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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Weed where i live, rural ass CT, for most people costs $20 a gram all the way up, so you take shit like that


make this out of a 1/8th



sell it to kids make money back plus have mad weed to get high on, cause despite what it might look like that weed is headies no question about it


You sound like my retarded cousin from Baltimore.

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who wears short shorts?


the harness you wear for rockclimbing loops through each of your legs, pulling your shorts into your anus, your balls up to your navel and makes your penis poke out horizontal. his shorts are probably normal length, he just looks silly because all of his weight is bearing on the harness.


i havent been rockclimbing in ages, used to do it regularly. luckily my mate works at a climbing gym so i come in for free, might go tomorrow actually.

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ive done it a few times in an indoor setting. i didn't get much enjoyment from it but it was rewarding to reach the top


it's a lot more satisfying when you are good enough to be able to push really hard, for a few hours that way you can get lots of progress in. but if you havent done it before most people just enjoy reaching the top like you said. i fucking love it when bitches come in, get too high, look down and begin crying hysterically whilst ruining there arms and not trusting the harness...too enjoyable to keep a straight face.

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last 3 days in pics..



cleaned out portland apt, said goodbye to nice kitchen



little brother smoking drugs



took lil dude out for laughing planet burritos MmMmMmM





roommate bought me some four lokos n we hit the range





ended up sneaking onto the course and getting shit faced until the sun went down. my glasses got broke,and im now fuckin blind, but it was fun.



big mac sauce + double cheeseburder = the nig mac



roomie cant hang with the nig macs n puked outside the karaoke spot



i sung land down under, by men at work, which was very well received



fucked roomie up at pool



roomie sung tiny dancer




took homegirl to my fav dessert shop - i thought i would be clever n do a lil switcheroo... /no racism



helped buddy move some paint



meal fit for a king

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iou and dow dope, omega frizzy fresh...

ive got like a million pics saved... i recently came back from the arctic circle, but technically they were a days of mine, just a little more eventful i guess, i know the spirit of the thread is supposed to be more geared toward an average day, but i think its interesting to see peoples experiences around the world. this thread has deff made me document my shit again, i fell off for a few years, but thanks. hat goes off to you dudes and pistol as well.

ill start posting again when i get a little organized.


cool story brew...

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im not sure how well received those Dap pics in this thread will be, but you made me laugh.


and wanting more.


that shit was great, but to short.


i wanted to see what happened in family court, i wanted to see what his family looked like. and then i wanted to see how the rest of his day went.


shit was comedy.

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word bro. thats whats up.


i also notice that you are a toy troll whos characters are artistic but dont really fit into graffiti at all. so pretty much your words are irrelevent in my world aswell as my culture.


and see, the problem with having a "graffiti" style but not being good enough is the fact that your "style" is also not good enough for other brands of "art"


my advice to you would be go to your nearest art store. buy three exacto knives. the ones used to cut lino's etc...


walk out the store and proceed to slice your face up with one of the exacto's until a crowd gathers.


remove your left eyelid and present it to the first male that walks by and your second removed eye lid to the first female both at the blade tips of two of the three exactos.


use your last remaining exacto to remove your testicles and place testi's into mouth at either side of cheeks so you look like a chipmunk.. then wait. wait.


and wait.


dont chew.


once youv let your own balls sit in your mouth no less than 3 minutes stab yourself repeadedly in your forhead and facial regions.

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