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NEW CAR - Buy or Lease?


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If you are a gear head go buy something used that you can keep running and looking slick.



Cars piss me off so much. I buy a nice german car thinking it will be a dream boat and it was, I trade it in on my next nazi wagon, got 2700 dollars on a 30000 dollar car? are you fucking kidding me. This nazi wagon is a sack of shit and cost me a bunch of cash.


When it runs it runs and is a great car, when it goes down it's always 1000's and a pain in the ass.

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B&H we know you ballin son, what you looking at getting?


Dodge Challenger. V8 is a must.


Right now is the best time for me to get a sports car. 24, single, no kids, no mortgage, no debt. Now is the time. In the next 6 years I may be looking to get a family car and my window to get something fun will be closed. I want a dope car. Gotta get the sports car while young been listening to the old dudes at work and taking their words in.


All of my cars have been pieces of shit... I want something new. I want to be the first owner. I want it to have less than 10 miles on the odometer when I drive it home.


Been doing some research and I think an open-ended lease is my option here. Yes limit on miles, but I got a commuter so that won't be an issue. Apparently insurance is MORE on a leased car. I would want full coverage either way, buying or leasing a 30k car best believe I'm getting that full coverage either way.


Leased- the dealership maintains the car. Oil changes etc on the house (correct?). Now when the lease expires and I opt to own they may charge me more than market value. That sucks but I can justify that by paying less month to month.


Fuck, by the time the lease is up I may just want to grab something else that hasn't come out yet. Who knows....

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Regarless of lease or purchase. If you're paying the car off, new or used, the bank requires you to have full coverage to protect Their property. Imagine if you crash the car or it gets stolen and you only have liability? The money to fix or replace the car will come out of YOUR pocket and will most likely run into the thousands, and theres a high probability that you wont be able to pay that and the bank. So if you don't have full coverage on the car the bank will add Their own and tack it on to your car note adding a couple hundred more cuz they wont shop around for the best deal. It has happened before, it can happen, and it will happen. We get customers in all the time asking why their car note went up a few hundred, thinking we at the dealer did some crooked shit.

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rich people lease.

poor people buy.


the second you drive a new car out of a showroom/off a lot its worth like 5k less then what you paid. instant loss.

buying a vehicle is a liability not an investment.


true, here's the reasoning:


rich person: always likes new things, and can't change their own oil - pussified man-bitches. every year they get a new car, and they never "own" the depreciating asset, but rather chalk it up to cost of living - like the electric bill for instance. they're sold on the fact that "They'll just trade it in for a new car in a few years anyways, and get a small trade in value for it at the dealership, why not just sign a lease and save the hassle!?"



STUPID poor person: goes to buy a new car, gets rejected on whatever it is they dreamed they wanted, gets sold on something "barely used" with the promise of "we'll get you in a car today!"... they end up raping you on interest...says "fuck interest, wtf is that anyways?", get a cosigner, agrees to full coverage on a used car and signs a 6 years contract for $500 a month on a "barely used" car - because that's the only thing their poor no credit havin' ass qualified for, cuz they don't pay the people they owe anyways so what's the big deal? then they lose their job 2 years 3 months later and then the dealership repossesses the car... and instead of paying the amount due on your repo'd car, you put the $2500 you DO have, DOWN ON A NEW CAR! repeat stupid cycle till death. (that's my stepbrother, he's a cunt fairy bastard idiot child with a stupid face - and he fucks 50 year old dirtleg biker bitches with leathery tits /notmad)



poor person with a brain in their head: buys a used car, something with low mileage and a good resale value, something to where if you had to replace a major part, it won't cost you more than a couple hundred bucks. and about $100 for every bolt on part (a ballpark figure I've used over time). plus you feel like a real god damn man changing your own alternator. BUCK UP PANSY MAN! TIME TO GET DIRTY! This is the best method, it saves the most money to spend on chronic and important shit like that...







so is buying a vehicle a laibility? ALWAYS.


limit your liability; buy a nice used car, 2-3 years old with low mileage, and get the most for your money.


OR lease a fag car and drive around NYC cuz it's a luxury to own a car there anyways, act like a baller and buy into the lifestyle of disposable income





idk, im biased, i'm really good at being poor. i paid $1,895 for my truck, cash. it's 14 years old and runs like a champ - Nissan Pathfinder. them japs do it right


pic related (from when I bought it last March or April, i've gotten limo tint since then)




pic unrelated (orange buddah)


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Since I'm the OP I'll respond as if that was meant for me,


I'm a fucking grease monkey. I turn wrenches 50+ hrs/wk. Can I change an alternator? Yes. Do I want to turn a wrench on my own time? Fuck. No. Would a bus driver want to drive all around town of their 1 day off. Fuck. No.


