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Come ups: Flipping money and the hustle


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ive said it once and i will say it again... flip vintage hip hop gear


fools will pay dough for vintage northface gear/ polo/ nike etc.


learn the value of such gear and hunt at thrift stores and flee markets, and even swap meets.


turn someone's trash into your fortune.


become friends with wholesalers who may sell shit that's useful. IE: deadstock vintage snap back hats, starter jackets and such. i can get these items for a fraction of the cost and re sell for high profit.


this is no secret, just pay attention to what's in style and in high demand and make loot off of it. just like when cats were buying out entire stocks of PS2's at stores when it first came out. $$$$$$$$

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sell some drugs to someone and have your boys rob them. works every time


My brother told me one day he was selling a pound of bud to some college kids, then got a phone call that someone else wanted it, so he punched the kid in the face and walked back out of the apartment with the pound and the money. Not even close to the coolest/"toughest" robbery story I've ever heard, but definitely the funniest :lol:


Also, this was probably 15 years ago, so any law enforcement monitoring can rest easy

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Talk about come ups, hustles, etc. I'm in the mood to learn something new.



Found this:





1. Money ain’t sh!t. Once you put this in your head, you’ll soon start to see your income skyrocket. Your mind can do some crazy ass sh!t. Have you ever lost something and tried so hard to look for it - but never succeeded? You only found it when you stopped putting so much emphasis on looking for it, right? Stop putting so much weight on money. Money aint sh!t.


2. Money as a Vehicle

Money gets you places. Your muscles can get you places. Money is a tool to build whatever you want to build, get you to wherever you want to get. A foot slipper can do the same thing. Just like a knife, you can either be constructive or destructive. Destruction: you slash your baby mama’s lungs out of her body and then slice off your eyelids. Constructive: You cut pieces of meat and veggies to feed your family so they can be strong and work for your ass while you eat, sleep, and sh!t for 23 hours a day. Think of the huge impact of what things can do. Money is more versatile a tool than many other tools out there - so make sure to utilize it like the ultimate tool, not the ultimate destructive tool (drugs).

3. Stop Flossin’

You can get money quick, you’re on the fast track. You’re banking $10,000 a day running legit businesses. You decided you deserve to floss it, telling everyone how much you make…you get jacked. Don’t be a target. The internet is the same damn story - e-thugs be doing drive by spamming. They do you in your ass too - giving you mad viruses. Stop acting like a baller, leave that to the fake rappers on MTV. Handle you, your gold diggin girl, and your family. Your friends ain’t gotta know. And you’re a wanksta if you have to pay for respect and props. Money talks, but so does a gun in your mouth. The more modest you get - the more fun the game gets.

4. Learn how to read numbers

I learned how to read numbers at a very young age. Reading numbers is just like learning a new language, you see patterns, you see correlations, and you start formulating a picture and forecasting. Be your own Financial Miss Cleo and start loving how to read numbers. Again, learn how to read numbers. See trends. See how events effect numbers. See how small your penis is.

5. Fall 8 Times, Get up 9 Times

If you are scared of failing, close this thread and continue on to www.midgetporn.com . You ain’t gonna be rich homeboy.

6. Learn about the power of compounding

If Einstein said it’s one of the most ingenious concepts of all time - then your ass should listen and utilize it. Take your ass to google.com and look up “The Power of Compounding”. Learn it, understand it, use it.

7. Look for Mentors

Kobe is a herb, but he can hoop like a no other. He did it by copying Jordan. Find mentors. There’s a lot of child molestors on the internet, but there are also good mentors. Look for a forum, and start developing relationships with these people who are nerds just like you. Save them on your buddylist and make sure to keep asking them questions and bothering them until they block your chauncy ass.


Sorry mate, but s'all just how to say a resounding fuck all in 8 long paragraphs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i mean, just dont sell it infront of the fucking bookstore...



if you live in an army town you can make and sell spice. depending on the size of the batch it wont cost more then a dollar per gram, and marines buy the FUCK out of it. plus its legal in most states, so if you get caught you just gotta tell them to get it tested in court and youl get the charges dropped.

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  • 7 months later...


Search Seller carry or look for FSBO properties call the sellers ask them if they will carry the loan at a decent rate they usually own them free and clear. If they dont ask if loan is assumable. Use what money you have make a small down payment to them for carrying the loan. Calculate the loan payment with taxes and insurance if you can rent it for anything over this dollar amount the property will cashflow and is a good prospect. No bank qualifying you can buy as many of these as you want.


So here is the outcome.


Example you find 100K house put 5k to get the seller to carry the 95K loan at simple interest only of 6% your payment with taxes is roughly 575.00 a month. So you rent it for 675.00 and you profit 100.00 a month cashflow. Doesnt seem like much for your 5k investment but you couldnt get a return of 100 dollars a month in the bank and you would never get 5-10% appreciation on 100K. So lets recap for your 5K in the first year you return approximately 1200 in rents 5-10K in appreciation. Thats pretty solid take 20 grand and do 4 houses thats a pretty good return for 20K. 400 dollars a month for you and a potential return of 20-40K in the first year if you sold.


This is being conservative in my area the appreciation could reach 20% in the first year due to foreclosures bringing down prices recently. The prices are already stabilizing so you have to act fast and get deals while sellers are still naive to think the bottom is not yet here. Bottom was 3 months ago IMO.


In 2 years you can sell them high and diversify your money elsewhere or by a bigger rental cash and now you have more cash flow and a larger initial investment. Most Real estate investors invest this way to create longterm cash not quick flips. Flips take more risk and more cash to fix, more of a gamble. Rentals are more cut and dry, a wise investor once told me buy any real estate that will pay for itself. Using other peoples money to make you money is a hustle in itself, you dont have to be a genius just motivated and determined.


I don't see how 5-10% appreciation is even possible in this market unless your talking about some hot, specific area in particular. Otherwise, the country's average home prices STILL HAVE NOT STABALIZED YET. I wouldn't put my money in the real estate market any time soon. Bank of America currently owns 12,000 homes in the Phoenix, Az metro area that ARE NOT FOR SALE. They purchased them to try and stop the declining home values. Your example would be semi-reasonable if you were talking about 2000-2005 but def not now or anytime soon. IMO

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I own a second house that I rent... What that faggotry hustle doesn't account for are all the little fucking things that need repairs throughout the year, for me in my first year it was sprinkler system (twice), pool pump, water heater, roof...


Renters can potentially fuck everything up.. Carpets, garbage disposal, sewage/drainage, water heater, garage door, landscaping, AC units... All sorts of shit.


A lot to gamble on a hundred dollar hustle, plus this dude thinks people have infinite credit and can get new mortgages daily.


Worst advice ever.

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My friend and I have been talking about buying cars, scooters, jetskis, anything motorized. Fixing them, making them look nice and selling them.


buy old bikes and fix them !


i spent 20 dollars on a frame and fork .. dropped about 80 into it (100).. and now i can flip it for around 350 !


kinda gotta know what your doing tho .. cant be just any frames and parts.

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Nicer 10 speeds and fixies are were the moneys at.

But its better to start doing that before/around spring

cause that is when everyone wants a new bike. Had

a friend pick up a fixie from a guy on craigslist the

way we made it sound he was selling a couple a

week most were 300+ but a few he had were cheaper.


Just selling 3 a week that is almost a grand extra in

your pocket, of course you need the time and have

to know what you're doing, but idt its that hard to

learn how to fix bikes.

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