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16 Yr old Beat To Death


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black kids really piss the shit out of me sometimes. seriously, you dont see white kids doing this, maybe latino kids, but fuck man, senseless shit for no reason.



You must live in a suburb or rural area and just aren't used to the ignorance that is in all poor communities. It also isn't just black kids, which I'm sure you know. Columbine was much more brutal and planned out, and that was as mall rat cracker as they come.


The problem is the ghetto mentality. Some people grow out of it or despise it even though they are surrounded by it from day one. Others embrace it and thrive in the ignorance. When it comes to the poor Black or Latino communities, it isn't about race as much as it is upbringing. Ignorance raises ignorance, and sadly enough that's a legacy that usually gets handed down through generations. I see it almost every day, the ignorance of useless drama pushes people to act out in stupid situations. I've seen large groups of kids fight in the confided space of a train, as well as groups team up on an old white woman with punches. When education is weak and parental guidance is null and void, how do you expect these kids to really understand how foolish they are? They are a product of their surroundings.


I wish the positive morals of the Black Panther Party would return to these communities. I'm talking about the days before Huey P. got out of prison and became a fiend, and when Bobby Seals was pushing for a less militant stance.


It also doesn't help that many of the influences these kids are feeding off of, are only pushing the ignorance that could destroy them. It's only going to get worse if people don't start to realize and stand up. The last era, I remember, when people were socially conscious and taking a stand, was the late 80's and early 90's. It seems we're all desensitized now and don't care. I guess that's where the powers at be want us to be though.

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why we need more people like this:












NO, actually....this is why American society is the way it is. People filled with ignorance and in fear of other races closing themselves off - until someone snaps.





Crime is everywhere. Columbine, the hoods, black, whites, browns, it doesn't fucking matter. They're all ignorant in the same level, just at different frequencies.



If more people knew what inner city life was like they would think differently when hearing shit like this goes down....just read the replies on these stories, it all becomes a race argument.



Back to square one.

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as a parent that is very sad to watch.




It would fucking kill me to lose my child in such a horrible way and know that it was caught on video...


I know its just the fucking internet and you're all going to talk shit and make your smart ass remarks...but seriously, you mother fuckers don't have little brothers or nephews or at the very least an ounce of compassion for another soul?

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arrests have been made


CHICAGO — Three teens have been charged with first-degree murder in last week's beating death of a Chicago honor student, authorities said.

Silvonus Shannon, 19, Eugene Riley, 18, and Eric Carson, 16, have been charged as adults in Thursday's death of Derrion Albert, 16, Andy Conklin, a spokesman for the Cook County state's attorney, said Monday. Albert's beating death with wooden boards is depicted in a video that has been circulating on the Internet and police were using that video to gather evidence.



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Honestly made me shiver. No kid deserves this kind of volatile environment. Sadly the coverage of the savagery and yes it was savagery, will be "Urban blacks kill another of their own" Instead of investigating the root cause, I'm not talkin about "Ohh he was on this dudes terf" No. I mean understanding origins of brutality. When a community has no outlet or escapement from the problems seem slim to nil, when there is piss poor education systems, when there aren't fathers to teach their children how to be a man.


The worst part for me is, I'm not sure how it can be changed.

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As a parent it scares the hell out of me that kids can do that to each other.


I have been watching a lot of documentaries on Gang culture in america recently (not to say that this incident was gang related) and it amazes me that people want to continue to live in that kind of environment and not do anything to better themselves and get out of the situation.

You have parents that are gangbangers and they have kids and raise those kids into the same gang situation, these people should be sterilized.


It is a badge of honour for some of these kids to go to prison etc, I think prison is too easy on them. Why should they have TVs? access to weights, choice of foods? comfy beds to me that seems hardly a punishment. They should be in a bare cell, no heat and minimal food and the only access to any luxury should be educational books, no TVs etc. make them think twice before reoffending.


Earl said it best, this situation will continue because it seems like no one gives a shit and that is sad, I am just glad that I don't live in an area, and to some extent a country, where this sort of thing doesn't happen.


To think that I couldn't wear the choice of T-Shirt I wanna wear because of the risk of being shot is just fucking plain retarded. Society is too lenient on violent crime and the punishment rarely ever fits the crime.

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You must live in a suburb or rural area and just aren't used to the ignorance that is in all poor communities. It also isn't just black kids, which I'm sure you know. Columbine was much more brutal and planned out, and that was as mall rat cracker as they come.


The problem is the ghetto mentality. Some people grow out of it or despise it even though they are surrounded by it from day one. Others embrace it and thrive in the ignorance. When it comes to the poor Black or Latino communities, it isn't about race as much as it is upbringing. Ignorance raises ignorance, and sadly enough that's a legacy that usually gets handed down through generations. I see it almost every day, the ignorance of useless drama pushes people to act out in stupid situations. I've seen large groups of kids fight in the confided space of a train, as well as groups team up on an old white woman with punches. When education is weak and parental guidance is null and void, how do you expect these kids to really understand how foolish they are? They are a product of their surroundings.


I wish the positive morals of the Black Panther Party would return to these communities. I'm talking about the days before Huey P. got out of prison and became a fiend, and when Bobby Seals was pushing for a less militant stance.


It also doesn't help that many of the influences these kids are feeding off of, are only pushing the ignorance that could destroy them. It's only going to get worse if people don't start to realize and stand up. The last era, I remember, when people were socially conscious and taking a stand, was the late 80's and early 90's. It seems we're all desensitized now and don't care. I guess that's where the powers at be want us to be though.


Absolutely agree. Hate replicates itself, and ignorance impresses itself unto others.

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what worse is all the people arrested and charged will go to jail. Whooptie DOO.


This country needs to start taking criminals like this and incinerate them . No fucking jail time no death row, you go from court down to the old county walk in oven and get char broiled. .

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What this country need to do is start re-rehabilitating prisoners with the tax payer dollar instead of funneling all the money into private prison contractors and guard unions with too much power.


What this country need is jobs to elevate those living in abject poverty to a place where they can provide for themselves and live a life of simple dignity. This will in turn do more for the educations system than any other action could even come close to.


What this country does not need is ovens. It is close enough to a fascist state already.

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Our media dictates too much of what is wrong with this country. For instance, this whole health care shit is blowing up out of control. There is good reason as to why, but I think it overshadows the fact that more than 10% of this country is unemployed right now. To me, that's a bigger issue, but probably because I'm part of the statistic and can't get a fucking call back!


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It kicked off a weekend of murders apparently.. ten dead.




Hopefully someone went out and got revenge for the kid.


they showed the video of the kid on the news the other day...

im glad i wasnt another statistic for the ten dead though..

this weekend while in the city me and my boy almost got

rammed off the road by some SD's and were basically

on a highspeed chase from these niggas down the highway

and almost got hit numerous times from other cars..


just glad they aint pull out no pistol and start buckin...

but RIP to the kid though that shits fucked up...

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