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12ozProphet Roll Call - Who’s still missing but wish they weren’t?


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4 hours ago, misteraven said:

I talk to @Kults pretty regularly on Instagram. He pretty much drifted off when DHabz left. He kinda explained to me that things got too fractured on here and his beliefs didn’t align with most of the board. I’ve encouraged him to swing by and see for himself how it’s changed, but I think like most, he’s still thrown off by how wildly divergent and divisive most people think. Unsure if he disagreed with me shutting down the debates or that I didn’t approach things more heavily handed since a good part of the time we’re generally aligned in our views. I just got tired of what I was seeing everywhere and wanted to bring this place back around to the fun part and think he’s just in a different mindset. No idea, but hopefully we’ll see him and all these other old members drop by and jump back into the community. Would be amazing to see this place flourish again and to bear the odds and shitty dynamics and experience that seems to exist most everywhere else online and really, the real world itself. 

We can all have different beliefs and get along and have a good time. I do that IRL all the time.


From my perspective, those dudes were not capable of doing that, instigated a lot of shit and were falling off the deep end. I probably missed some of the details on it all…..but that was a strange time for this place and definitely soured quite a few quality users from returning to this day.

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I agree.  I enjoyed the different perspectives of argument,  I was able to see things on a broader point of view on both sides that I wouldn't have seen before or really didn't stop and think about.  I understand some members could careless if some members ever return but it definitely gives channel zero and news a far better diverse environment when @where @lord_casek @abrasivesaint @Dirty_habiT  @Kults  @where were regulars.

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4 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

@ndvdon't @ where man lol



 I liked @where.


I think those dudes fed off each others energy and got way carried away with it all.


I missed the final show down, so no idea what potentially heinous shit he did to get he’s name totally deleted from the mainframe computer.

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Different viewpoints aren't inherently valuable. 


A lot of old school, formerly active members fully quit this forum (I left for two years and only came back because another mod asked me to) because what made this place great for the first 20 years went to shit when two fucking morons were given mod/admin powers and felt free and very right in their different opinions in every thread they posted.


One of the hardest battles 12oz will face, imo, in bringing those folks back will be demonstrating/proving that this isn't a 4chan/Q/whatever-conspiracy-of-the-month haven. 


Crossfire had always been a madhouse, those fuckwits turned it into a portajohn that overflowed into the rest of 12.

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5 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Different viewpoints aren't inherently valuable. 


A lot of old school, formerly active members fully quit this forum (I left for two years and only came back because another mod asked me to) because what made this place great for the first 20 years went to shit when two fucking morons were given mod/admin powers and felt free and very right in their different opinions in every thread they posted.


One of the hardest battles 12oz will face, imo, in bringing those folks back will be demonstrating/proving that this isn't a 4chan/Q/whatever-conspiracy-of-the-month haven. 


Crossfire had always been a madhouse, those fuckwits turned it into a portajohn that overflowed into the rest of 12.

Please don’t tarnish @Port-a-John Enthusiast’s good name by associating him with them.

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Also, what's up with Symbols? Didn't she supposedly have something to do with the Hadron Collider that people are blaiming for the world being turned upside down and thrown into a real life Twilight Zone, and all that "Mandella Effect" shit where all this shit that everyone clearly remembers supposedly never happened?  😆

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8 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

LOL what ever happened to EBPH, Seeking, Spitfire and that Level 75 guy or whatever his name was? Those were the guys I used to get into it the most with, and the whole reason I was permabanned for mad long was because of Seeking. 😆

seeking is on Instagram. He alternates between posting shit about beavers or the suffering in Gaza. He dropped by not too long ago. Talking to him, he thinks we ran out of stuff to talk about on the forum, but hopefully he comes by again and sees we’ll never run out of stuff to shit post, LOL or argue about. 

cc: @seeking

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8 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

Also, what's up with Symbols? Didn't she supposedly have something to do with the Hadron Collider that people are blaiming for the world being turned upside down and thrown into a real life Twilight Zone, and all that "Mandella Effect" shit where all this shit that everyone clearly remembers supposedly never happened?  😆

Haven’t see her I quite a while. Actually I think she got turned off by discussions back around the 2016 elections I believe. Hopefully, this place is a little more dialed since those days and the rough patch we had about two years ago so maybe someone can reach out and have @%$#@! drop back by. 

Good to see you pass through again @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER  


Hope you stick around and jump back in. 

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10 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

LOL what ever happened to EBPH, Seeking, Spitfire and that Level 75 guy or whatever his name was? Those were the guys I used to get into it the most with, and the whole reason I was permabanned for mad long was because of Seeking. 😆

They may have won a few battles…..


But, you won the war!



