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Sir Doodles

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Everything posted by Sir Doodles

  1. I am at a loss of words on that last photo post....Now I'm hungry
  2. If I was drunk (which I'm not, I'm high) but everyone on this page gets a smash, especially everyone.
  3. I no se why de wimens of my peepl du dis tu demselves....pinche chavalas
  4. That broad drinks water like a homeless person
  5. Good shit by Post, Live, along with Utah & Ether doin' it up in Chinese Mexico...
  6. ^Co-signed with a gift card to they favorite buffet place.
  7. Happy Birthday HBK aka Afroe 42...we miss you Love, KYM crew
  8. A hipster is a hipster no matter what color they are...
  9. Mmmmm.....beer gut on a chick exposing mid-drift. All she needs to to do is show that plumbers crack on some lo-rise jeans and now we're talking!
  10. 56 aka SMS Scratch Master Scarce the all-time classic Chicago transit king....
  11. ^ It's called cocaine money...and it's a helluva drug. Not that I would touch the stuff (heart condition) but shit....Picking up Reyes for $100 million & now they're making an offer to Pujols for 10 yrs at $195? Fuck you Fish!!!!
  12. Damn.....Talk about funk and style
  13. Briella Bounce...another whooty from Texas.
  14. ^ Yeah but who's gonna know? Go ahead and order in
  15. Don't get high on your own supply...but what about a bump?
  16. ^ Sure let's why the hell not...
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