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everyday life tips and tricks


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MIDI/Digital Guitars transmit MIDI over 6 different channels, as opposed to a MIDI keyboard that transmits over a singe channel, so you can't plug it into an external hardware synth straight out of the box with a MIDI cable. To play the sounds on your external synth/keyboard with a MIDI guitar, get Ableton Live and run the guitar into Ableton and the MIDI out into your synth using a USB/Firewire MIDI interface.

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she was looking at your bloodshot eyes.


it probably didn't happen in slow motion either.


yea dude, cause marijuana is such a mind altering substance that i would have absolutely no idea if a girl was interested or not.

i have a hard enough time walking, you know, with everything being in slow motion all the time.


i musta been close to a weed overdose.




when rolling a blunt, bust up the weed first, then cut the philly and empty it of its tobacco.

nothin worse than an emptied blunt sitting there gettin brittle while you fumble around trying to bust up that wet shit.


*this doesnt apply to those of you who fuck with busters or coffee grinders.

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Are you a musician/producer? Work in a studio? Got any tracks I can listen to?


learn sarcasm in various forms of liturature i.e. books, computer, graffiti forums shit like that.. even try in a couple of languages so your not embarrasing yourself in front of the locals if your on vacation

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If you like mashed potatoes don't be a lazy ass and make em. Peel and cut the potatoes and start em in well salted pot of cold water, bring to a boil and cook till done. Strain in a colander and return to pan, if you over cooked em and they are mushy let em sit and dry out a little before proceeding. Mash with butter, a little milk and some sour cream, season and serve.


For extra points make mashed potato pancakes for breakfast the following day.


The Idahoan inst-mashed are good for hotel living along with a foreman grill and a thin cut steak.







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Many basic outdoor products such as lawn chairs, hoses and bbq's can be acquired for free in plots of land adjacent to yours. Make sure you set them on the curb first, thereby placing them into category of "trash", which is legal to rummage and salvage, and spraypaint a different color to avoid identification by previous owner.

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at a certain point in a relationship, you can end a conversation by stating the status of the relationship...you can say how you feel and that ends it...if you're in love.

like, 'okayy, i gotta go, i love you.'

you can't do it any time.. before that.

like, 'okay, i gotta go, i'm not that serious about you but i wanna hook up with you a couple more times.'

not opinion, hard fact, usually..from what i've experienced. anyway.

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Safeway grocery stores, VONS in some parts of the country have a policy of letting the customer sample anything. If your are curious about produce you can ask and try it in the store, same goes for anything, chips, cookies or whatever.


I have only done this for fruit but my buddy who worked there said that if a customer asked to taste a chip or whatever they are supposed to open the bag up and let em try.

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ya'll are doing it wrong.



this is all opinionated advice, not tips and tricks.


one tip/trick, when someone online is annoying you, it is very easy to add them to the ignore list so you don't have to read their verbal diarrhea anymore.


or don't become "annoyed" by something as trivial as an internet message board. if you're becoming "annoyed by the internet" it's probably time to reevaluate some things in life.

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Check the little hole where the stems supposed to be at the top of the avocado.

Pop stem off, if it's any other color than a nice green, it's probably a bad avocado. Also obviously feeling around for softness and whatnot.

Those little shits are expensive and up until I learned this trick I'd piss myself off bringing home crap avos.


Eat all the grapes at the grocery store.

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