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If you have a bushy beard, guess what, YOU'RE A FUCKING FAILURE!!

Hua Guofang

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So this is a "fuck hipsters" thread now? Good because fuck hipsters.


But grow a beard.
























































































































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You can pledge money to a cause without having to pledge to run a fucking marathon.

In fact, you'd probably get a lot more pledges without telling people that they have to run a fucking marathon.

If you don't care to read my "asinine views", then don't post your asinine views for me or anybody else to respond to.

And especially if you're going to throw around the word "asinine" while claiming that growing a pink beard and running marathons actually generates money that couldn't have otherwise been generated without all the pink bearded, marathon running, nonsense.


How much of that generated revenue is actually spent on licensing, police overtime, etc. etc?

How much of that could have actually gone to your cause without all the hoopla?


The pledges don't run. You run and they pay you to do so. You are raising money to give to an organization independently more or less. I have given plenty to family and friends who do these runs as they get the general public thinking about it and in turn donating themselves. I don't run as I've got the knees of a ninety year old from jumping off too many high things as a teen and can't run more than a KILOMETER.


The same with the mustaches in November. I, and I assume most, don't think about prostate cancer regularly if ever (aside from those of you getting the doctors finger of approval yearly), and that makes me think "oh shit, I don't want cancer in my ass" so I'll donate to further understanding, find treatments, and hopefully cure whatever afflictions people want to do fundraising for.


And the vast majority of the people involved in these kinds of benefits are doing so for free or as volunteers on their days off (talking about police and paramedics etc at marathons) because they are not so down on the world that they need to get payed to do something good.

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Not for nothing but you sound like the type of dickhead to rock tight pants just to escape the ridicule of your peers.


Not saying that you or your peers rock tight pants, but just saying though.




nah, i still wear what i wanna wear. just pointing out that if i were to decide to grow a beard being judged as doing so to fit in with the crowd would be incorrect.

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How so? If you want people to donate money then ask them to donate.

How the fuck does growing a beard or rocking pink panties do anything to solicit funds to your cause?

Or even running a marathon for that matter?

You could run from one side of the country to the other and back like Forrest Gump, and still the only people who are going to donate are the same exact people who were going to donate either way.


And in my experience, it's only you "sheltered" people who believe that these mindless acts of nonsense have the power to generate jack shit from people who wouldn't have donated anyways. All you're doing with your marathons is actually wasting money that could have been better spent on your cause.

And I'M the one who doesn't know so much about the real world?

OK, buddy. Keep growing your beard while running marathons in your pink sneaks.

But ask yourself how much of the money put into those marathons could actually be better spent on actual cancer research and funding.


Promoting cancer awareness in any form is a mindless act of nonsense??


You are such a dumb fucking idiot.


Your conception was a mindless act of nonsense.


You are such a fucking idiot.

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Nope, don't care how people look, that was not my point. I was talking about how people make decisions and used the current beard trend as a case in point.



I seriously don't see what the hype is over Hunger Games. It's a pretty well trodden storyline and the first movie was pretty predictable. Distinct lack of boobage as well.

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You have a wife and eat brunch in a cafe surrounded by hipsters, you my friend failed before you even started this hateful nonsensical thread.


Could it be that all your life you have longed for the ability to enjoy the hairs on your chinny chin chin? and in a world rife with manly men with beards to their toes and goatees of gold you lack the testosterone levels to muster a millimeter of hair from that acne ridden fast food loving skin of yours? did your wife perhaps say she liked a man with a beard and thus began this torrid affair of misguided hate, perhaps your father had a beard and as a child mocked you for your slender shape and skinny arms, emasculating you from the beginning? I understand you dislike people but their lives do not affect you, your live yours and they live theirs, that's all there is to it. You may be a complete and total idiot but i do not let it ruin my day, I smile much like everyone in forest gump and let you get on with it.


I'm sure i could start a thread in which we all sit down and discuss the many reasons you decided to take 30-45 minutes of your day to not post anything remotely new, challenging, engaging or at all humorous but instead create a four page orgy of retarded comments misguided views and uninteresting jibba jabba. We could discuss why you are not interesting, we could move on to where this life of failure began and then somewhere along the lines we may find the definitive moment you decided to be a hater.


look inwards brother and you will find peace.


PS. Muslims and any other beardy religious purpose is the same as people doing it cos its cool. Contradictions. Everywhere.


PPS. Except vikings, that is a symbol of "I will pillage and rape your life". Which is pretty cool.

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