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Richmond VA beating


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racial profiling, perhaps?


Again, big deal why?


Not trying to negate the situation or excuse anyone's actions, but I'm not really seeing what the hype is all about. Some stupid kids acted stupid and filmed it, then posted it on the net.


People who are worked up about this are probably closet racist herbs. "What if they were white?" So what.

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I'm just sayin..... I aint a pussy, but if four black dudes are coming up on you and you don't sprint like a boss hog, then you're probably gonna get your ass beat.


if 4 black dudes are coming up on me they better have heat or at least one of them is getting stuck with the ice pick or slashed the fuck up with the blade


getting jumped sucks


and i run fast as fuck, but chances are one out of four black dudes my age runs just as fast

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ya "legally" in a lot of states you cannot carry with a permit in places that serve alcohol, in the state where i am you can still carry but your BAC must be below .04 if youre carrying


Im not sure you are clear on this. Im also in VA, and a CCW holder. You cannot carry a gun if your BAC is over .00, legally you cannot even buy alcohol at a store with your gun on your person in VA. The law was just passed last year to be able to carry into a place that serves alcohol but you cannot drink.


Wait, why is this a big deal?



I was wondering the same thing.

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Im not sure you are clear on this. Im also in VA, and a CCW holder. You cannot carry a gun if your BAC is over .00, legally you cannot even buy alcohol at a store with your gun on your person in VA. The law was just passed last year to be able to carry into a place that serves alcohol but you cannot drink.




I was wondering the same thing.


I'm actually in MN, and here you can have a BAC of .04 and still legally carry

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Wait, why is this a big deal?


Because they filmed it, or because a few black kids jumped a couple white guys?


If all the participants were white, would this be a big deal?


People have been videotaping shit like this since video-camera's became publicly available.


ether way its fucked up they did it for no reson... black or white there is no big deal

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turning this into a racial debate is the only reason it is becoming viral.

i dont promote snitchin, i also dont promote putting shit you do on blast yourself.

you get what you deserve.

not like they were any more productive to society than a bum ass white alcoholic man.


all pieces of shit would/will eventually get served up hard.

regardless of race.

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someone mentioned earlier the thing about race, and i feel like it was directed towards my comment on if races were reversed this would be stupid out of hand.


i just wanted to make it clear - i dont care about dude getting jumped, happens all the time.


what i do care about is how it is reported. 4 white men jumping 1 black man and the entire country would be in an uproar. every news channel would be talking about "racism in this country: even after a black president is elected?"


that's what i'm pissed off about.


i also dont like when cowards gang up on people, but whatever.

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someone mentioned earlier the thing about race, and i feel like it was directed towards my comment on if races were reversed this would be stupid out of hand.


i just wanted to make it clear - i dont care about dude getting jumped, happens all the time.


what i do care about is how it is reported. 4 white men jumping 1 black man and the entire country would be in an uproar. every news channel would be talking about "racism in this country: even after a black president is elected?"


that's what i'm pissed off about.


i also dont like when cowards gang up on people, but whatever.



110% agree. If the roles were reversed Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the entire NAACP,

Michelle Obama, and Jay Z would be all about lynching the white guys. No doubt in my mind.


It happens to a white guy and.....<crickets>


It's like our country is so politically correct that we've fucked ourselves out of being human and just hating on stupid shit for being stupid shit. Now we're all afraid of being called racists, haters, etc.


I don't hate the guys who did the jumping for being black. I hate them for being stupid humans doing stupid shit to someone who probably didn't deserve it. As someone else said, worldstar wannabe's.

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white people get beat up by niggardly blacks.

black people get beat up by stupid honkies.



it's the way of the world.


Do you even know what "niggardly" means off the top of your head?


Back in my day we used to make attempts to keep the amount of evidence to a minimum when committing felonies.


Some of us still do.

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