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2 hours ago, misteraven said:

seeking is on Instagram. He alternates between posting shit about beavers or the suffering in Gaza. He dropped by not too long ago. Talking to him, he thinks we ran out of stuff to talk about on the forum, but hopefully he comes by again and sees we’ll never run out of stuff to shit post, LOL or argue about. 

cc: @seeking

Beavers you say?


got a link?

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2 hours ago, misteraven said:

Haven’t see her I quite a while. Actually I think she got turned off by discussions back around the 2016 elections I believe. Hopefully, this place is a little more dialed since those days and the rough patch we had about two years ago so maybe someone can reach out and have @%$#@! drop back by. 

Good to see you pass through again @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER  


Hope you stick around and jump back in. 

As soon as Zuck reinstates him on FB he will abandon us again. I have seen this before.

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3 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I poke my head in every few weeks/months, largely to scroll through Metal Heads.

The News section and any sort of political discourse is far from anything i’m interested in engaging in. 


But you brought balance

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After looking through this thread, I just discussed this with @misteraven. I think we will be shutting down political talk on here, and moving the political/conspiracy  memes thread, along with other content out of public view, or deleting it.

Me personally, I enjoy the political discourse and like to debate. I understand that most people do not share the same feelings and become turned off the moment they’re presented with an opposing view. Since that’s the norm, rather than the enjoys debate perspective, it only makes sense we accommodate the majority on here and get rid of that shit. Personally enjoyed the humor/shit talk much more than that anyway.


fact is, there’s plenty of places on the Internet for that political debate, shit, conspiracy, theories, or safe spaces for mainstream views. It’s probably best we just focus on what people enjoy about 12oz.



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Can it just me moved some where else?  I really enjoy the memes and political debates.  I understand some take it a little too personal (not like the politics really care about them anyways) and that shouldn't be why we should delete it.  


I mean, if someone gets offended over there politics, they should be offened what politicians do. 

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2 hours ago, ndv said:


But you brought balance


To be fair, from what I’ve seen, the two posters that I had next to no constructive conversations with seem to be MIA. I realized it was time to step away from all that when dudes were deleting messages I had made and then responding to other messages so it looked like I was being flagrantly ridiculous; I started taking, and had screen shots to prove it at the time.. but at that point I had to ask myself, what the fuck am I doing? 

While Mercer and I certainly disagree about some matters, our conversations mostly remained civil, at least in my memory, and I’ll own the responsibility for when things got out of hand and childish on my end. Shit happens. 

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2 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

at that point I had to ask myself, what the fuck am I doing?


I mad respect this.


This is when you know you're on another level all while having better things to do.


The deleting is not cool so I get why you decided to take the higher road.  Whats the point of talking to someone who purposefully makes noise while sticking their fingers in their ears.

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4 hours ago, Mercer said:

After looking through this thread, I just discussed this with @misteraven. I think we will be shutting down political talk on here, and moving the political/conspiracy  memes thread, along with other content out of public view, or deleting it.

Me personally, I enjoy the political discourse and like to debate. I understand that most people do not share the same feelings and become turned off the moment they’re presented with an opposing view. Since that’s the norm, rather than the enjoys debate perspective, it only makes sense we accommodate the majority on here and get rid of that shit. Personally enjoyed the humor/shit talk much more than that anyway.


fact is, there’s plenty of places on the Internet for that political debate, shit, conspiracy, theories, or safe spaces for mainstream views. It’s probably best we just focus on what people enjoy about 12oz.



I don’t really take part in political debate on here but I definitely don’t agree with this idea of shutting down political talk and hiding the political meme thread.

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2 hours ago, ndv said:


I mad respect this.


This is when you know you're on another level all while having better things to do.


The deleting is not cool so I get why you decided to take the higher road.  Whats the point of talking to someone who purposefully makes noise while sticking their fingers in their ears.

pretty sure they were sticking their fingers in each others butts

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6 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I poke my head in every few weeks/months, largely to scroll through Metal Heads.

The News section and any sort of political discourse is far from anything i’m interested in engaging in. 


Are you aware of the 12ozProphet Beta App? Hopefully that'll help you swing through more regularly.

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Nice to see @abrasivesaint any time in here, I do encourage more.


Will add that those that are MIA are best left that way.  If you've been excommunicated from 12oz there's good reason and the cost of having that member outweighed the benefits.  Like Abrasivesaint, I saw some behavior from another of those people, arguing points knowing they had no evidence for them, abusing their mod "powers" and maybe being a bit too proud, being nice in saying that was a bad look for them and 12oz and I did not respect that individual after that.


Don't know why you would hide that area away, the problem was the people, not the area, and the Oontz has been a better place since their departure.


I stopped going to that area until very recently but I never saw Dhabz being so out of order as to lose my respect, plus dude posted graf/fr8s, good in my book.  

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