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"Jan 14, 2004 (CIDRAP News) – One of the worst fears of infectious disease experts is that the H5N1 avian influenza virus now circulating in parts of Asia will combine with a human-adapted flu virus to create a deadly new flu virus that could spread around the world."




the dangers of tamiflu




rumsfeld tamiflu link




1976 swine flu scare



Only young Lewis died from the swine flu itself in 1976. But as the critics are quick to point out, hundreds of Americans were killed or seriously injured by the inoculation the government gave them to stave off the virus."



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  • Replies 311
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I just wish people would realize that Bush Jr. wasn't the only problem, and he wasn't the only one setting up what Bush Jr. did.


Blaming everything on him is not only not fair, it's not right. Clinton, Bush's daddy, Regan, all of their policies and moves have set us up for the position we are in today. Obama is no different. Watch them play it the same way with him.









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I just wish people would realize that Bush Jr. wasn't the only problem, and he wasn't the only one setting up what Bush Jr. did.


Blaming everything on him is not only not fair, it's not right. Clinton, Bush's daddy, Regan, all of their policies and moves have set us up for the position we are in today. Obama is no different. Watch them play it the same way with him.




I actually just read a book called America Divided, examining what happened in the 60s and how it essentially has shaped us into what we are today...


That being said, I fully agree with this statement.

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Fuck all of you finger pointing, good for nothing, blind look in the mirror ass motherfuckers.

You and your lazy self entitled asses are the problem with America and the world.

Your fake ass would rather look rich and successful than actually be rich and successful.

Fuck your problems and your worthless little wasted lives.

I'm doing great.

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theres some dude on 790 AM that comes on before coast to coast that is all about bashing obama.... he calls himself the "great american" .... has anybody else heard this dude? hes a nutcase, but it makes me laugh to hear him talk. i forget his name, some fox news guy.

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in 100 days, obama has spent more money than all the other presidents combined. COM fucking BINED




He's also done a shit load more than any other president did in their first 100 days.

It's gonna cost alot more money to fix the mess Bush left us in.

At least your faggot ass Ron Paul didn't get elected, we'd aready be in the second great depression if that happened.

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He's also done a shit load more than any other president.

It's gonna cost alot more money to fix the mess Bush left us in.

At least your faggot ass Ron Paul didn't get elected, we'd aready be in the second great depression if that happened.




why so hostile DAO?


Ron Paul knows what the deal is. You my friend do not.



we are in a depression, DAO. we are. you can deny and deny, but we are in it.


it started in february.



obama is doing nothing to destroy those laws that bush brought in. you know that.

the ghost sites aren't going anywhere,


here's obama laughing at you and the rest of the idiots who believe him.



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Sorry, I respect other opinions but this makes you look like a dumbass. What does Obama have to do w/ Swine Flu? Blame Mexico. And the previous jackass is why we have a huge debt and crappy economy, you don't seriously think Obama created all that in 100 days, do you??




i'll give you the debt, but actually clinton signed the bill that deregulated the banking industry and set the stage for the situation we're in now, give credit (blame?) where it's due


as a white man, my new favorite joke is...wait for it...wait for it...the black man is holding me down.


thanks, i'll be here all week, tip your waitress, try the meatloaf, i hear it's delicious

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surely he's not that bad


the world celebrated when he got in and I think he was the best choice.


100 days is nothing the events of the last few months were out of his control so step off and fix your own shit then start bitchin'

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