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Life After Highschool


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i was pretty psyched for all this but i may not actually get into any courses which is a worry, there are much more talented people out there who would be chosen over me.


if i get into a course i'm thinking of deferring and doing whatever-the-fuck for a year just knowing i have something to fall back on. meeting wymmenz is a secondary to me, i'd rather improve my drawing/sketching/painting skills in all fields (not just graffical dance)



Didn't your dad teach you not to step on your own balls? Go out for the courses. Don't be surprised when you get picked up... You can draw/paint whatevs no matter what AND the waiter suggestion is a hot tip for meeting women but you can pick up a coke habit that way quick too... Go to school, be aware.

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No. You could attend 'bartending school' but that in itself is a fucking joke. You don't need anything but a good personality and quick hands. Learn how to pour a Long Island and it's many variations and you're set. All you really have to do is pretend to care, smile, and take care of your regulars.


Getting a job here as an Aussie? I don't imagine that it could possibly be harder then getting a job in the AU as an American. Shit's fucking next to impossible. You're gonna need the right VISA's... and there is a 'right' way to go about all of that if you're really intent on coming to the states and making a living. Don't declare yourself with an intent to stay... there's a lot more where that came from but I won't digress. PM me if you're really concerned and serious. I got advice.


Also you need to be 21. Don't let that hinder you.

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I finished high school with a transcript that would let me go to univ later.

I took a year off, worked in a gas station and smoked too much weed.

Went to college for a year, met who I would eventually make my wife, and then dropped out after a year.

Worked again in several different fields over the course of a few years and "worked my way up the chain" so to speak. It led to me getting a job where I was paid to get my current education, I bought my first house that year and I did it all before turning 25.

Next on the list is travelling with my old lady before we have any kids.


Tl;dr ... Don't feel rushed into anything, you're young and have plenty of time to do something with your life.

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life after high school was and still is kinda lame...

at first they didnt wanna let me graduate because of all my tardies..

yes im serious... because of some fucking tardies... what WAS gonna happen

is i was gonna have to stay back for another year to catch up on my credits

but only be in school for like 3 or 4 periods a day, then i would graduate with the next class..

but thank god my counselor came to me the last week of school with some options..

she said, "ok, you can either come back for another year and get your credits like that

which i know you dont want to, or you can do the summer work program and night school

till december and get your diploma then.." so i said fuck yea ill take that idea...

in order to be in the work program course you needed a job, which i didnt have...

so i said i got paid cash to help my pops with heating and air conditioning

and would just bring a booty ass note saying i got paid this much this week...

then i went to night school during the winter, met alot of people, and finally got my diploma...


ever since then ive just been kicking it and on this job hunt..

but this job hunt isnt looking so good right about now...

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Life after high school is a drag, I'm at a city college before diving head first into a life time of debt it saves me and my fam money since they're helpin me out. Pretty much i feel like I'm learning meaningless information before i get to study what i want which is photography. I don't get financial aid because they think my fam doesn't pay bills, eat or buy gas for the cars but theres other people im at school with whose parents make much more then mine and they still get a freakin financial aid check. I know if i would have gone to a big university i would have just sunk myself into huge debts and cost my folks alot of money because i wouldn't have been doing shit!


Workin and school at the same time is a bitch it leaves little time to do any type of homework and even less time to get sleep sometimes ill accumulate 24 hours of sleep in 7 days its a real drag

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i have no fucking idea what im going to do after highschool.


probly 2 years of community college to get a degree in a trade as a fallback and then transfer to some liberal college in the mountains. who knows.



but all i know is the "college fund" i have wont pay for 2 years of community college and about the only scholarship i apply for is the volunteering scholarship and thats only 1 grand.

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at the moment im at a local community college and making moves to transfer to san fran state. lately ive been having thoughts on joining the marines. i need to go on an adventure.


EDIT: being black and a male is fucking AWESOME! all types of scholarships being thrown at me.

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I dropped out as a junior, got drunk with friends all the time and went wild in the streets for a few years. I quit my job at a market cause it sucked after 3 years of bullshit and I hated my life. My Mom kicked me out of her house, the first few times I lived with ayebee then the last time for good with my boy until he died. I actually moved out before he died though cause his girl got pregnant again and I couldn't live with a kid cause, well..I party too much. Now I got this in law apartment deal at my grandmas, shes mad old so I kinda take care of her and shit. I crash at my parents a lot too cause it's closer to the city which is where I'm always at. I work at a tattoo shop now and things are getting better cause the money is rolling in again. Hopefully I'm successful. THE END.

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went to trade school for something.. 3 years later found out it wasn't for me. went back to school, traveled the world. You have to make time to see the world if you can manage it. Bum your way through it for a year or two it'll change your entire perspective on life. Found a cool girl, made babies, now i work my ass off to give my kids a better life than i had. the end.


By the way i just read some guys giving you "get a bartending gig" advice... do it! i had some of the best years of my life working in a bar. Met mad cool people, slept with more girls and way hotter girls than i should have been allowed to. Just make sure you work in a fun spot but do it, mad money and mad hookers. Man i need to write a book or something about how i would relive my life if i had the chance, or try one more time and try to have a son.

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i'm in the exact same spot as you swindle.

i have no idea where to go right now.



fresh outta highschool.

i just got a job putting together furniture and shit. making no money. living at home.


i'm taking art classes at a tech school. it keeps me somewhat sane.


but i'm not satisfied.



i don't want to die a nobody.



this thread is very useful. opened my eyes.

thanks d00dz.

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You should travel Swindle, whether it be overseas, or doing as my best friend did and just getting a van and driving around Australia getting jobs doing whatever in whatever place you are in. Obviously barwork is the way to go if you want to meet women, but be prepared, there is a whole set of politics in the game if you are working clubs and shit and being a barman isn't as good as it is cracked up to be if you aren't working with the right people.


When I graduated, I went straight to uni, didn't work, lived off the govt, and just surfed my days away. It was a cushy life until a 4WD ran up my ass and totalled my car, so it kinda fucked me, but really I wish I had travelled and just lived on the edge a little more like my friends I met while travelling. I mean as Smart said, you can save up cash and then go when you are older and ball outrageous (which is what I did) but I seriously think it would have been more of an experience going when I had little to no cash and was forced to try and survive off my own wits, not relying on my cash I had put away.


But whatever you do, do it with passion, and seriously, art degrees are about as useful as toilet paper, in fact, in the shitters at my uni, they even had that printed above the looroll, "Art degress, please take one", as you will just accrue a debt that won't help you get any job. So my advice is to travel, see other places, and you might just not want to come back.

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I know a few that have met people through working at offices even at factorys, telemarketing bullshit etc. I just feel I missed out on meeting alot of new women from not going to Uni and as a person that sucks at the insta-pickup at bars and clubs that shit could have came in handy.


yeh im like that aswell. my friend works at Jay Jays (clothing store) in the city here. He picks up so many fuckin chicks.

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Wait. isn't that why people go to art school in the first place? Because they don't know what they want. Art school is a waste of money for most people. I think it looses it's appeal when your friends who went to "real school" start getting well paying jobs and you learn to paint pretty shit.

After I graduated college, I dicked around for a year or so. then I opened up a children's art center. I am 23 and I teach art during the day to kids. I do whatever the fuck I want the rest of the time.

Don't stress over life. Laugh at dickheads. Be honest. Do your thing.


But! If you do go to school, you will end up with a much bigger and better (for the most part) music and movie collection.

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