to be skeptical, how to think through problems with logic as a general position, makes shit like this much more a problem, than them just “reporting” news. Worse is it then gets cropped and posted, usually as a meme, further stripped of context and then will be reposted over and over again as the bases for whatever “fact” is being argued. 

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I think the John Hopkins map looks like shit anyway.  It's probably some software design grad students first "major" project and they probably think they are representing the data in the best possible manner.


They way they've represented it (using circular size to indicate number of infections) is wrong.  It needs to be represented based upon percentage of population infected.  I think it would look like Florida and NY don't need to be chiseled off into the ocean if they had the data shown in that way.


Basically what I'm saying is fuck morons that think they do shit bad ass but don't know they don't.

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Whole thing is designed to communicate a specific tone and elicit a very specific reaction. A dark map with bold red zones... Looks straight out of a zombie video game as it was intended. Again, disingenuous.

Rarely, if ever will people call this out and oddly, many will defend it if so. So we keep seeing more and more of it and it’s more blatant as it goes on. This is why news better resembles the National

Enquirer than objective reporting.

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I worked for one of the largest corporations in America several years ago, and during corporate meetings our "leadership" team would critique the color choices of our data points and completely ignore what our data said. 

"Maybe next time you could show the lifespan in green instead of red?"

"Maybe a bright blue instead of that dark blue?"

"It is really negative looking..."

Completely missing the point that there new product was underperforming in every metric. We would talk about the color choices for hours, and how to fix the core problem for like 20 minutes.


Charts and graphs are inherently confusing. Showing a nation as large as the US, with issues in each state, will wind up with blurred data. Seriously, if you have a better idea on how to demonstrate/show information at that scale you can make money doing it. 


Here is a diagram that is sort of held as the pinnacle of graphic representation of data by Charles Minard.

Minard: Napoleon's Retreat From Moscow (Russian Campaign 1812-1813)

Edward Tufte does a lot of work pushing these ideas.


So while there is total validity to your complaints with the above map @Dirty_habiTand @misteraven,  the data remains relevant--however poorly shown. Clearly a screen shot missing a key, it shows the US compared to Canada and Mexico pretty clearly, whether it is deaths, confirmed infections, or fucking clown sightings, the US has done a piss poor job of responding compared to our immediate neighbors. 

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45 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

I worked for one of the largest corporations in America several years ago, and during corporate meetings our "leadership" team would critique the color choices of our data points and completely ignore what our data said. 

"Maybe next time you could show the lifespan in green instead of red?"

"Maybe a bright blue instead of that dark blue?"

"It is really negative looking..."

Completely missing the point that there new product was underperforming in every metric. We would talk about the color choices for hours, and how to fix the core problem for like 20 minutes.


Charts and graphs are inherently confusing. Showing a nation as large as the US, with issues in each state, will wind up with blurred data. Seriously, if you have a better idea on how to demonstrate/show information at that scale you can make money doing it. 


Here is a diagram that is sort of held as the pinnacle of graphic representation of data by Charles Minard.


Edward Tufte does a lot of work pushing these ideas.


So while there is total validity to your complaints with the above map @Dirty_habiTand @misteraven,  the data remains relevant--however poorly shown. Clearly a screen shot missing a key, it shows the US compared to Canada and Mexico pretty clearly, whether it is deaths, confirmed infections, or fucking clown sightings, the US has done a piss poor job of responding compared to our immediate neighbors. 

That chart is nuts, I'm not even going to start trying to track it down online and figure out what it represents but I can tell just by looking at it that there are a lot of data points there.


I think @misteravenbrought up a good point I didn't even think about.  The color scheme of the map is bad.


@Fist 666- the better way I think it should be shown is number of infections vs. population density.  The diameter of the dot should be proportional to a percentage of total infected population vs. total population.  You pick a min dot size and a max dot size and you leave the max dot size to represent the largest in the list and the min to represent the smallest.  As the graph gets "blurred" with too many max dot sizes, you reduce all dot size so there is no overlap. 

What (I think) they've done with that graph, aside from it's poor color scheme, is made a "large dot" = 100 infections.  So that means that Denver and Rhode Island may have a the same amount of infections, but it looks like all of Rhode Island is zombies already.  If they represented the data across the USA using the method I outlined above then it would show (very likely) a small dot on Rhode island... or a few small dots.


If I had the drive, I'd make a page that did this right now but I've got other projects I'd appreciate spending my time on right now.  Maybe if lockdown gets extended significantly I'll teach myself how to program some graphs like John Hopkins did.  Mine will be happy colors though, fair warning.

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1 hour ago, misteraven said:

Instagram ads getting wild...

Militarize your work force now! COVID-19 sale happening now. 

Fuck me if we aren’t living in a bad post apocalyptic sci-fi. Like a real life Netflix movie. 



this is targeted advertisement based on what you browse and the accounts you follow. 

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