I have the desire and financial means. As well as credit in the high 700s and about as secure a job as you can get.


Edit-- ughh this came off sounding douchey. My bad, been a rough day.

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It is nice to have nice things however. so if your a baller F-18 mechanic then google the pro's and cons and your off to the racist in your new whippings.


Do a basic income statement with your cash earnings and take home, look at what you spend your loot on every month and do a basic analysis. see what you can afford.

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nsmbFAN is absolutely correct. If you do things this way, you're a smart person who won't get fucked. The way I see things is, if you are like me and make $40K a year, you are still fucking poor. Im single, no kids, and no debt. I drive daily an early 90's Nissan 240SX that I paid cash for, was turbo charged when I bought it, built it up and restored it over the past 5 years. Its sexier than all these new triangle-headlight, curvy, chunky, ugly fucking cars that are out now. Its lighter, faster, handles better and gets looks and compliments everywhere I go. It was cheap to buy, I do the work myself so it was cheaper to modify, its very quick, and most importantly, rock solid reliable. This is on the the extreme end of the scale, most people who drive an older car will not do what I did with my car so it will be much much cheaper. I plan on getting a mortgage to buy my house and get more than I need (buying it from a family member), taking the extra and buying a 2-3 year old Nissan Frontier V6 4x4. Then I will keep my 240 as my fun/track/weekend car and drive the Frontier everyday to work, trips, etc.

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I'm in similar position.

So after thinking about it for a while, I've come up with a budget and am getting a used car. Something max 5 years old, low kms, and fairly standard (i.e. cheap parts, cheap to maintain).

Not a mechanic but I'm capable enough to maintain it and fix bits and pieces.


Considered the lease option as well, but in the end I think it all works out the same.

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Also, someone put me onto government car auctions....

The various local gov departments here have a fleet of cars for their employees. They usually replace them for new ones every 2-4 years. The used cars end up at auction.

Apparently you can save up to a couple of $k compared to used car dealers.


It might be worth checking out if there's anything similar your way.

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With kid#2 on the way, I'll need to switch to a 4 door soon.

What about a rich person with a brain in their head?


Should I lease a used car?


There are plenty of certified used Audis / Beemers / Benzos 1-3 years old, under 30k miles.


I don't use my car on weekends (use wifeys) so mileage is never a prob. I've had my car for 4.5 years and only put on 30k miles.


I may accept a offer to work from home too, so I'd rarely ever drive... making it possible to move up to a higher mileage luxury model strictly for image.

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2 kids and you still want a car? fuck that.. I have an Armada and a F150 XL and i still never have enough room..


Wife rolls the SUV, I like euro coupes and sedans.


An estate car would be swayze, drop it, add 19"s, chip, CAI & exhaust. boom.




I bought my last two cars new, paid in full, no financing.

Paying interest on a depreciating asset is a bad move.


Can you deduct the interest% off a lease if you pay for the full 36 months in advance?


I'd rather get a $50-90k MSRP car with a few years-n-miles in the $25-40k range.

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It is nice to have nice things however. so if your a baller F-18 mechanic then google the pro's and cons and your off to the racist in your new whippings.


Do a basic income statement with your cash earnings and take home, look at what you spend your loot on every month and do a basic analysis. see what you can afford.


if it's a business vehicle, it is indeed an asset


i make money every time i get in my truck


idk bout you...

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With kid#2 on the way, I'll need to switch to a 4 door soon.

What about a rich person with a brain in their head?


Should I lease a used car?


There are plenty of certified used Audis / Beemers / Benzos 1-3 years old, under 30k miles.


I don't use my car on weekends (use wifeys) so mileage is never a prob. I've had my car for 4.5 years and only put on 30k miles.


I may accept a offer to work from home too, so I'd rarely ever drive... making it possible to move up to a higher mileage luxury model strictly for image.


never been rich homey. good luck on that. i heard yall niggas were born with manuals on how to stay rich.



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I'm not rich either, I just dont fall in the poor category.


There was no option above for young urban (upwardly-mobile) professional with good credit.


I'm 35, one would hope I have the means to buy a nice car by now, we can't be scumbag Steves forever.


I'm in the same boat... Minus a decade. None of those categories fit me either.


I got my shit in order... Financially, commuter-wise, credit. Trying to get something FUN.... While the window is open. Appearances never hurt. Especially when tuna fishing.



Ya know?

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