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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear (new) second job,


thanks so much for having me come in today for training, for the same shit we've been doing for a week that I'm already trained in, only to let me sit there for a half hour and tell me that we won't be training today. It's cool. I didn't mind traveling 1.5 hours to get there and hafta turn right back around.


-pissed off face

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear new property,

You know that previous owner guy that died in the bathroom a few months ago?

Don't let his ghost haunt me. I already don't sleep well as it is and the idea of a haunted toilet gives me the heeeeeebie jeeeebies.

Yours truly,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear new property,

You know that previous owner guy that died in the bathroom a few months ago?

Don't let his ghost haunt me. I already don't sleep well as it is and the idea of a haunted toilet gives me the heeeeeebie jeeeebies.

Yours truly,



Dear haunted

burn some sage

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear workers,


Thanks for being late at the yard last night/this morning...But I'm at work on time with only an hour and a half of sleep. The slaying of the beast shall resume...


Fuck you very much!



Dear Sir,


I know what you mean. I get pissy when the workers decided to work late. Nothing ruins a good day like getting all my shit together and not being able to paint.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear catface,


I think our twinliness is beyond all other twins. Meaning that we are just both bad ass evil look alikes. But if anyone asks I’ll let them know that of the two of us you have a tendency to be more devious.

Your lesser evil but still evil twin- Banana fish


Dear parking tickets (8 to be exact),


Please erase yourself from my life I am too broke right now to pay for you and in all honesty have no will to do so either. I just don’t know where anyone comes off on charging me to park somewhere it seems pretty outlandish to me. Maybe instead of paying you I’ll just see how many I can get before A. I get in mucho trouble with the law and become incarcerated or B. I get enough to make wall paper for my room.

Making lemonade of lemons- B. Fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Herbal Guy,


Why must you not pick up the phone. I need some herbal enlightenment.

This enlightenment can not be found in a dime with seeds and stems. I

Would like a large satchel of the best and not resort to traveling. I feel

like I'm being dumped so I must now pursue other things.



Angry clear eyed mofo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear (newish) second job,


I find it hilarious that I didn't show up for training today, and yet you didn't even give a fuck to call and see what was up with me. Glad that turned out a lot less painless than I thought, and ditching you for tacos was WELLLLLLL worth it.




Dear bananafish twin,

you're the best twin ever || /no homo.

I wish I had thought of the wallpaper thing when I had accumulated soo many tickets last summer; alas, you get the shoe on your car here if you have more than 3, and yes, i will park wherever I damn well please, within reason of course.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ______,


i never expected you to kill yourself, why didnt you ask for help or try to cope with things, shit couldnt have been that bad. I love you and I will take care of the family. RIP.




the big lad



this isnt someone i know is it? ive been kind of out of the bay area loop.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear rabbit i found in the street


where did you come from?

i took you to the vets but you didnt have a chip

im going to put up some found posters tomorrow

so get ready for a mega awesome photo shoot

if no one calls

i am def keeping you, you snuggly pile of fur



my cat has the hots for you i think

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